School Days – Strictly and spellings
The first week back after half term has gone by in a bit of a blur. School seemed to go generally ok, although the same can’t be said of tennis club. His Monday school tennis went fine, but come Friday when the club moved into the village hall due to cold/darker weather, N refused to do any tennis. He did the warm up but decided that he no longer liked tennis and wasn’t going to play. I hope it’s just a first one back refusal given he’s always loved it before.
School Photos
This week N had their school photos. He went in with a clean jumper on but I’ve no idea what state it was in given he took in food to morning club. After school he was most disappointed with the photographer…he wasn’t the normal one, and didn’t ask them to say the usual ‘silly sausages/socks’ so ‘I couldn’t smile’. So it’l be interesting to see what the photos turn out like.
Maths progress
Hopefully this coming week, N will be moving to do his maths in with the other class. Their progress in the first year 1 class has been going so well, the teacher is looking to move them up this coming week to see how they go working in with the rest of the years 1s and year 2s. Fingers crossed it goes well. N wasn’t too impressed because he said that Class 2 do lots of sitting down maths and boring stuff. I hope he’ll still get good encouragement in that class and they’ll give them chance to settle in a bit.
They’re holding off going fully up because their writing still needs some work, but I’m hoping that means that after Christmas they’ll have moved up fully.
Flu spray
This year, N had his flu spray at school when the nurses came in. He was most indignant at the reception children not having theirs done. He didn’t seem to remember that last year he did the same, having his at the doctor’s surgery rather than school.
Strictly Come Dancing interest
It appears this year that key stage 1 aren’t doing a nativity. Instead, according to N, they’re doing some kind of play based on Strictly. It’s meant that he’s been quite interested in the actual show, asking to watch the recordings, and trying to find out about the judges. Although I’m not sure whether his statement that there was still a camel in this year’s show was accurate. Or maybe it is.
I’ve been told he only wants to be in the play if he’s a judge, but I’d imagine the main speaking roles will be for year 2s. N also stood on his chair to give me a demo of the dance they’d been doing. How I guessed a tango from him waving his arms to the side, and saying ‘we walk, with partners, and our heads turn like this’.
He’d said they’d be getting parts allocated this week, but they’ve not come home so I’m presuming it’ll be next week. Hopefully the costume requirements aren’t too complicated. I panicked enough about a basic villager costume last year, but glitzy dancing style could be harder!
Spellings and an eye test
This week I had a surprise because N announced he couldn’t read his spellings. Each week they get 6 new spellings and have a week to learn them. But this week’s had been printed out slightly smaller than normal. They’re similar size to the text in his reading books, but not bold type and the spellings are italicised. So I’ve had to rewrite the spellings out, but it’s put him off. He also had the nightmare tennis session which made me wonder if he was struggling with seeing the ball.
His teacher mentioned the spellings comment to me, and that he thought N was struggling to see the board in class. Of course N denied the latter. So I booked him in for an eye test which he was really excited about. Strange, but he told me it was because it was his first one. We had a lovely lady optician check him (thankfully not the guy with the huge beard – that could have been a little off putting given we’ve only recently read The Twits) and was told he’s got really healthy eyes, good strong eye muscles, and a slight astigmatism (he can blame my side of the family for that). So no need for glasses at the moment, but we’ll go back in 6 months and check how he’s doing then.
Hopefully N will get over the spelling font size, because he’s still saying he can’t read it!
I’m still having nightmares trying to remind N to bring home his jumpers. I can’t believe he’s warm enough without one, but every day he seems to come home in just his t shirt – even half the time without a coat as well.
Jumpers lost this week = 3
Jumpers found this week = 2
#SchoolDays linky

That’s a different take on a nativity! I don’t know strictly sounds lovely but I do quite enjoy a traditional one! Thanks for linking up to #TheList
J is due for his flu spray and Im wondering when itll be.
Do you need to book it or is it through school? Seems a bit late now to have it?
I want to see the play! It sounds as though it could be good fun. I am dreading Small’s nativity! #schooldays
Cant wait to see this years play. There are now 90 children in reception and this year morning/afternoon nursery (45 in each session) are doing one play. How?
Good lord. That’s massive. That’s the size of pretty much our whole school. Our play is usually reception through to year 2, and even that’s packing them in on the stage.