looking at witley court from past the water fountain

Project 52 2024 week 11

Finally we got some drier weather. Yay. It’s still a bit chilly, but nice to see some blue sky (with only a few small showers). Our road closure angst continues. It looks like they’ll be moving into the road up to the village next, so we’ll have a longer detour for getting to the other side of the village for afternoon pick ups until Easter. Here’s our week for Project 52, week 11.

Sunday – Mother’s Day. I got a lie in til about 8.15 when N woke me up to ask something. Other than that, I got to help fix things with N’s project printing/paper size, and spent a lot of time reading. It was all very peaceful. The weather was terrible all day so I’m glad I hadn’t planned to go out anywhere. I did get a mother’s day card at tea time.

Monday – I woke up very tired again after having a slightly earlier night. Not helpful waking at 3.49 for no reason, then again at 6. Yawn. We still have the fun of earlier bus drop offs – various diversions could last 3 months. I’ve been helping N fill in cattle forms. And my new puzzle arrived. I’ve been a bit slack on doing puzzles, so my new ones aren’t being done promptly after arrival. I’ve even had people emailing me asking for the solutions that I usually post, and I have to admit not to having bought the puzzle yet as I’m waiting until a cheaper supplier has them, or that I’ve just not completed them yet.

Tuesday – non eventful day. Had a long wait at the post office to send cattle society forms off for N. For recorded delivery of a large letter it was £4.20! Extortionate amount, but hopefully as it’s not travelling far, it’ll get there safely and fast. N went out to do some archery in the evening – just about light enough after tea. In only a couple of weeks  it’ll be so much lighter in the evenings with the clocks going forward.

Wednesday – not a very interesting day. Just work. Football training wasn’t on. I made a mammoth bolognese, which means easy lasagne tomorrow as well. It always tastes better on the second day rather than making it fresh.

Thursday – had a day off work, and had booked to go to Witley Court & Gardens. Luckily the rain held off, and I enjoyed exploring the ruins and the gardens. I was a bit early for the rhododendrons in the woodlands but it was still lovely seeing the parterres. School bus pick up was fun as the driver forgot he couldnt go the usual route, so had to backtrack again the way hed come to the main road. Then totally missed out our temporary stop. So we all ended up trekking up to the village nearer town. 

Friday – only half a day working, and it was a short day anyway. I just pottered around in the afternoon, tried to read my book but didn’t get very far. I realised the aga was off at 4pm, and turned out we were out of oil. Definitely thick blankets for the evening.

Saturday – a lovely sunny morning to be out for an early football match against the 2nd placed team in the league. Our boys played a great first half, not as strong in the second, but they held for a draw. We made the mistake of stopping in Stratford for lunch on the way home – the traffic was horrendous thanks to roadworks. Back home N’s pedigree cattle society information had arrived and I made a traybake cake which will do for pudding and for the next few days. Thankfully the clothes dried in normal time so didn’t hold up the weekend washes.

looking at witley court from past the water fountain

No new posts this week. They’re all half drafted and I can’t be bothered with sorting out the photos! Should really get organised with those and batch them so they’re ready.

Things I’m grateful for:

  • Being part of the PTSA. There’s a lot of buzz about an Easter Egg fundraising draw we’re doing, with lots of businesses donating eggs for the winners. Lots of people moan about PTA hassling them, but secondary school is so different to primary in the amount you can do and raise compared to what we could do at primary. And it’s great to meet other parents from different year groups, and a few teachers.
  • A day off and it turning into a dry morning to get outside for a visit
  • A non rained off football match.

Things I’ve enjoyed:

  • Dog memes and tv shows – can’t beat dogs to make you smile.
  • Putting the world to rights with a colleague.
  • Making plans for the theatre next weekend.

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  1. We had a lot of rain last but so far today it has been warm and sunny. Ugh! The roadworks sound so annyoying.
    It is rotten when you try for an early night but then wake up feeling even more tired.
    Well done to the boys with the football. I draw is better than a loss. x

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