Project 52 2022 week 45
We’re edging ever closer to Christmas, and this week has gone so fast. It ended up with a bit of illness, had a lot of work and homework, and a bit of sport. The usual. Although I am starting to think about Christmas. Here’s our Project 52 for week 45.
Sunday I didn’t get the lie in I’d hoped for but had managed to shift the headache. We popped to the farm shop, then it was back for N to work on his geography project while I did some of my jigsaw puzzle.
On Monday it was work and school. One of the bus driver’s is annoying and querying bus passes that don’t tilt when the phone moves, accusing N and his friend of screenshotting their passes. Despite the fact that the background is animated, and there’s a countdown until expiry! It’s only one driver who says it, and only the 2 kids with the same phone the feature obviously doesn’t work on. It’s ridiculous.
It was N’s private tennis lesson. He was playing with one coach, while his old coach was on the other court. I think it was better because he worked harder and there was less football chatter than normal. He played really well, so I think it was a good thing getting him back to it again. He seems to be enjoying it more again, so having a break was a good idea.
Tuesday was a bit frantic. I had an afternoon meeting but the OH couldn’t pick up N as they were TB testing on the farm. So N stopped off at my brother’s – cue them eating burgers in the airfryer and now he’s decided we need one. He finally finished his geography project.
Only one on castles to do now. So that, along with revision for a couple of tests, is needed over the weekend. Hopefully after that, he’ll have a breather and back to normal low levels of homework. He also warned me that he’d had to buy a friend lunch because he didn’t have any money, but he’ll get something bought in return. Hopefully his lunch on Thursday!
On Wednesday I was the only person who turned up to Rusty Rackets, so I got a private lesson. I’m so unfit so there were quite a few breaks and chatting, but it was great. I’m not sure they’ll say it’s sustainable unless others are going to turn up, otherwise I might need to either pay more to have a hitting lesson, or hold off til the winter’s over and more people want to play.
Thursday was frantic with work. N had to blitz his geography project to get it finished.
On Friday it was a relief to be at the end of the week again. N’s RE teacher had found his missing water bottle. Just his school shirt and sports socks that are missing (and unlikely to be seen again).
It was a rush after work and school as N had his orthodontist check and confirmation of having braces. It felt like a waste of time having to trek into town, pay for parking for all of 2 minutes in with the dentist to measure his bite, check which teeth he had, and say she was putting him on the waiting list. Hopefully we should have his appointment in 6 months. As time was tight we had Dominos takeaway, before his tennis lesson.
Saturday was unfortunate that after making the football team, N woke with painful tonsils and not feeling right. Covid test was negative. So no football for him while I went to get a bread and pastries treat for lunch from a little bakery in the village where he goes to school.
He felt better later on apart from his throat so we needed to get him some metai stud football boots for now the ground’s softer. Thankfully the £40 ones fit rather than the next price at £70! Ouch. The rest of the day was just at home, and he had to get his homework done.

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Good to hear N is getting on well with his homework, shame about the football and his illness, hope he’s better soon.
Sorry to hear that N has tonsilittis again and missed his football match. I need to go football boot shopping with Eliza as she has just made the team. Hope N also gets his buss pass sorted, how annoying
That’s annoying about the bus driver querying the passes – if there’s animation then clearly they’re not screenshotted! Sounds like N had a productive private lesson and lovely for you to get a private lesson for Rusty Rackets. Hope that more people turn up next time though so it can carry on. Sorry that N had a flare-up with his tonsils – hope he is feeling better now. That photo of all the treats at the bakery has made me feel hungry! #project365
Ugh! How annoying about the bus driver being so picky.
That is good about the private lesson at Rusty Rackets.
Well done that teacher finding the water bottle, I have always found that anything lost at secondary school is never seen again.
Poor N, I hope he feels fully better soon.
Yum! All of those treats look so good. I think I would have to try a Cruffin. x
I think I’m going to have to work my way through the pastries. N just went for a croissant – although it was huge.