Project 52 2020 week 21 – many me on Pivo
It’s been largely a lovely week again. This was week 9 of lockdown and week 10 of me working from home. It’s been hard this week working from home. Hard to get motivated, and hard to sort out work to do. It seems like lots of my colleagues were feeling the same, but hopefully after another bank holiday and a few days off for half term, things will get a bit more exciting with work again.
Here’s our week.
Sunday was a relaxing one as usual. N’s tonsillitis is much better although his medicine seems to be going on forever. Hopefully this will kill it all off for this time. We spent a bit of time out in the garden. Whenever the puppies are let out, they always head over our way. The german shepherd was nicely sitting, and even sat near me while I was talking to the limousin store calves in the field behind. The calves were getting used to me, but usually the dog runs off scared. Not today though.
On Monday my new phone arrived. I usually keep mine for 3 years, but I’d managed to smash my old screen after just over 2 years – a low level fall onto our gravel. Grr. Samsung screens are really expensive to get repaired, so with a quite a bit of cashback pay out, and then getting a reasonable trade in, I got a fairly good deal on an S10. I’m enjoying the camera already.
Tuesday, inspired by Kate over at Darktea, I got out my Pivo. I’ve had it for about 7 months, but I’ve not done much with it other than a bit of video tracking. There’s so many effects you can do with it, but I need to work out what kind of thing I want to create on it. This week’s photo was one from the Many Me mode. Needs some work to get my jumping timing right! But lots of fun.
On Wednesday, not much school work went on. N spent the afternoon out on the farm. Apart from being keen on reading his The Week Junior magazine which he read, not only for the 10 mins a day, but also chose to read it for much longer another time, he wasn’t getting work today. I spend a bit of time sitting out working in the afternoon. I dug out my mum’s old parasol that got chewed by mice after it was put outside in the outdoor toy box a couple of winters ago. It still keeps the sun off despite looking awful.
N made jelly for the first time which he’d wanted to do. It reminded me of the job I always had of stirring it until it disolved.
Thursday was much of the same. School work was hard going – never good when maths reasoning takes double the time of all other maths work putting him behind everything else. He did play a bit of tennis which he’s not done for a long time. I made turkey meatballs for tea which were really nice and N loved. I knew the OH wouldn’t like them because he always moans about beef meatballs, and isn’t keen on turkey unless it’s just a roast or cold with salad. He still ate it though.
On Friday the wind started. So windy, everything outside was blown over – the parasol got put away again. My best friend sent me a couple of old photos from uni days and when she was my bridesmaid as her mum was clearing out photos and was emailing them to her. Apt given it was my wedding anniversary – 16 years.
On Saturday it was the start of the solo classes at the online Ceroc dance weekender. They usually have about 7 weekenders a year at Pontins (urgh!) which involves classes Saturday and Sunday, then freestyle dancing nights from Friday into early Monday morning. I’ve been to a few in my time before having N. But now dancing isn’t on due to lockdown and social distancing (I’ve had a couple of years off anyway), they’ve set up an online one with both partner dancing for those with partners at home, and solo dance classes for those who don’t.
It’s been great – I did a line dancing class, a bit of zumba, some ladies styling and a street dance class. Good fun, good exercise, and funny to see everyone on zoom screen. N thought it was a bit nuts and family life isn’t great for getting my money’s worth as lunch and tea happens in the middle of some sessions. Roll on Sunday for more classes.

Posts this week on the blog:
Sorry about your phone, but glad you got a new one. Hopefully, the meds have sorted the tonsillitis, it’s horrible, we know it well in our house.
Glad to hear that the antibiotics are helping. Sorry about your phone, but having a new one with a good camera sounds fun. Sadly, I cracked the back of my iPhone. Have no idea how much it would cost to repair, and if it’s worth doing it. So far it’s working.
Your photo collage looks fun!
The zumba class sounds fun and glad to hear that the antibiotics are starting to work. Lets hope they kill it for good this time
I smashed the screen on my last one too and ended up upgrading quicker than I would have liked. The online dance classes sound like fun I do wonder once lock down is all over if some of these online things may carry on? Hope you have had a great half term
Great to know N’s health is improving and good to see the animals being friendly. Hhahaahaha, I love the picture of you dancing in your online sessions
Lovely fun photo!
Hubby has a Samsung and I am tempted to get that and leave Iphone!
Hadn’t heard of Pivo before…looks interesting.
Glad N is feeling better.
Glad to hear the tonsilitis has cleared up. The dance class sounds fun. We love making jelly here too x
Love the photos and the dance classes sound fun ! Pierre managed to break his phone screen within a few weeks of getting a new phone – grrr ! – but I stuck a plastic screen protector on it and he’s still using it. Does that make me a meanie ?! lol
Glad you’re enjoying the dance classes online, and that N is feeling much better, sounds like the meds have worked this time. I make jelly but putting it in the microwave for 2 minutes, stir and top up with cold water, really don’t like the crystals, it tastes different to me
Good to hear N’s tonsilitus is getting better with the second lot of medicine!
I’m a Samsung girl too, absolutely love them! Let me know how you get on with the S10 as I am coming up for an upgrade soon! Friday was crazy, a total turnaround on the weather from Wednesday. Glad the Bank Holiday is glorious though! A zoom exercise class sounds fun, going to look into this! Hope you are having a lovely weekend! Sim x #Project366
The S10 is a lovely phone and only a smidge bigger than my old S9 which is good. The only thing I’m struggling with is blurred background on camera shots – hard to get the focus in the right place. But everything else I’m liking so far.
We’re lucky in that lots of local classes are doing zoom (paid for) or FB/IG free classes. Found quite a few random classes on FB, so definitely worth doing a search to see if local fitness people have moved online.
glad his tonsillitis is improving.
Sounds like the puppies are well on their way to become good farm dogs.
Happy belated anniversary.
Your husband sounds as picky as mine.
I use the crystal jellies as much easier than stirring for ages. .
Yes, I’ve used the jelly powder sachets before. Just find it easier to get the blocks (and probably cheaper?)
What a fun photo of you jumping. Glad N is feeling better now. Hope that half-term will be more relaxing without the pressure of school work. Love the sound of the online dance classes and glad you are enjoying them. #project366
He’s already planning what farm work he will be doing in half term!
The dance classes sound like a lot of fun and I love the photos of you x
Well done doing the dance class, I need to add some regular exercise into my routine to make up for all the cake I have been eating in lockdown! It’s hard for them isn’t it when the work takes longer, my youngest tends to get frustrated and then we don’t seem to have much time for other things.
Yes, it’s definitely hard to get through it. They don’t seem to see the long term benefits of getting things finished quickly.
Your photos are great, it must have been a lot of fun to set up. I hope your new phone survives better than the previous one, it’s so annoying to get a cracked screen. Enjoy a week without schoolwork and I hope your work is back to normal after half term.
It’s the first cracked screen I’ve had so not bad going. But frustrating when I’ve dropped the phone from higher with no issues before. Just obviously caught the edge on a stone rather than flat.
I must make some jelly again. I think H could be persuaded to help me too. The dance classes sound fun. Always exciting getting a new phone even if it’s annoying having to shell out for one.
Yes, te whole setting up of the phone is always satisfying.