Project 52 2024 week 14
It’s week 14, and the 2nd week of Easter holidays for us. I had a week of leave so it was nice to just have some more time off. It feels like a long time til summer holidays, but I’m sure it’ll whizz by. Here’s my Project 52 for this week.
Sunday – the clocks went forward for British Summer Time, as well as it being Easter. At least we’ve got bank holidays to catch up on the missing sleep. N got a lot of eggs – he’s not really a huge chocolate person, so I’m sure they’ll be still knocking around come summer. I spent quite a bit of time listening to Classic FM Hall of Fame, caught up on the World ice skating on iplayer, and just generally had a relaxing day.
Monday – bank holiday and another relaxing day. More classical music, nearly finished my puzzle, tried to sort out some of my back end blog issues. I think I’m going to have to get a web developer involved to tidy it all up, because there’s issues with core web vitals that are beyond my abilities to fix now I’ve done the easy bits.
Tuesday – I needed to nip into town to get petrol, pick up a couple of bits from the supermarket. Then tried to research places to go if there’s a day without rain this week. I wish the forecast was more reliable! It’s a shame the places on my list don’t open til Thursday as that’s when I’m expecting the rain to come in properly. I made a spag bol in the slow cooker (the aga’s off), finished my Wasgij puzzle, and sorted out some old blog posts. There’s a lot to go through, and a lot of the errors that come up I can’t even see in my blog are actually issues. It’s so frustrating as a non techy blogger. It seems I won’t have to call out someone for the drain. They’ve unblocked it and checked it’s flowing again. Although hopefully it’s not blocked up somewhere else.
Wednesday – another quick trip into town for some nice bread (I forget how much we get through when everyone’s eating lunch at home. Tried again to get some jeans for N from Next, but again no sizes over age 11. Someone on Twitter said the stores don’t stock kids clothes larger than 11, but that’s where I bought the last jeans from. Tried M&S instead but they have dual sizing so ended up being too big. Sigh. Online order time instead.
Thursday – a lazy day again as my initial plans to go out were rained off. It turned out drier in the afternoon though so should have risked it. I did some puzzle, worked through more old blog posts. I also booked tickets for Chicago at the theatre next February. Nothing like booking in advance, but it meant I got some money off in the presale, and a pretty much full choice of seats!
N and I went out to a local indian restaurant for tea at his request. The OH doesn’t eat curry, so we left him at home with leftovers. But it was lovely to have a nice fairly spontaneous meal out. Although a lot of the meal was spent talking about the dying rabbit we’d seen next to the path as we walked in and we could see from our table. It was thankfully dead when we left, as it wasn’t nice to see it suffer.
Friday – my Tesco delivery was already a later slot than usual, then it was delayed due to technical issues. That ruined my plans for the morning. It was meant to be a wet and windy day, so I didn’t go out as planned either, then it turned out dry. Typical. I did some blogging. Then took back the non fitting jeans and picked up a Next and M&S order. Hopefully what I got now will suit better.
Saturday – annoyed with myself because I’d assumed the place I was going to visit would be closed due to high winds, but they stayed open, by which time it was too late to get a ticket. I’ll need to book in another time to go. Lazy day which is the story of my week really. A week off where I’ve not achieved much on paper, but I’ve read several books, done 1.5 puzzles, sorted out a lot of old blog posts (still a lot more to go), as well as getting my banks accounts straight ready for the new financial year.

New posts this week:
- Books read and reviewed in March 2024
- Mixed berry crisp recipe
- Icons of British Fashion exhibition at Blenheim
- I wannabe in the 90s exhibition at Banbury Museum
- Wasgij Mystery 26 Date Night solution
Things I’m grateful for:
- Living close to my brother. It means we can help each other out if needed.
- To date, relatively easy parenting. I’m reading a novel at the moment with some heavy teen issues, and I’m definitely thankful we’ve not had to go through anything like that.
- There’s been some sun, even if there’s also been a lot of wind and some rain.
Things I’ve enjoyed this week:
- Board games with N. There’ve been a few
- A nice meal out at a local restaurant with N.
- A week off work, and no pressures.
Lovely to have some time off for the Easter holidays and have some lazy days. Hope you manage to get your blog issues sorted out. Sounds like you had a nice meal with N but horrible to see the poor rabbit. Poor little thing, I’m glad it was no longer suffering when you left. #project365
Good luck getting the blog sorted, I have no idea if anything on mine needs fixing or not and would have no idea how to do it either.
You’re on blogger aren’t you, I think there’s a lot less to do on those given they’re from Google
Having the bank holiday was great timing with the clocks going forward.
Good luck with getting your blog issues sorted.
Yep! I forgot to buy extra bread, we go through tons when we’re all home and milk too.
It sounds like you had a nice relaxed week. x
Sounds like you have had a lovely chilled week. We haven’t really done anything which is a shame, but hopefully next week we will