Project 52 2023 week 11
Another week, and things are definitely starting to feel more like Spring. Brighter skies, a couple of days where I’ve not needed to wear my gilet in the house. It’s week 11 of Project 52.
Sunday was a quiet one. I’d planned a lie in to catch up on sleep, but that didn’t work. I woke at my usual weekday alarm time. Sigh. N finished his history project, I went out to get diesel. Otherwise a relaxed day, although it still didn’t feel long enough. Note to self, never use Mary Berry’s brownies recipe. It’s too cakey and heavy, not like brownie at all. I’ve made the mistake of twice using that recipe, when I should be using Nigella’s.
On Monday the weather was awful. Gusty winds plus rain, so no surprise that tennis was cancelled. After not really thinking about it, I paid for a usual 7 day bus pass…then hours later remembered that N wouldn’t be in school 2 days this week thanks to the teachers strikes. So that was £10 more than I needed to spend this week.
Tuesday it was trying to sleet. Thankfully that didn’t last long but it was such a cold day. I was late picking N up from the late bus after football club.
On Wednesday I spent most of the day cold. It was the 1st of 2 teachers strike day, so N was at home. He had work from 3 teachers, and some generic stuff that wasn’t his lessons on the day. He spent the rest of the day on his bike or out helping on the farm. Football was very wet, but the first part involved daylight and no putting up mobile floodlights.
Thursday was day 2 of the teacher strikes. School work was rushed through, then the farm called. For me it was just work as usual. Our chest freezer decided to do a bit nuts, and drop to -38C. Thankfully the next day (after I’d moved 1 item) it was back to it’s normal -16C temperature again.
On Friday it was back to school for N. I had a half day holiday. After having a bad night’s sleep and waking with a headache I’d hoped for an afternoon to try and nap it off. But I ended up working into my leave and then prepped tea before N’s tennis lesson. N came home having had his first detention. Evidently half the class had missed 1 question in some art homework from September. So a bit ridiculous.
Saturday was a quiet day. N was out farming, I nipped into town. Used my first free car wash voucher from my car insurance – I’m looking forward to having a clean car more often. There’s no excuse if I’ve got a voucher each month. I bought myself some tulips. A sign of spring along with the daffodils starting to bloom this week, and blossoms I’ve spotted this week. Then I spent quite a bit of time sobbing my way through the last third of my latest read, The Reading List. Definitely a book I recommend if you’ve not read it.

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I love tulips, although my last bunch didn’t really open. The weather has been rubbish here too, with lots of rain and high winds – my garden is like a bog!
Sorry you didn’t manage to get your lie in and that you were feeling unwell towards the end of the week. Hope the headache didn’t last too long. Those tulips are beautiful. I love spring flowers. #project365
Sorry you weren’t feeling well towards the end of the week. Gorgeous tulips, it’s defiantly getting warmer and brighter out there, can’t wait for some dryer weather
That’s a shame that you didn’t get a lie in on Sunday, I hope you get one tomorrow. My girls school had teachers striking but not enough to mean the school had to close. That detention for N does sound ridiculous, it’s not fair to punish the whole class if half miss a question and from September makes it even worse!
Those flowers are so pretty! I do love tulips. x
It was only the half of the class who missed the question. Seems a bit harsh, there might be reasons for missing it, or maybe it wasn’t obvious. There was also a detention for the whole class for 1 person talking .That’s totally off.