Tongue tie appointment and process
We’ve now had N’s tongue tie referral appointment.
I wasn’t sure where we’d be referred to, presuming that (in line with recommendations and process that’s mentioned online) we’d be referred to a speech therapist first who would check how his speech was developing compared to his peers. People just ask me how his speech is coming on, but all I know is that it’s clearer than it was, he talks lots, and he’s probably in the middle given it’s not perfectly clear but he does talk a lot and is able to copy most words.
But rather than seeing a speech and language therapist, it was straight to the doctor.
I’d taken along a bag of books and toys for N for the waiting room, but shouldn’t have bothered. The ENT department at Oxford had a great choice of toys including a wooden kitchen and large rocking horse which of course, N had to go on. He looked like a pro holding the reins unlike an older child who’d had a go beforehand but was obviously new to sitting on a rocking horse.

He was really good in the consulting room. Needless to say he poo’d as soon as we entered the room so that was a delightful entrance! I think the best bit for him was getting to sit on a huge (what looked like an electric) chair, with movable arms. He opened his mouth when he was told to, and sat quietly while she checked his ears as well. I think it definitely helps that he’s got my old retro Fisher Price children’s medical case so he knows what lots of the equipment to expect.
I got asked the same questions again….what symptoms – dribbling, refusal to breastfeed, forked tongue when sticks it out, can’t won’t lick his lips – and what doesn’t worry me – no problems weaning, eating, drinking, no longer dribbling, can say hard words like lorry and nappy when he really concentrates and copies me.
Next step is referral to (you’ve guessed it) speech and language therapist to assess his speech development. The doctor said the words he struggles with are quite normal at this age anyway, but that in 6 months time, it would be more obvious if he was falling behind as age 3’s when they should be really clear. I’m not sure how long it’ll take to see a therapist, especially if we want to hopefully find one local to us rather than back in Oxford. If it’s going to be a long wait, we may as well pay for a few session privately, they decide that’s all he needs. If they say it’s impacting him, then it would potentially be a general anaesthetic for it to be snipped. Last resort, but there’s no point doing it if it’s not impacting him.
Let’s hope getting an appointment for that is more straightforward than this time round (although I have to say a Saturday appointment was a joy as the drive was no hassle, there were numerous parking spaces, and we didn’t have to wait more than 10 minutes past our allocated time), and by the time it comes round, N’s speech will have come on even more than it’s already doing.
Did you end up pursuing tongue tie revision?
Hi, no because he was referred to check his speech first, and by the time the appointment came round his sounds were fine and ahead of where they should have been. So there was no need. Once they’re a bit older it requires general anaesthetic so they’re not keen to do the operation unless required.