Project 52 2020 week 47 -cotton threads
It’s been a busier week than normal with posting out jigsaws I’ve cleared out and sold, work, and doing a stop motion 5 days prompts course. It’s been a lot of fun though. Now I just need to catch up on sleep and have more early nights. Nothing has changed with lockdowns, so it’s just been more of the same at home.
Here’s our week 47 of Project 52.
On Sunday I was sorting out puzzles to post in a different facebook puzzle group. I dug out all the delivery boxes I’ve been hoarding. I knew they’d come in useful. I made some pretzel ‘kisses’ to replace some photos I had on the blog from a few years ago but otherwise it was a reading, puzzle, jigsaw kind of day again. I had my biggest ever week of views on my blog. I can tell it’s lockdown again – my puzzle posts have been flying again, as Christmas posts are rising too.
Monday was back to working and school again. I took proper lunchtimes this week so I could do my stop motion videos. This was a 5 day course run by Xanthe Berkeley and I’d definitely recommend checking out her courses if you want to try more phone filming. I nearly forgot to pick up N from school on time today. I remember the time to go, then get involved in something with work, and realise it’s already pick up time. Luckily it only takes 2 minutes to drive there, so I was still within the pick up window.
On Tuesday nothing much else happened. I managed to do 2 stop motion films. I’m really loving doing them – they’re a lot of fun, but not when you get to the end and realise your top has draped into view, or your hands and arms feature when they shouldn’t.
Wednesday we had to take our bags 2 schools textiles collection in. We’d last had one due back in March but lockdown happened, so there’s been a bag of old clothes in the bedroom since then. I managed to clear out another binbag full, including more of N’s. Usually I pass his clothes on to my godson, but we’ve not seen them since February and by the time we see them, he’ll probably no longer need that size. I kept a few nice shirts, trousers and jackets back to try and sell instead.
I made some ginger crunch which we first tried when we stayed with friends in New Zealand 15 years ago. I overbaked the bottom layer though, the OH decided he’s not keen on ginger, and N only eats a small bit at a time. Maybe next time I’ll make half the amount if I can find a tin that size. And do it in the electric oven rather than the Aga, so I can control the temperature.
On Thursday, I had a flexi day off work. They always feel a bit of a waste given we can’t really do much. I spent the morning doing little jobs and chores. A trip to a nearby small town to drop off puzzles going Collectplus, and to the local post office for the rest. A quick stock up on essentials in the village shop. Then I made myself and N a new face mask each. Mine ended up a little big so hopefully the material will shrink a little, while N’s elastic was a bit short. So I had to unpick his and will resew it in again. I quite fancy making some Christmas ones, but will see what material I have leftover.
The afternoon I did a bit of my puzzle, read and wrote a blog post. Usually I’d have til 5 for a flexi day as N would be in afterschool club, but it felt like a short day as N was back at normal school pick up time. So I didn’t get to watch any Christmas movies – I have a serious backlog to get through.
On Friday it was a short working day. I reported (again) a huge pothole that they’ve still not investigated/repaired, and a fly tipped mattress that I keep forgetting to report. We’re having bin collection issues too – we have fortnightly alternate collections for residual and recycling. But last week they collected both green and blue bins. This week was recycling (according to the neighbours’ bin), but the bin was full when I went to take mine down, as were both residual waste bins. Everyone must have been storing up their waste for the last week. Usually we have space in the normal bins over a fortnight, and the recycling bin depends on whether the inlaws put their newspapers in it. So we’ve not all got full bins for a week til the next collection. The bonus was knowing it was a recycling week, I could put out all my batteries, light bulbs and small electricals I’ve been storing up for the last year!
Saturday was a day at home. The OH decided N needed to clear out some games to give to charity. He’s obviously got no idea that charity shops are currently closed, and even when they weren’t open, it was a nightmare finding one that would take anything. So they’re now all cluttering up the hall. N went out on the farm for a bit – they had some new limousin cows arrive this week which are N’s favourites. So he’s been helping feed them. We also played a board game inbetween doing usual Saturday chores like washing and folding clothes, and sorting the dishwasher.
I’ve been on videos this week (you can see them over on my instagram highlights), so very few photos taken. I love the colours in this pack of cotton threads.

New posts this week – a lazy week this week, so just the 2
Sounds like you’ve been having a good clearout. I hope you managed to find someone to take the games and they’re not still cluttering up the hall !
Lol, they’re currently in the boot of my car. I expect they’ll be there until I remember to take them to a charity shop that’s open.
OoOoOOoO looks like a lot of puzzles. Stop motion films? That sounds exciting! Ginger crunch sounds tempting. I agree, the colours of the cotton threads are lovely
Christmas masks sound lovely, if you make some do share a photo 🙂 It sounds like we have been lucky with our charity shops being open and taking stuff, nothing worse when you do a great job decluttering then it hangs around in your hallway or you drive it around in the boot of the car for ages lol! Hopefully you will be able to drop them in soon.
I’m sure the charity shops will be opening up again, but I know the one I usually support wasn’t even doing appointments for drop off. Yes, everything will end up in the car again, otherwise the OH will just burn it all.
Ive always found stop motion videos fascinating but wouldn’t know where to start. I have caught a couple of yours and they look great. My whole house feels like it is cluttered with things waiting to be donated. It will be the first thing I do once everything opens again. Love the colour of the threads.
Doing the stop-motion films sounds like fun. Oops to nearly forgetting to pick N up on time – I’ve done that too! It’s frustrating clearing things out but not being able to take them anywhere. I’m hoping we’ll have a bags 2 schools collection at Sophie’s school again soon. Love the colours of those cotton reels. #project366
Sounds like it isn’t just our council who are utterly useless then! We are on 3 weekly collections, it is a nightmare! Don’t even get me started on the state of the potholes (craters), one took out a tyre of mine instantly a few years ago! 🙁 Sounds like you have had a much more relaxed time of it recently! Such a good idea to have a clear out, I really should organise a skip at some point… I am that person who saves boxes etc too… just in case! 😉 Sim x
the stop go video sounds interesting. Got hubby a camera designed for that a few years back as he fancied giving it a go and don’t think it has been used even once.
Good you have sold more of your jigsaws, need to buy some more now.
Yes charity shops are reshut here and are over crowded with items an way from the first lock down,
Glad you’re finding new homes for the puzzles. Shame about the bin situation. Have you received a reply about the dumped mattress and the pot hole? The stop start motion videos sound fun
Responses came within the hour. Mattress is gone already, pothole still there, now filled with rainwater along with the rest of the edge of the road, and they’ve not been out to circle it with white. Frustrating because I think it would go straight to a red (if they could find it during the rain!
It does sound like you’ve had a busy week, but a fun one. The stop motion videos sound interesting.
Those threads are really pretty. I do love the colours x
The video making sounds interesting and fun. Nice to develop new skills and make the most of this time. I know what you mean about taking time off feeling wasted.