Project 52 2019 week 25 – new desk
It’s week 25 of Project 52 for this year, and it’s been a busy week.
Work has been frantic with a contractor dragging their heels so we’ve brought some of the work needed in house as we’ll drop everything to get it done. So it’s been a lot of working through lunch, and working overtime to get it done.
Here’s this week’s Project 52.
Sunday was Father’s day. N did an amazingly detailed homemade card at school for his dad. Complete with him, the OH, his uncle and cousin all playing football in the garden on the front. And inside harvest going on with all the tractors and trailers going in the field. We didn’t do much else all day.
Monday wasn’t anything special, although N wanted to get the new desk from the lodger’s side of the house into his bedroom. That meant a good clear out and consolidation of lots of lego boxes and Britains farm toys into fewer boxes. Plus finally getting rid of the ugly big arm chair that the OH previously refused to move from the room. The chair is currently dumped in the hall way and getting in the way. The new desk is in place and is huge. N’s taken one of the old kitchen chairs up to his room, and each evening goes up to do his homework.
Tuesday was just more work and school. N likes Tuesday because they go swimming and he has his private tennis coaching. But it’s the run up to their key stage 2 annual play, and they spent the morning practising. He’s not enjoyed being in the chorus – not a lot of speaking, no singing, and a lot of sitting around waiting while the others with parts do their practising. He says he’s not going to do the play next year. His new favourite word is ‘hilarious’. He keeps remembering all the funny things in their play.
Wednesday at school, the middle 2 classes went to another nearby school for an author visit. N said it was quite good but was disappointed not to take money to buy a copy of the books.
On Thursday, N and I had a game of battleship after work and school. It was a bit of a whitewash, but by fluke as my first guess was a hit.
Friday was a beautiful day and it was sports day. I still had a little work left so did that sitting alongside the track, inbetween N’s races. He had his best sports day ever, getting a 2nd and two 3rd places. Needless to say, N’s house team came last – they have so few people in their team compared with the others, and the sportier children all seem to be in the other teams as well. But it doesn’t stop them enjoying it. He then had his group tennis lesson. I love watching them training; it helps that I get the chance to chat to other parents too.
Saturday was a busy one (and another beautiful – although a bit hot for me) day. We had to get into town to do our food shop as I’d not had chance during the week. Then off to swimming. N’s swimming really has progressed well, and it helps that there’s rarely more than 3 of them in the class so they each get personal attention and pointers.
I had to pull him out a bit early – their group always starts really late to an overrunning group before, but they don’t usually get the the time back. Of course the day they carried on, we had to leave for an away tennis match.
We were expecting a thrashing looking at previous matches the opponents had played, but it turned out to be much more even. We only had 3 players so automatically they won 4 games, but of the games we played, we ended up with 7 wins and only 5 losses. Yet again, not having that 4th player was costly, especially as I think one of our other players could probably have won 2 matches to give us a draw.
The final league result position depends on another team and how they did against the strongest team in the league. So we’re just waiting to see the results uploaded to see if we held onto 3rd place. N is waiting the results going on desperately, because he’s now played over his 40 matches that count towards his rating and will now move up to an orange rating.

Lovely N has his own work space now. Sports day sounds good for him also and with his tennis he’s had a busy week.
Sorry for the late comments, I’m on catch up after travelling for 3 weeks.
Well done on getting rid of the arm chair. Glad N’s tennis seems to be going well and he’s obviously enjoying it.
Its great he loves his desk so much. I may have to get one for Monkey if it works in the homework department. Sorry work has been so busy for you. Hope it settles down soon. Hoping you get the results you want from the tennis.
Sounds like it was a good week of sports for N. Clearing out the toys is always a bonus. Hope you get rid of the chair which blocks the way. And the desk looks good. We also need to buy a desk for Eddie. So far he’s been doing homework at the dining table, which is also my work station with laptop.
Glad the desk is encouraging homework.
Lots of sports and lots of good results, shame he had to leave the swimming class early.
I love to watch what appears to be well choreographed harvesting with one tractor moving in as another moves out to allow seamless pick up. I videoed it years back when we lived on the farm as Bob loved to watch them, so he then spent hours watching the video. He use to sit out the front on his tonka truck and wave to every tractor driver that went by.
Sounds like a great week for sport for N. That sounds very exciting. Glad N is making good use of his desk. xx
LOL I know how much you ‘loved’ that armchair, now to get it totally out of the house. N needs to teach my son about willingly doing homework, never going to happen here #365
Ah, we’re still working on the chair (it’s currently blocking the understairs cupboard inconveniently), and getting N to do reading. That’s virtually impossible. But as school aren’t chasing him either, I can’t really force him
Ugh! Work sounds a nightmare. I hope it quietens down soon.
Good luck with the results from the tennis. x
It sounds like it’s been a really good week of sport for N! I can relate to his excitement at the results going up, as that’s what we’re like with my son’s athletics results.
It sounds like N has been making good use of his desk. We only got desks for our kids last year, but it has really helped them focus on their homework.