Project 52 2021 week 43 half term fun
An even better week fitness wise. I’ve managed to up my steps this week, although once back at work that won’t continue at anywhere the same level. Otherwise, half term’s been a mix of wet, cold and a few blue skies. It’s beena good week, and some really needed time off. N’s been slogging his way through Goodnight Mr Tom for his homework for the week. I don’t think he’ll finish it, but he’s giving it a pretty good go. His first book with much smaller writing which he says is much harder to read, and a lot more characters to juggle. Hopefully he’ll now see that longer chunks of reading help him get into a book. It’s good preparation for secondary school type of reading that will be needed.
Here’s our week 43 for Project 52.
Sunday was a relaxing day. N didn’t want to play tennis in the morning, and it was a bit wet early on. It means that’s probably it for me tennis wise, unless I can get booked onto a rusty rackets course somewhere., as the club are starting back junior coaching on Sundays.
On Monday it was back to work. It was very quiet. After work N had his rearranged private tennis lesson. It was a really good session – he even managed to take a game off his coach with some really good rallies. It’s noticeable how fast an improvement we see after just a couple of lessons with the main coach. I think this coach was impressed too. I joined in with a Fitbit bingo – a monthly (and weekly) challenge). I’m determined to get fitter, and hopefully this will get me to up my steps more than usual.
Tuesday was just a normal work day, although a bit quieter as it was half term. N mostly spent the day out with his grandparents in the morning helping with shepherding. Then out with his dad in the afternoon.
On Wednesday it was N’s tennis tournament. It was a 7.30 start to get to the other side of Oxford for 8.45. It was nice to catch up with one of the other mums who I used to be in choir with at secondary school. The last time we think we saw each other was at an NCT social thing when our boys were about 3 years old! N didn’t win any of his matches.
One was really close – the referee had to get involved as the other child was diddling points and games. N wasn’t impressed because this child is renowned for calling lots of balls out when they’re not. I’m just amazed parents of these kids don’t have a word with them afterwards. There’s a couple we’ve met who do a lot of wrong calls. One or 2 is an error, but when they’re blatantly in and they’re all it out, that’s not on, and they should be called out on it. N needs to stand up for himself because parents aren’t allowed to interfere. Hard when it’s 2 children disagreeing and you know one is lying, not just making a slight mistake. He still enjoyed it, and did play well in a couple of matches. He just needs to get the consistency now.
We went into Oxford afterwards to get lunch – we ended up in Ask Italian again, although I had different food to last week’s pre-theatre visit. N didn’t bother with the children’s menu. He just had a normal pizza, as well as sharing my starter. And ate the whole pizza! Eating out is about to get expensive.
Thursday I had to go and get a new battery put in my car key fob. N likes coming to the dealership because they have nice hot chocolate and biscuits. We then nipped to the retail park round the corner to check out what Sainsbury’s had in Christmas and clothing wise. For lunch we had to try several coffee shops/cafes on the retail park before ending up back in Sainsbury’s for a Starbucks panini for N. So he was treated again. I can never eat anything in coffee shops now as they’re all carbs based. So I just had an almond milk Frappucino. The barista had to double check that regular cream was ok on top. I assume most people having almond milk are either allergic to dairy or vegan. For me, it’s just normal milk is too high carb.
In the afternoon we headed out for a dog walk. It’s funny to see how the dogs worship N, especially when he has treats to get them to sit nicely to put their leads back on after they’ve run wild.
On Friday it was too wet for N’s tennis lesson so we’ve rearranged for Monday. Instead we headed into town to check out the farm shop that opened up this year (it’s just fruit and veg so not that much there, although I’d like to check out the cafe sometime). We also visited the milk vending machine for milkshake before heading home and having a relaxing day. N carved his pumpkin, and I saved the seeds to roast for snacks. We did another afternoon walk. I always say I’m not a fan of just walking around the fields because it’s just a bit samey. But when I go with N it’s nice just to chat, and enjoy the dogs.
Saturday was a busy day. I had an early morning haircut, and did some Christmas shopping afterwards – stocking fillers and picking up bits for my godson and his sister. I’ve only now got my niece/goddaughter and N’s gifts to go. Oh and my brother. At home, I spent most of the day doing a Wentworth puzzle, doing a bit of reading with N. We also took the dogs out for a walk dodging the rain. We just got home before the hunt appeared with the hounds. The older dog spent the rest of the afternoon barking at the hunt supporters all parking up on the verges outside the farm, waiting for the horses to come across that way.

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Shame the other boy was cheating calling all the balls out, sad to hear parents cannot step in, but when they get to playing tournaments with an umpire they’ll soon start to realise it’s wrong. I’m loving this weather, dog walking and understand what you mean about it being samey, I try to walk a different route each time.
Sorry to hear about the other child cheating in the game, because that is essentially what it is. I would be livid if that had been my child misbehaving. Well done N on the improvement though and great that his coach was impressed.
I remember my son reading Mr Tom last year, when we were in lockdown, they also had some art tasks related to the book, which was fun. Good on N for reading, I know it’s not his favourite pastime.
We moved onwards from the kids’ menu a while ago, also because the choice is quite limited and not as interesting.
How annoying that child at the tennis game sounds.
Glad you’ve had a good half-term. Well done to N with his reading. I loved Goodnight Mister Tom. The Fitbit challenges are great for encouraging you to up your step count – haven’t taken part in one for a while but I always used to enjoy doing them. Hope N enjoyed his tennis tournament although sorry to hear about the other child calling lots of balls out when they weren’t. Hope N gets better at being able to stand up for himself with things like that. Sounds like you’ve been really organised with the Christmas shopping. Love the pumpkin. #project365
The umpire should be more careful without how the game plays out. Both children benefit from having rules enforced, in my opinion. Well done for keeping up with your fitness goals.
There is no umpire in kids tennis. They keep score themselves, and the receiver calls the ball out. Its usually fine but some kids aren’t always truthful. Some are just accidently missed, others are regularly calling balls out when they’re good.
Welcome to the world of not even looking at the kid’s menu. We’ve been on the full menu for a few years now, especially when it comes to pizza. My son loved Goodnight Mr Tom when they did it, probably less so when he read it himself, but he loved all the class work on that book. #365
Good on N with the reading. It sounds like he’s really trying and you with the fitness, it sounds like it’s going well.
hahaha! It is expensive when the kids start eating adult portions. I miss the days of the picking from the kids menu.
I love the pumpkin x
Sorry to hear that N didn’t win any of his games, but glad to hear his coach was impressed with him. It is hard when they don’t win, isn’t it, especially when they have worked so hard.
That sounds really frustrating re the child constantly calling balls out. Can’t the coach have a word to him and his parents?
The pumpkin looks cool.