School Days – harvest festival and VIP
After a week’s break (I didn’t have much to write last week, and it was a blogging conference weekend) we’re back for School Days.
Space buggies craft
The topic N’s class are doing has been around space this term. They’ve done books, english and other subjects all aligned to this. And this week he decided he needed to take in straws and guinness cans to make his space buggy. I’m not sure what it’s going to end up like, but I’ve been told it’s finished and just needs painting now. I’m hoping the teacher wasn’t bothered that he brought in alcoholic cans rather than fizzy pop ones!
VIP and Learner of the week
N was a VIP again one day this week. It’s a mystery what it was for this time, but that’s another token for N to put in his team’s tube.
But I was so proud of him getting Learner of the Week. For starters getting it early in school year, but mostly for it being awarded to him for english. Usually when he gets an award it’s for his maths. But this was for his successful learning and understanding of imperative verbs. Go, N!
For those of you who have never learnt anything more than just verbs (I don’t even recall learning the specifics of grammar despite having an english A level and first year at uni in the subject), imperative verbs are verbs telling you to do something. An instruction or order. So those in recipe methods for example. Let’s hope N’s turned the corner with english and starts finding it a bit easier. Although maybe grammar will be his thing – he’s more logical and practical which grammar is (kind of), compared with creative writing which he’s not keen on.
Harvest Festival
Our school like so many others is a CofE school and they do get involved with the village and church quit a lot which is great. It gives the children a better understanding of what it is to care for the community they are part of.
This week was harvest festival. N hadn’t been impressed with their class’ song choice. Let it Grow. Yes a song to the tune of Frozen’s Let It Go. N hates Frozen (I’m not sure he’s actually seen it all the way through. To him it’s too girly and he told me he wasn’t going to sing the song because the audience wouldn’t like it to see the boys singing a girls song. I couldn’t help but laugh. Thankfully by the time they’d practiced it a lot, he was happy enough singing it in the shower.
I love their church services. I’m so soppy, I find it really emotional even when other classes do their performances. We get to move to the front to see our children’s class song. N is always hidden behind a taller boy from the year below, but he was taking part and singing along although quieter than the boys singing near me.
What I was surprised about was how few people donated food to the harvest festival. They do a food collection for the local foodbank. In the past I’ve seen people putting in lots of food to the boxes outside school. But this year, I walked in alongside several others, and I was the only one to put a bag of different cans and packets in. I’d think most people should be able to afford a can from their cupboard or to buy a pack of pasta. In comparison to a recent Macmillan coffee and cake morning which raised a massive amount.
After harvest festival before heading home, lots of the kids go and collect conkers from under the horse chestnut tree on the village green. It’s always a lovely autumn sight.
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