Project 52 2018 week 51 – tractor run
The penultimate week of Project 52 for this year. As usual the last few weeks rushes by so quickly. I’m all set for Christmas now so it’s a chance to sit down and relax (or maybe not).
This week’s been a mix of festivities and getting things done and out the way. Here’s this week.
Sunday was just a normal day. N decided, way too late in the day, that he wanted to go out and do something. So we’re going to have to make more effort over the Christmas holidays to get out and about.
Monday and Tuesday were back to work and school and trying to get things out of the way. N came home on Tuesday talking all about what went on in the key stage 1 alien nativity play that the rest of the school got to watch.
Wednesday was a busy one. N had his key stage 2 Christmas play, Scrooge. He was in the company so was just singing which he didn’t mind. He’s planning for year 5 when he wants to follow in his cousin’s footsteps and be one of the stage managers rather than performing. I didn’t go and watch because I had my Christmas lunch and a big meeting. With a play at 1.30, I couldn’t make my flexi time work to take some time off and still get to do my only Christmas lunch. N wasn’t bothered – I’d heard all the songs from him and got the lowdown of who was which character, and what went wrong or well.
In the evening I left a bit early rather than going to my work Christmas do because I’d promised that this year we’d watch the Tractor Run that goes on for charity around local villages. We’d arranged to meet at my friend’s house and watch from the rec in my old home village. It turned out she was meeting other village friends – most of whom I knew from NCT and swimming. Then the person I ended up standing next to was another old school friend. N loved watching and commenting on all the tractors. There were over 90 taking part. It wasn’t until after we got home when the OH told us that at least 2 of the nephews took part with our tractors and another couple of farmers we knew did it as well. Hopefully they raised a good lot of money for the local hospice and we’ll probably be out again watching next year’s Tractor Run too.
Thursday was a chance to get all of my key work done and dusted. I was feeling a lot calmer now that all the speakers and agenda was confirmed for my event at the end of January (although there’s since been one who looks like they’re now pulling out – arghhh!). N had Christmas jumper day at school, and their annual class dance off competition. His class only learnt theirs that morning so I dread to think what state it was in for the actual competition.
Friday was dress up for Christmas lunch at school, with Father Christmas coming in to visit. It was also open morning so I could go in and look at N’s books. The teacher said he’s worked really hard this term which I’m pleased with. He might not be super clever, and might be a bit slapdash with his capitals, but if he’s working hard and enjoying school then that’s all I can really ask.
After school, N’s friend came home with us until his parents could pick him up. They played board games, made a den, played music and had tea. It was lovely for N to have a friend over because he so rarely does.
Saturday was chance to do a final trip into town for presents. I only needed one, but the shop was open later than I thought so we nipped into the centre to get some meat from the butcher’s, a quick hot chocolate stop, and then to get the OH’s present. N went out on the farm in the afternoon, loading logs into the land rover for the fire, while I wrapped all the presents. There aren’t that many this year – lots of money gifts for older kids in the family, and N’s main present is unwrappable.
So now we’re set for Christmas. Hope you all have a lovely one and will see you in a few days time.

Great photo. Can’t tractors be like that all year round? It would certainly make like around here more interesting!
Thanks for linking up with #MyPhotoFriday
What a wonderfully festive and unusual photo! I’ve never heard of the Tractor run, but it sounds like good fun. It must be lovely to see some old friends too.
What is an alien nativity play?
Wishing you a happy new year!
The tractor run looks and sounds like it would have been amazing to see. Nice to meet up with friends. Sounds like N and his friend had fun.
Hope you all had a wonderful christmas. The tractor run sounds a lot of fun and lovely to meet up with some old school friends
I saw a woman in a Santa hat driving a trailer full of logs yesterday at the gas station and wondered where she was going. Maybe they were having a bonfire as well, what a fun thing to have at Christmas and the weather here would be perfect for it.
That’s a colorful and creative image.
Merry Christmas!
I was all set to surprise my son by getting to see the tractor run and then realised that his school carol concert was at the same time. It looked good from everyone’s photos. Glad N is doing well at school. Hope you all have a good Christmas #365
That photo is fabulous! It sounds like you’re all ready for Christmas. It must have been nice to hear that N is doing well at school.
Those tractors look so festive!
Have a fab Christmas x