Project 52 2021 week 41
Another week of not much going on. Just work and school, and a bit of tennis. Covid cases continue to rise – unsurprisingly given most people seem to have stopped wearing masks or being careful. Two schools nearby have closed for a firebreak as cases have risen fast. Hopefully people get a break over half term and more older children get jabbed. Hopefully cases will start to come down.
Here’s our week 41 for Project 52.
On Sunday I dragged N out to play tennis down at the club which was fun. They’re looking at getting a coach for the juniors again on Sundays, which means we’ll have to find another time for me to get to play. It’s a shame because we have a lot of fun just hitting balls and him telling me what I should be doing. We didn’t do much else other than take the dogs out for a walk. The older one loves tagging along, especially when they spotted walkers coming along our footpath. I’m not sure the walkers were too pleased to have our 2 labradors bounding towards them for a stroke. Thankfully they’re harmless and they’ll come when called. It was t shirt weather for walking so the younger lab had a dip afterwards to cool off.
Monday was back to work and school. It was a day of meetings (as was the rest of the week). N enjoyed multisports after school club. I submitted his application for secondary school. And I started doing some more Christmas shopping including stocking fillers. I’ve no idea if N still believes in Father Christmas, but you can’t beat opening a stocking at Christmas.
On Tuesday it was more work. N was not impressed that they had mindfulness. Evidently a whole hour of it, just being quite in class at their desks. Yawn. He came home so tired. His friends feel the same about it – he’d rather do reading or some other type of work he’s not keen on. I understand why it can be good for some children, but I reckon most of the class would find it more helpful to be let out for an hour to run around the field, or do something like listening to nature outside. Much more productive but still taking time out from any stresses (although N would say he doesn’t have any).
Wednesday not much different. N has decided that he’s not having school dinners in future. They’ve got so bad and such small portions, he’s just refusing. At least he now gets a hot meal at home in the evenings with me working from home, and he can sort out his own packed lunches. I just need to remember to buy enough food for that. Hopefully he’ll still have a couple of hot meals a week, so it’s not all sandwiches. N had his private tennis lesson. It looked like it went quite well, they did a lot of matchplay and serving.
On Thursday it was just more work and school. I’ve now got my work monitor and laptop set up nicely on my desk. Having the monitor and all the millions of cables means it’s so much harder to move everything off if I want to use my sewing machine. Otherwise I’m liking it. I went for my INR test which is still playing up again and has dropped again. The nurse had got me a flu jab out, so I had that. I wasn’t on the list last year, but she said I could have one so that saved me trying to get an appointment to get a paid one in town.
Friday was fairly quiet. N had his first Friday private lesson for a few weeks. Now he has an hour inbetween his private and group session so I had to go off and put dinner on so we could get it down him asap after we were back. The OH didn’t bother coming in 10 minutes earlier to put on the veg. In the end N said his knee was hurting too much to do another 1 1/2 hours of tennis, so I let him off. Hopefully it’s just slightly bruised and will be fine in a day or so. He thinks he must have bashed it diving for a try in touch rugby the day before at school. He’s not even playing contact rugby yet and already getting injuries. I dread secondary school PE!
Saturday was a rush around first thing. I ignored my first alarm but forgot hat my second alarm was off due to it being a weekend. So I woke up at 8.23 and realised we needed to be out of the house at N’s hair appointment by 9am…20 minutes away. Usually N wakes me up if I’ve not got up and we’ve got to be out, but he thought I’d already been up and about. So quick shower, wash hair, dressed and make up. Luckily I’d already written my shopping/to do list the night before. We arrived 8 minutes early so not too bad. N insisted on going home to have a shower to wash the hair off his neck before we went into town. I never get hair down my neck when I have a hair cut, but he and the OH both moan about it itching. We only needed a couple of things, then he was treated to a hot chocolate from Costa – freebie with my rewards.
The rest of the day was just relaxing, I did some of my puzzle, he threw out some ideas for his birthday party (he wants to go karting – I’m thinking that’s going to be extortionate). I’ve got til January to think about options.

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I am not sure I could sit for an hour and do nothing and Charlie most definitely couldn’t. Well done on making the hair appointment that is very impressive. Hope you get the school N wants.
An hour of mindfulness, sitting doing nothing would drive me nuts. I remember Eddie had one of those a while ago at school, and he didn’t enjoy it. The dog looks happy in that bucket. Hot chocolate from Costa sounds like a lovely treat.
My hubby always has to shower after a hair cut too. Complains its itchy.
Love the pic of the dog in the water!
Good luck with N’s secondary school application. An hour of mindfulness does sound like a lot. I quite like mindfulness but I’m not sure I’d want to do it for that long. My husband is the same with moaning about hair down his neck after a haircut and having to go and shower it off. Love your photo of your dog enjoying the water in the tub. #project365
Covid is still such a worry but it seems to be easing off at my girls school, well for the kids anway. It’s the teachers catching it now.
The mindfulness does sound like a waste of time at N’s school. It can be good but like you said a run about on the field would be better.
The dog looks like he’s having a great time in the water x