Project 52 2020 week 40 – farming games
This week has been quite a tedious one. Not helped by the weather meaning things have been cancelled. More places are under local Covid restrictions (basically most of the north and some of the midlands). University students in some places are under isolation orders due to lots of positive cases and campus parties in the news. And unsurprisingly after being pretty lax with social distancing and mask wearing, Trump tested positive only weeks before US elections.
Here’s our week 40 of Project 52.
Unsurprisingly didn’t do anything on Sunday. Cleaned the house, and put all the crisp packets I’ve been saving since lockdown into a box. School usually collects them for recycling and fundraising, so I’m hoping they’ll still be able to take them if they’re boxed up.
Monday was back to school and work. Work was busy this week with lots of meetings and forecasting kicking off. I’m also due to redo my health and safety training before next week, but I’ve not had chance and now cutting it fine to complete it in time.
Tuesday was another similar day. Not much going on. I had been told the aga service man was coming, but he didn’t turn up. Our aga won’t turn on, so really needs a service, and we’d usually have had it done by now. N came home from school with a bump on the lip due to being caught by a friend’s tennis racket.
It turned out I was told the wrong day. Aga men came on Wednesday so I had to set up my ‘mini office’ in the living room. It worked ok for the couple of hours, but then taking my laptop stand back into the kitchen after they’d gone, I bumped it into a door, denting it. So now it’s lopsided. Frustrating. It’s been so nice to have a warm kitchen again, and a preheated oven plus somewhere to keep food warm. I love the electric oven for roast potatoes and yorkshire puddings, but you can’t beat the Aga for everything else (including drying clothes fast.
Tennis individual lesson was cancelled due to the never-ending rain.
On Thursday I had to nip out to the post office to stock up on some nice birthday cards. I have a huge stash in our bureau but none are really suitable for family members or men. One found for the father in law. It’s been milestone birthdays for 4 of the men in the family this year, and only 1 got his in before lockdown restrictions. Maybe they’ll end up doing big dos post Covid instead. As it’s my birthday soon, N’s been asking for tips to tell the OH. So not sure what I’ll be getting. I’m also starting to think about Christmas presents.
Friday was yet another wet day. N still managed to get in PE hockey lesson at school. They’re doing it twice a week at the moment and he’s loving it. Just a shame I hadn’t managed to get him to go to hockey club in town like so many of his school friends did. A friend’s husband involved with hockey saw N with a golf club age 2.5 years and said ‘get him in hockey’ but he’s never wanted to. Now it would clash with tennis anyway, but it’s great he’s found a team sport he enjoys at school. He says the teacher is pleased with the way he plays too ‘quiet but thoughtful’.
N also came home having been awarded Prefect for his class. Usually they only have 2 from Y5 and Y6, but this year the teachers have chosen one from each class, so N is the one from Class 4 (along with the one from last year who stands again because she only got half a year). It’s nice that’s he’s been recognised as being a good representative of the school values, fore behaviour and enthusiasm. I’m pleased for him, because he never wants to put himself forwards when they have to do speeches and voting, so hopefully he’ll make the most of the opportunity.
Tennis training was rained off again. Instead we tried a different fish and chip shop. I phoned to order and then collected. Still needed to queue up. I don’t think it deserved N’s raving about the chips compared to our usual place in town, the fishcake was the same, they said the scampi was good. It was about £2 cheaper, same distance to drive. Next time they can have fish and chips, and I’ll order a curry for me from the indian restaurant across the square.
Saturday was a boring day, not helped by it chucking down with rain all day. N moaned he was bored which is unusual, but he didn’t want to play games. In the afternoon he did clear the table and we played some table tennis which was fun and got the heart rate up. If we ever did up the garden, I’d have an undercover area next to a terrace with space for a table tennis table.

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This week’s photo was one evening when N was chilling out playing Farming Simulator.*
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Things are getting quite tough there due to covid. Oooo i hope N’s bump healed. Poor laptop. Great that he could try out playing hockey. ‘Quiet but thoughtful’, interesting remark. Congrats to N being awarded Prefect! He must be delighted to be appreciated for who he is; he’ll nail the speeches. OooOo table tennis
I have always wanted an Aga, good to know its all fixed and toasty again. Well done N on becoming a prefect that’s brilliant. I am with you I would have an Indian takeaway over fish and chips any day.
Aww well done N on becoming Prefect! 🙂 Hope his lip is better too now!
What a fabulous idea collecting crisp packets to pass on, only down side is you actually konw how many packets of crisps you have eaten! :/
I haven’t played table tennis for ages, what a fabulous game to get moving though! Sim x
How lovely that your son was chosen as Prefect, what an honour. I hear you with the rain x
I have been saving all our crisps packets here. Have three bags full! Hope I find somewhere to take them soon before I am overrun with them! How lovely that your son was chosen as Prefect, what an honor! x
Glad it’s not just me being overrun. Usually I drive round with the ones from work in the car, but obviously not in the office so just home ones being collected.
Well done to N for becoming a class prefect. We have school councillors in ours but I don’t think they are doing it again this year. The weather has been awful hasn’t it
We have school council too – they decide on charity things and events. And there’s a sports council. So far, he’s not actually had to do anything – usually it’s just 2 kids from the top class. I think they’re just prefects to show good model behaviour.
We’ve had non stop rain here for the last week or so – not good, especially when I have to go and wait at the bus stop and either crowd in with the others under the shelter or stay socially-distanced in the rain ! It’s a shame things have been cancelled though. I’m glad you got the Aga fixed – it sounds so lovely and cosy now. Not good about your computer stand though – grrrr ! Congrats to N for being picked as a prefect 🙂
Well done to N on becoming a prefect! A great achievement!
The weather hasn’t been great has it?
Glad you managed to get your Aga serviced and working again. Well done to N on being awarded Prefect and glad he is enjoying hockey. #project366
The weather was lousy wasn’t it. Well done to N for becoming a Prefect and for his hockey playing at school. Our school aren’t playing any team games at all at the moment #366
They’re playing in smaller teams I think, but their bubble is 28 kids, so not too big. After school club for multisports is interesting because they have to play in their bubbles so it’s mostly just drills and skills rather than proper sports like they would usually do. But in class it’s as normal
I’ve never lived in a house with an Aga, only seen it in the friend’s house. It does sound cosy. Glad it’s been serviced, but ouch, about bending the laptop stand.
Big well done to N for being selected a Prefect representing his class and for doing hockey at school.
The weather has been pretty abysmal, rain non-stop, hope we’ll get some dry days this week.
My friend’s son loves playing that game too – he’s a farmer’s son as well. Sick of the rain here – I’d like a little Indian summer. Hope the right hints have got through about your birthday present.
Hopefully the rain’s going away from Tuesday for a while. N watches youtubers playing the game at the same time as playing it himself!
When I was a kit we had an aga in our farmhouse and it was amazing! It always felt so cosy when it was on.
My youngest has been doing hockey in PE and is loving it too.
Well done to your son for getting the award. It sounds like he is a fantastic student. x
Just ordered him (and me) hockey sticks so we can play in the garden.
Seeing N on the farming simulator reminds me of my son playing golf on the xbox when we lived on the 16th green of a course. Shame the weather has cancelled a few plans this week. Bet it’s nice having the Aga back working fully esp with all this horrible weather, I just can’t get clothes dried at the moment. I’ve been using up my stock of birthday cards, so it’s pot luck and mainly ones with fairies on
My cards are similar. Lots of children’s cards for parties we’ve not been to!
Class prefect, very impressive. And yes, I hear you about the rain. Imagine if lockdown (Mk1) had been like this.