Project 52 2019 week 39 – smashing conkers
This week’s been a quiet one so here is our week 39 of project 52.
Sunday was the recovery from Blog On the day before. N didn’t go to club tennis in the morning because he had a match play at one of the local clubs in the afternoon. They were lucky with the weather. They pushed it back half an hour and by then the rain had stopped.
There was meant to be five in their Orange level playing, but one didn’t turn up and another had moved up age group so there were only the three playing. They played two games against each person and then had a girl from mini green come down and play a doubles match with them. N lost against the boy he expected to, and won one and lost one against the girl. He was up 7-1 in both of these games against her before ending up winning 13-11 and losing 8-10. In all of his matches he had a lot of double faults, so he really needs to practice his serves.
It was helpful chatting to to the other two mums about tournaments, so now we have a plan going forward, for N being able to play in matches.
Monday was back to work and school. There wasn’t much happening in work this week , although it’s the end of the quarter which means forecasting will be coming up.
On Tuesday N’s tennis lesson was cancelled due to the weather. They’ll fit it in another lunch time at some point. They had an author visit trip so went off by coach to a nearby school.. N really enjoyed it despite him thinking beforehand that the author’s books sounded really boring. Of course, her taking a dog with her to the talk probably made a big difference.
Wednesday was more work and school.
On Thursday I had a flexi day off work and spent a lovely hour and a half catching up with an old school friend. We haven’t seen each other for a while and she’s having work done on her house so it wasn’t a long chat. I need to make more effort with people I haven’t seen for a while and actually get round to booking dates in to catch up with them.
N had a cooking lesson at school which he loved. They split into groups and cooked Mexican chilli con carne which he declared delicious. We now have to cook it at home which will be interesting given the OH won’t eat kidney beans or chilli. So we’ll have to make it on a day when he’s not around.
Friday was a bit of a strange day at work given I’d had Thursday off. I was picking up N’s tennis friend from school and ended up getting the nephew as well as my sister-in-law was away. They weren’t impressed that they had to do their homework when they got back to the house but they did end up being pleased they’d done it head of the weekend. Their tennis lesson had all 5 of them turn up and they played 3 ball challenge on the backhand this week. 34 was a bit different too the 91 rally on forehand last week. It was chilly watching and the benches were wet, so the other mum and I sat in the clubhouse in the warm.
Saturday was a quiet one. A quick nip into town to get some meat as well as stopping at the bakery stall on the market, then swimming lesson.
The other swimming teacher was away and they didn’t have cover because none of her classes were running. There’s currently no level 5 class before N’s lesson, so his instructor started his level’s lesson early. They also had the luxury of the whole pool. It was mostly arm practice for front crawl using the fins which they love using. Plus a bit of butterfly legs practice at the end. Having a whole pool meant that they were swimming a lot more but N did a good job of keeping up and he didn’t say that he was tired afterwards.
He’s the smallest by far in the class of 9. One of his friends turned up for the level 7 class afterwards and she’s in a similar situation that she’s year 5 and most of the rest are like giants in comparison to her. It is amazing watching the difference in technique between the kids in the class. Given that most of them have been taught by the same teacher all the way through it’s surprising that they don’t all have have really good technique.
The rest of the day was spent at home with N’s cousin for most of the afternoon. Luckily the rain held off and the boys played outside pretty much all afternoon – playing cricket, tennis, on the swing, picking apples for crumble and collecting conkers. Before deciding to smash them, testing which was best – cricket bat or pogo stick!
I got out my jigsaw from last year that I still need to finish before I can move onto my new wasgij puzzle.

We have the same issue with homework it takes a lot of convincing. The chilli sounds good. Monkey can’t wait to start cooking classes at school. Sounds like the sports all went well this week
I’d eat a chilli con carne, my mum hates ‘foreign muck’ we cook it and give it another name and she eats it quite happily. I’d just call it mince and rice. The small tennis groups sounds like a good idea. We collected conkers last week, Thing 2 declared to his teacher he had a plonker in his pocket when we got to school
It sounds like a wet but busy week! Chilli con carne sounds good!
thats a good stash of conkers….we haven’t spotted any…but then haven’t actually been out specifically looking!
Looks like a good conker stash there. Well done on the cooking, something they don’t seem to do at our school really. #365
Chilli con carne could be cooked without kidney beans, will you husband eat any other beans?
I wonder now who the author with the dog was (Emma C by any chance? I know she has a dog).
Love the photo of the conkers, they look so shiny.
Nice to have small groups in tennis to see what he needs to work on.
It is difficult to swim against bigger people but I suppose it is down to technique.
Very few of the conker trees round here seem to have conkers on.
It sounds like the boys had fun with the conkers. We’re planning to find some this week! x
It sounds like a busy week of tennis for N and it sounds like he’s doing really well with it too. You must be proud. It’s great that he’s learned to make chilli con carne – and that he likes it! There’s no way my daughter would eat that, although my boys would.