mini tulip emerging with water drops on

Project 52 2024 week 8

It’s week 8 of Project 52 for this year. Lots of back and forth, but we might just be getting the start of spring (I’ve probably jinxed it now!). Here’s our week.

Sunday – a lazy one. After most of this week off work, and not really doing a lot, I still feel so tired. Apart from the farm shop for the butcher’s, I finally finished The Tourist 2, read some of my Grisham book, and finished my Wasgij puzzle that took me a lot longer than usual to complete. 

Monday – back to work. It’s always hard when you’re back to an early alarm compared with holiday time wake ups. I had to nip out for a Vinted drop off again. Now it’s just dribs and drabs selling it means it’s harder to combine trips for postage. The ‘farmer’ harlequin shorts I’d found on Vinted for N arrived and were a success. I’m not a fan of the style, but they don’t look too bad. I was at a PTSA meeting in the evening which was the first I’ve been able to make for a while. I do enjoy being involved – it’s nice to be part of, and at secondary school is a lot less frantic than at primary school.

Tuesday – I had a headache most of the day. I think they must be a perimenopause symptom because I’ve never had so many. I even had a little nap before starting work in the hope of getting rid of it. But thankfully it eased off later in the day. 

Wednesday –  a busy day of meetings. I had to finish early because N was getting his braces fitted. We had only been home 5 minutes when he said one of the brackets was half off/lifted from the tooth. Then in the evening he noticed a second one too. Luckily I was able to phone early enough to get an appointment back in there for the following day to get it fixed. He found he had one sore tooth, the one that was irritated when he had the twin blocks before. 

Thursday – we were back at the dentist to fix the 2 brackets. 10 minutes and they were done, but now we’re having issues with the monitoring app which keeps exiting while halfway through scanning. In more joyful news, my V5C certificate was posted out yesterday, so I’m glad I kept on at DVLA about it.

Friday – a mostly dry day for the first time in ages.  The bulbs that N planted in the wall are all coming up now – mini daffodils and tulips. So we’ve got a bit of colour there.  Picked up my prescription which I kept forgetting.  It looks like there’s lots of road closures for electricity in and around the village over the next 3 months, so fingers crossed the roads won’t actually be closed, because it makes it a lot harder knowing where the bus is going to go. 

Saturday – frosty and foggy start to the day but nice to have no rain and a dry day. It was a shame football was cancelled due to the pitch being waterlogged.  Went into town in the morning for a couple of bits. I’d needed to get N’s savings passbook updated, but it turned out the building society only opens the first Sunday morning of the month. That’ll be a job for the Easter holidays. In the afternoon I was left in peace to watch the last couple of episodes of One Day while they went off looking at cows.

mini tulip emerging with water drops on

Things I’m grateful for:

  • Evenings gradually becoming lighter
  • Flexi and hybrid working means it’s easier to work around appointments
  • Finally we had some dry weather.

Things I’ve enjoyed:

  • Finishing the series One Day. I didn’t remember reading the book, and didn’t see the film. I did cry through the last episode.
  • Seeing the bulbs N planted coming through.
  • Decluttering an old suitcase of papers of my Nan’s from when she died. Luckily I didn’t actually throw them because my brother wants to hold on to them a bit longer.

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    1. Vinted is great but you have to upload regularly. In a month or so I’ll delete and reupload, hopefully that’ll get rid of summer clothes.

  1. That reminds me I haven’t seen The Tourist 2 yet, must get round to watching it soon. Love seeing the bulbs popping up, can’t remember what I planted where, so always a nice surprise to see. This whole tax implication is annoying for people who genuinely sell clothes on when their children out grow them.

  2. It does feel like spring is on it’s way. The days are getting longer and there is more sunshine.
    That is good you are in the school PTA, it’s good to be involved and you always find out a bit more about a school when you are a part of something like that.
    Good luck to N with his braces. That isn’t good the brackets came off so soon, it was a good few months until my eldest first had one come off. I hope he is getting on OK with them. x

    1. Yes seems to be getting on well with them. Shame we had to go through the twin block try which meant he’s a long way behind where he would have been if he just gone straight to these. Can’t get the monitoring scanner to work fully though which is a nightmare

  3. I love that the spring flowers are starting to bloom. My vinted sales have died a death, but I have just bough Sebby an evacuee outfit on there. Glad the braces are fixed

    1. I find unless you’re adding new stuff regularly Vinted does just die off fast. I’m a tad worried about the whole HMRC tax thing though, because although I’m hundreds off making what the limit is, I’m well over the 30 items a year. But have no way of proving what I’ve bought for the family over the years, and that stuff’s just been sat in wardrobes.