Project 52 2023 week 44
Another week, this time half term for us. I only took a few days off, and didn’t really have much planned. Nowadays we don’t tend to go out much unless we’re on holidays, because older children just don’t tend to want to go out. Or can’t think of places they’d like to go to. It’s a shame, but means I get a lot more reading and puzzles done, if a severe lack of steps in comparison to holiday time of old. Here’s our week 44 for project 52.
On Sunday the clocks went back. I woke at 5.28 (near enough my usual old time of 6.30), then couldn’t get back to sleep because of the vehicles bleeping in the yard doing the feeding. I tossed and turned, then end up with a headache all day. I napped most of the day, did a bit of my puzzle, and thankfully it had mostly gone by the evening.
Monday was an in office day given it was the start of half term. It’s often easier being in the office, then N doesn’t hang around at home. Although I have been nagging him quite a bit about about his various projects and homework he needs to do.
On Tuesday it was back into the office again. I do enjoy being back in but crikey the traffic out in the evening was painful.
Wednesday was my first day off for the week. It was fairly relaxing although we did nip into town to take some returns back, then to the farm shop to order our Christmas turkey. N had an obsession with sorting out the flowers in the wall. So he cleared all the dead marigolds, removed lots of the old compost. Then added fresh in, plus planted (rather too many I suspect), tulips and mini daffodil bulbs. Hopefully we’ll have some colour from earlier next year.
Thursday was the middle of Storm Ciaran. Thankfully it didn’t seem too horrendous compared to where some places like the Channel Islands. After lunch we went bowling with N’s friend and his mum – seeing 2 other friends and parents also there at the arcades or bowling. I managed to win 1 game, although I can’t say I was very good compared with other times. Then we had a late lunch/early dinner at Pizza Express. It was a lovely afternoon catching up, and the boys enjoyed it. It won’t be long before they don’t want to go out with us anymore. N ended up having a sleepover at their house.
On Friday I had to hang around and wait for ages til my Tesco shop arrived. Yet again, just about arrived inside the 9-10 slot. I thought they’d fit in a lot more slots given how fast I can unload mine. But the driver said I was number 3. And he should only have had around 7-8 mins between the 3 villages he mentioned. God knows what the others do to make them so late for my delivery. Then I went and picked up N from his friend’s house. He really enjoyed it. They woke at normal 6.30 but they were up til 11. I was surprised he was so awake given that’s at least 2 hours less sleep than normal.
Saturday we were up for an early football match, but the rain was too much, and the groundsman cancelled due to water-logged pitch. That’s the second attempt to play that cup match. There aren’t now any match-free weekends until December, and 2 matches to get played which were rained off. So I’m not sure when we’ll get to play them. So it was a lazier day, with blogging and reading instead.

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Sounds like you had a nice half-term over all even if it was a less active one than in previous years. Glad that Storm Ciaran didn’t hit too hard and that N enjoyed his sleepover. Love the bowling action shot. Sorry to hear about the match getting called off again. #project365
I think delivery would be faster if they used paper bags. It seems like a pain to have to unload everything by hand. I usually buy from amazon as they have everything in bags and takes a minute to receive the order.
It is harder to find days out with older children. My two would rather go out with friends or each other.
You are very organised sorting your flowers. I need to clear our garden before the winter really sets in but just can’t bring myself to go out in the rubbish weather we’ve been having.
I booked my Tesco slot between 11 & 12 and it turned up at half 10. lol I was not ready for it. x
N’s ok if we take a friend as well, but anything just the 2 of us he’s less keen on. (I love an early Tesco delivery but it never is anymore. Instead of me being at the start of a slot, I’m now behind a whole load of slow coaches obviously)
Sounds like a good half term for N and for you with work and time off. Sounds like N enjoyed his gardening.
I’m all for encouraging him to learn about gardening. I know nothing. I just hope the bulbs grow as I’d have just put in seeds. I want flowers that grow each year, don’t want to have to plant every year. Otherwise I’ll just put in more marigolds again.