Project 52 2023 week 43
This week was a lot drier than I expected given the forecast. A week with some fun things, and I’ve started trying to up my steps and eat healthier again (kind of for the latter). Here’s our week 43 for Project 52.
Sunday was relaxing but frustrating too. I’ve started adding things back on Vinted again, dropped something I sold at the parcelshop then needed to go to M&S. It’s now out of town and just after opening time, there were no parking spaces. Just lots of cars driving around waiting. So I gave up on that. I’ll have to go back in the week – a frustrating waste of time. N spent most of the day finishing his geography project.
On Monday it was time to get back to healthier eating. Stopping snacking, and do more exercise. So I’ve started my stepping again. Hopefully I can start with 10k steps, then increase it again as I get fitter. I’ve also added a decent skipping rope to an early Christmas order I’ve done, so I will hopefully get onto that too.
Tuesday I started well with my steps again, but as it goes through the day it doesn’t really happen as consistently. N’s main Christmas present arrived – luckily I managed to get next door to hold onto it for me so he doesn’t nosy.
On Wednesday, it was a day of diversions. I needed to drop off a couple of Vinted sales. But with the joys of all the fibre internet being laid around here, so many roads were closed. So I went on a few interesting back road detours. And I must remember not to go to my usual drop off as the main road next week will be closed for 3 days. I don’t fancy even working out where the diversion would actually be to get there via a different direction.
N had a ‘relaxed learning day’ at school. They have a day of different themed lessons by year group, from exotic ecosystem themed animals to diversity and equality discussions. Then school football club followed by football team training. It was nice to chat to some different parents this evening there.
Thursday I had a flexi day off work. It was all a bit last minute in planning, but I managed to get to Blenheim Palace for a very quick trip to see the Netflix Queen Charlotte costume displays. I was one of the first in, so was able to see them and the rooms without lots of slow people and children around.
On the way home I stopped for some lunch – failed to get myself jeans and N next size up school trousers – it seems the out of town M&S is living up to its rubbish size/uniform offer compared with the former small town store. Then I did some of my latest puzzle before heading out to pick up N. A flexi day is never that long anymore, as at primary I’d get the full til 5pm day because he always had football club afterwards.
On Friday, it was the last day before half term. We nearly missed the bus. Having left home a couple of minutes late, we got to the stop to notice N didn’t have his tie. So rushed back home to grab it, then back again. Of course the bus was early, so it was just there as we pulled up, so he was lucky to make it.
I managed to cram in quite a lot at work after a day off. And finished on time. Yay. Tennis was quiet with only 3 of them. The coach didn’t have anyone there for the lesson before ours. None of the parents had thought to tell him which is disgraceful.
Saturday was an early haircut for N. Complete with photo haircut request which is brilliant because it means I don’t have to explain what he wants (and worry about getting it wrong). Then a football match. It was a match we were expecting to win given the other team’s previous results. Our boys played well, with N starting and playing well into the second half. But their striker was very fast and had a great foot (with a couple of lucky bounces). It ended in a loss which was a shame. On to the match next week although we’re definitely expecting that one to be tougher.
I made gingerbread traybake for pudding, and it smelt very Christmassy in the house afterwards.

New post this week:
It’s frustrating when there are lots of road works and diversions. Good luck with getting back into the stepping. The relaxed learning day sounded like it was fun. Love the photo of the Queen Charlotte costume display. #project365
The gingerbread traybake sounds lovely and I do love the smell in the house. Shame about the M$S store, the parking and lack of availability. If N is playing football in Worcester and you fancy a meet up, let me know, I can pop over.
Ugh! That is frustrating about no parking spaces at M&S.
Good luck with the healthy eating and exercising more, I find it so hard at this time of year when all I want to do is sit under a blanket.
The costumes at Blenheim Palace look beautiful. x