Project 52 2022 week 27
A very warm week when N was on residential, and I got our long awaited trip to Wimbledon for men’s semi final day. Here’s our week 27 of Project 52.
Sunday involved last minute packing checks for residential. N also finished his photo board to take in for the last week of school (I say he finished it, but he wanted me to write the lettering, and I ended up glueing most of the photos on adding photo corners for extra security). It looks really good and it’s nice for him to have chosen the photos he wanted to use and have those to look back on.
On Monday I dropped N off before 8 for his residential. They’re off to Dorset for 5 days. I’m so glad they’re getting to go after they missed last year. The setting off Year 6 photo was funny – all these boys and just one girl, as the other girl was heading down a couple of days later. We had updates on text on where they’d got to – an afternoon activity on the beach, then off to their residential location. I’m hoping N had enough food for his packed lunch and snacks because it didn’t look like they ate tea til about 7. He usually eats at 5!
At lunch I took in N’s laptop to get the screen fixed. Luckily they could get hold of a screen from the UK, so it should be finished by next Monday. They only open on weekdays which is a bit of a faff. At least it can be fixed.
Tuesday wasn’t anything interesting. Just work, and more work. The updates coming from residential are funny. We get a short couple of sentences each morning saying what they did the week before, that they’ve all slept and eaten. We’ll just have to wait and see what they did properly when we get them back. Hopefully the teachers will have got a whole load of photos of them doing activities too.
Excitement in the evening because Cam Norrie got into the semi finals at Wimbledon which means we’ll get to see him play on Friday against Djokovic.
On Wednesday after work I had the secondary school parents information evening. Considering they stated it was for parents not kids, most had taken their children with them. The sessions were split into 2 depending on which tutor group/house your child was in. I was the only parent from our school there. Two I knew should have been in our slot but couldn’t make it, but it’s weird there was noone else. It’s so weird that they seem to have totally split up pretty much all the kids from our school, twins we know going there have also been split up – they’re not even in the same house or wing. Yet others we know of are in with friends. Bizarre.
There wasn’t any information provided that we couldn’t get from the website, and no chance to speak to their tutors, so I guess we’ll have to hope N gets more information on their school’s morning there at the end of term.
Rusty rackets was good. We focused on doubles play with lobs, teamwork and approaches. My favourite kind of tennis. We’ve only got 1 week left, but it sounds like most of us want to keep playing even if only informally getting together.
The weather was rising again on Thursday. My desk’s in a nice cool area of the house – so in the summer it’s great. I was relieved to be packing up for a long weekend. Work’s a slog at the moment and it feels like a lot of us are feeling overwhelmed with everything there is to do. Lots of experienced people have left or are leaving this year, and so many new people, as well as extra work being piled on on top of the basics we already have in to deliver. I’m looking forward to all my time off over the summer, but not looking forward to what needs to be delivery in autumn.
Friday was a brilliant day. My first trip to Wimbledon, mens semi final day (although with Nadal pulling out, it was only 1 semi, but luckily they added the women’s doubles semi finals to Centre Court as well). We had a great time. It was so hot though, I’m glad our tickets were for seats under the shade rather than out in the open. I would have been so sunburnt. We got to watch some of the juniors – wow, under 14s but they were so good. Then watched one women’s semi, followed by Cameron Norrie vs Novak Djokovic. Norrie’s serve wasn’t working, while after the first set, Djokovic was like a machine. I’m not keen on him, and it wasn’t the result us Brits wanted, but he didn’t deserve the boos from the crowd. It was a little embarrassing hearing that.
I got home late, so didn’t see N until Saturday morning…
And the joys of his suitcase, which at 2am on their last night, someone vomited over it. How, given it was under the bed, I’ve no idea. The teachers wiped everything off which for items inside was fine, but my suitcase looks like it’s going to have to be thrown. Gutted as I loved that case. Should have sent N with his as his is plastic sided whereas mine’s fabric.
On Saturday I also had my hair cut, but otherwise just had to spend a lot of time sorting out washing and various chores around the house. It was a bit too hot for me to do much more than a quick kick about for N to practice his football.

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The secondary school information evening sounded a bit disappointing. Hope you managed to get some more info when N had his morning there. Glad you had a lovely day out at Wimbledon. Hope N enjoyed his residential, not good that someone vomited over the suitcase though and what a shame that you’ll probably have to throw it out as a result. #project365
Glad N enjoyed his residential visit, shame about your suitcase, did you manage to save it? I bet the tennis was fab, good job you had some shade
It’s currently still sitting in the utility room. Still got splash stains unfortunately. Need to try something stronger on it.
Glad to read you got to see Wimbledon live, and sit in the shade too. Why were they booing Novac/ Is it still because he refused to vax? Or has he done something else to annoy the unforgiving public?
Looks like you had a great view over the court.
N. must have been very excited to go on a residential. Love the idea of the photo board for school.
Probably due to him beating a Brit! But could have also been that he’s just not very well liked on his outspokenness at not liking certain rules
How exciting for N to have been on his residential. It sounds like he had a great time.
That’s a shame that the parents information evening wasn’t that informative. I think you pick most of the important info up when the the kids actually start in September. lol
It sounds like you had a fab time at Wimbledon. It looks like you had a fantastic view x