Project 52 2025 week 3
It’s back to being cold this week, especially towards the end. The fog and mist is miserable too.
Sunday – woke to no frosted car for the first time in a while, but I didn’t have to go out to the shops, so had a lie in reading. N went off do help someone doing gamekeeping.
Monday – my fantasy league team is turning into a nightmare. Should have left my transfer until today. But did them on Friday, now I’ve got 1 suspended, and 2 injuries (what look like potentially a couple of months). So I’ve had to pay to transfer 2 month. Argh. Could have done with getting rid of another, but I’d need to play my wildcard again and that’s a bit early in the second part of the season. So I’ve just got to hope those that do play have good games otherwise I’ll be drastically dropping after 2 have pretty much caught me after the last matches with expensive transfers and poor play.
Tuesday – I was in the office which was a good day. Had another enjoyable line dancing class in the evening. Although lots more newbies, which meant we had to go back to basics again rather than whizzing faster through the 4 dances and moving onto something else. Yawn. Hopefully we’ll be able to go a bit faster next week.
Wednesday – N cooked macaroni cheese for tea. I usually make my cheese sauce in the microwave and just guess all the measurements. But he wanted to do his Gran’s recipe (which I think was Mary Berry’s). The sauce tasted like glue, and was lumpy, so he took it over to the farm to get it rescued. Foggy drive to football training, I chatted to a couple of the dads there.
It was so foggy it meant no freeview signal. Digital tv really is rubbish. Hot dry weather with high pressure means no signal, and foggy or snowy weather means no signal too. We watch more main channels than Netflix or Prime so it’s frustrating. Although I’ve just read there’s a Freeview Play online service that I need to see if we can get through the tv, as that’s just normal Freeview but we’d still be able to watch it when there’s no signal. The only issue is recording Freeview to scoot through the ads which is usually what I do as the OH won’t watch most of the shows I like. When there’s no signal it means no recording, and I hate streaming channels because then I have to sit through all the ads and not fast forward through them (except iplayer).
Thursday – super busy day with work. Did my food order which is still going up in price. Dairy prices are madness again (worse than I remember), and so much is out of stock. And it’s not fresh produce, so it’s not down to flooding/weather issues with farming. I’m pleased that Cadbury drinking chocolate is finally back in stock again because I finished my tin, and have had to buy Sainsbury’s own label which was disgusting. And even the posh Twinings stuff isn’t as nice as Cadbury. Still no tv signal. Evidently it could last until the weekend thanks to the high pressure / fog.
Friday – short work day. Should have learnt my lesson in previous years about trying new flavours of hot cross buns. Rhubarb and custard = definitely a no. Grim. Have been keeping abreast of the Australian Open. Jack Draper winning his 3 round, after a 3rd 5 setter. Go the Brits.
Saturday – early morning whizz around various places in/out of town before N’s football training for 1.5 hours. It was so cold, I really need to remember to put an extra pair of socks on. Then took N for a haircut and to buy some new school shoes as his are totally wrecked. The more substantial ones didn’t feel right, so I’m sure these ones will only last another term.
We ate out in the evening at N’s request for a birthday meal out. It was for both his and the OH as they both have January birthdays. Nice food, but very pricy for only 2 courses (both of them having steak which was 65% of the cost!)
My photo this week is a screenshot of my Tesco unpacked analytics. We do eat a lot of dairy, and certainly cream due to when I’ve been on keto (where milk is a no no).

New posts this week:
Things I’ve enjoyed this week:
- Good workshop day in the office
- Back to outdoor football training although not great news for 2 rearranged games that clash with lots of kids’ D of E weekend, and half term holidays, so we might have to lose the games, even though other teams were the ones postponing them (due to outside of our league cup matches which seems a bit unfair)
- Beef enchiladas – and no moans from anyone about them.
Things I’m grateful for:
- The excitement and frustration of Fantasy League football. I’m glad N persuaded me to take part.
- Getting in lots of reading time.
- A nice meal out (although my bank balance didn’t like it!)
I’ve been trying to keep up with the Australian Open but I find this the hardest one with the time difference!
Hope N enjoyed his expensive steak!
Yes, I’m just keeping up on socials and scores. Looks like our doubles players are doing brilliantly.
Eating out is a no go for me these days, I just don’t think there’s much value for money. The price of everything is just on the increase. Our internet has been playing up since I renewed the contract. Thankfully our Freeview runs from the aerial, I rarely watch Netflix and we don’t have a recording device so we still have adverts, they’re used for loo and tea breaks in our house.
I’m always watching late on my own because OH won’t watch my stuff, so I like to get it watched as fast as possible. Ads just take too long to wait around for – that’s why I don’t like streaming. We’re lucky our internet is ok, otherwise we’d be screwed with Freeview limit on the aerial. I reckon we might need a new one because we have so many issues with the weather, but then signal’s perfect the rest of the time.
I smiled at your stats. I also had a data email from Ocado recently, apparently, we are no.5 in Oxfordshire in buying Volvic touch of lemon.
You talking of macaroni cheese made me realise I haven’t cooked one in ages. Did N rescue the sauce?
Glad you had a nice meal out.
Glad you enjoyed your line dancing class – it is frustrating having to go back to basics but hopefully next week you’ll be able to move on. Cadbury drinking chocolate is the nicest – glad it’s back in stock for you. Rhubard and custard hot cross buns do sound quite grim, sorry that they tasted grim too. Hope N enjoyed his birthday meal out. #project365
That’s frustrating about the Freeview signal, we have a box but it seems to behave most of the time although sometimes it doesn’t record something I’ve set up. I always look at those hot cross buns with different flavours but I just know they are not going to taste as nice as I imagine. A nice old-fashioned hot cross bun with butter will do me just fine.
I am so sick of this gloomy weather! We are forecast more fog and mist next week. Ugh!
Your fantasty league team does sound like a bit of a nightmare. I hope the rest of the season picks up for you.
I saw those Rhubarb and custard hot cross buns and did think about trying them but deep down I knew they wouldn’t be nice. I’ll stick with the traditional ones.
Happy birthday to N and your OH! x