Weight loss update and enjoying clothes again
It’s been a few years since I really enjoyed clothes. Admittedly I live in jeans and tops and working from home now, I can’t see myself ever really getting out of jeans apart from the odd foray into the office for meetings. But clothes were all about what fits and doesn’t look too bad. Now I’ve lost some weight I’m enjoying going through my clothes again to see what I still like and now fit into again, and also looking to buy some new clothes.
I’ve mentioned before about my weight loss and getting back to keto. I started properly again back in March to get rid of all the weight I’d put on during lockdown (after I’d lost quite a bit up til then). I had a lot to lose, although I’m now not actually sure how much I had to lose and how much i’ve really lost because I bought new digital scales in May. Going from my old manual ones, and my even older manual ones (yes, I finally got rid of them), added another 3 stone on. So I dread to think how much I really weighed in the first place. Annoyingly, the new scales added on only 1 stone to N giving him a much more realistic weight as the old ones were telling him he’d lost a stone!. And even the OH didn’t add on as much as I did by buying them.

But it didn’t matter because I knew I’d lost weight before the new scales as I’d dropped inches and a dress size and a bit.
As well as reducing my carbs right down, and cutting out all the junk, I was back exercising again. I’ve been walking/stepping/dancing* at home (*call it what you will) to music, and pretty much every day hitting at least my 10k steps. Without doing this at lunchtime and mornings before work, and making the effort to get up through the day, I’d have been lucky to get to 3k steps a day. Once I get into work, it’s hard to move, so I really make the effort now. I’m quite pleased it looks like we’re now hybrid working and mostly from home going forward, because being back in the office would really limit the movement I can do through the day apart from a short lunchtime walk.
Since the new scales I’ve lost just over 2 stone, and from the start I’ve gone down 3 sizes. On top I’m 3-4 sizes down depending on the shop and style. I’ve gone down 2 watch strap holes.
I feel better in myself, my resting heart rate has gone down, and I reckon if I went back to dancing now, I would be able to dance for longer before going red and getting out of breath. Much better even than my pre-Covid fitness I think.
I’ve also been playing a bit of tennis, just hitting with N, but it’s all good exercise and enjoyable.
Over the last few months I’ve been making an effort to declutter my wardrobe. I’ve been selling my unwanted or no longer fitting clothes on Vinted, so it’s giving me a bit of money to spend on smaller size clothes too. I’ve always had a wardrobe full of different size clothes that I wanted to get back into, so I’ve been loving seeing what I can get back into.
Over the years though, tastes change, and there’s been a lot where I’ve decided I just wouldn’t wear them again. So off they’ve been put into the for sale pile. I’ve tried looking for items on Vinted to buy for myself, but I’ve not found anything I’ve liked (other than a Christmas jumper for N). But I’ve had some sale purchases online, and have dug through all my older smaller size jeans.
My standard style isn’t that exciting. It’s comfy – jeans with a colourful top in summer with a cardigan if needed. Winter I’ve had the jumpers out – it’s too cold in our house to still wear the tops I’d have worn in winter in the office where it was always like a sauna to me.
Jumpers have always been an issue for me. Quite often they’re just too short. I’m not tall, but fashion dictates what’s available. And either it’s long tunic style jumpers which cling over tummies and pear shaped backsides. Or cropped short. I get too hot in a cowl neck, and sometimes necklines aren’t too flattering.
Check out my recommendations on stocking up on lovely jumpers
I’m finding so many old jumpers I bought that were a touch too tight but I kept unworn, and now they fit. I just need to get some brighter ones now because a lot seem to be navy and dark colours, which when I’m generally in dark blue or black jeans, isn’t the most fun to wear.
I think jumpers will be my thing this year.
Shopping in general is much more enjoyable – I know the items that will suit me, and I’ve got more of a choice than I used to have.
I’ve still got to go through and streamline all my drawers again and go through the pile of old jeans (anyone else just got stacks of jeans of various sizes in their wardrobe?) to work out which are the next size I’ll be going into), and get rid of the old saggy ones. I’m planning on upcycling the denim into a rug or some useful basket storage if I’ve got enough.
I don’t need to buy a winter coat because I can get into most in my wardrobe.
Wellies are the only things I still struggle with thanks to my fatter left calf (post my 2 DVTs). However much weight I lose I think I’ll still need to find some wider leg wellies. This year I must do that, so I have some more substantial ones than the cheap short ones I had to buy before because they were the only ones that fit.
I’m looking forward to finding more wearable items again in my wardrobe as I lose the final couple of stone and see where I end up.
Have you lost weight and found a love of clothes again? What are your go to tips for staying on track and maintaining weight?
Congratulations on your weight loss, well done! What a great feeling to fit into clothes you’ve loved once again. 🙂
Thank you. I feel like I’ll be able to keep the weight off this time too.