Project 52 2019 week 28 – aviary
The penultimate week of school and of course it’s been a busy one. It’s week 28 of Project 52.
On Sunday I went to Waddesdon Manor to their Summer Fest. It was a lovely warm day once the cloud disappeared, and plenty to see and do. While I was out, N was having a water fight with his cousin, and got bitten by a flying insect. He reacted with a nice ring round it, which kept coming out and going away over the next 2 days. He’s like his dad and always reacts to bites.
On Monday N had a private tennis lesson which had moved from Tuesday. But Mondays is when they’ve been doing aussie rules football, so he negotiated with his coach that he’d do a double session next week, so he wouldn’t miss the aussie rules lesson. He’s quite taken with the sport.
Tuesday N came home with a headache which is unusual for him. It was more forecasting this week for me at work.
On Wednesday it was N’s key stage 2 performance. They did Midsummer Night’s Dream and he was in the chorus. They did a really good job and the script was very funny too.
It was also parents evening. It was nice to hear how nice he is to have in class, and how much improvement N has made this year – his maths is really good. His reading age is well ahead of his age, but when he applies it to reading comprehension and likewise his spellings while he’s writing, isn’t great. Unsurprising, but he really does need to do more reading to help improve everything else. N had moaned he was hot. As well as his headache continuing, he had a temperature over 39C so I booked him a doctor’s appointment the next morning in case it was all tied in to the bite.
On Thursday we were at the doctor’s first thing. His bite was fine, but it turned out that he actually had tonsillitis. Thankfully his temperature had gone down but when the doctor showed me how many white spots and the pus he had on his tonsils, I was surprised how well he was considering the state of them. He doesn’t take after his dad when he’s ill. N just gets on with it. So he’s got penicillin for 10 days and hopefully it’ll clear it up quickly. He then went off to school for the school trip to the local National Trust place.
Friday was a usual busy Friday. N had activity day at school – evidently his team did really well at cricket and he did karaoke with a team/classmate, singing Castle on the Hill. He does love singing, but I was surprised he stood up and sang only 2 of them. Then target assembly, so I saw him get his gold certificate.
Then off to tennis. He and his friend were told to go up with the orange group, so he’s now moved up formally. He really enjoyed it – I think there’s less mucking around by the older children. And he beat both his friend and the our neighbour’s daughter who’s been playing in that group since September. So it feels like moving up the group is going to be much better for him. It was nice to catch up with an old Water Babies friend. Her son decided he wanted to try tennis, and came to see if he enjoyed it, so it was nice to have a catch up. We usually just chat on social media nowadays.
Saturday, N’s throat doesn’t seem to be getting better and he said he’d struggled with swimming on Tuesday with his breathing, before we knew he was ill. So we decided swimming probably wasn’t a good idea – it did mean he missed pyjama swim week. It was a bit of pottering day. I vacuumed downstairs, nipped to the shops for a couple of bits, then after lunch N wanted to go and help with sheep dipping. He usually rounds up the sheep and encourages them up the ramp. He wasn’t out for long so we had time to nip to the village fete for a bit.
Week 28’s photo was taken at Waddesdon, the aviary around the back of the house.

Poor thing. Sounds like he was doing really well. Hope it clears up for him properly soon. Great news on the new tennis class, does sound like hes settled into it well x
He’s loving the higher class. They’re much more consistent a standard and work them a bit harder too
tonsillitis is not a nice thing and hurts like hell to swallow, so well done to him braving it.
Lots of sports still this week, not long now till everything is on holiday
Both swimming and tennis are going on a couple more weeks so it does feel a bit strange
I like the sound of the fete. Hope your so is on the mend now.
How fab does that aviary look? Well done N, that is brilliant. Sounds like a busy week xx
The aviary looks beautiful. Congrats to N for his performance in the choir and in class!!. You & N seemed to have quite a busy week
Poor N with the bite and tonsillitis, glad to hear it dod’t slow him down with his sport. Well done on an excellent parents evening feedback also, it’s reassuring to know that they are often doing better than we could hope for, he seems to be a real all rounder, educationally and sport
It sounds like a busy week for you both. I hope N is feeling 100% soon.
N seems to have had a successful week despite being ill. Hope he’s better soon.
It sounds like a really busy week!
Poor N. I hope he feels better soon.
What beautiful gardens at Waddesdon x
Thanks. They are beautiful. We usually only see round the back of the house on the parterre, but the rose gardens were pretty