Toddlerisms 5: Jigsaws and train sets
N’s current favourite toys have to be his wooden jigsaws and his wooden railway. He quite often shouts (because all toddlers have one volume for talking, and that’s loud) ‘jigsaw’ or ‘train track’ and in the next breathe ‘help’.
He’s got a couple of the wooden jigsaw boards which he’s quite proficient at putting the pieces into, and one big wooden piece tractor jigsaw. He does sometimes get bored in the middle of it, and is partial to yelling ‘tip’ just because he wants to tip all the pieces out of the box. The box is also not much more than a sellotaped together few bits of cardboard, as he’s been standing on it and waving it around so much. Jigsaw pieces are also useful when needing items to put in tractor trailers and loader buckets.
Note to self, must get a plastic clip box for all jigsaws to get put into in the hope of keeping pieces together and avoid too much damage to boxes.
The train track sees similar fate. He wants to set it up (so far, he’s not really attempting to join the ends up), but the actual playing with the train doesn’t last for long before he destroys it again.
I guess they’re both similar types of toys – solving puzzles, creating pictures and shapes with a sense of achievement in the end. If he continues enjoying them, it could be good practice for learning subjects in school when he’s older.