Wasgij Christmas 1 Special Delivery solution
It’s always nice when you spot reruns of older Wasgij puzzles that you missed. I was lucky to spot Wasgij Christmas 1 Special Delivery in The Works, so snapped it up.

Like the other Christmas Wasgij puzzles, this one is based on the solution being the view of someone in the box image. There’s a few clues in and on the box, but otherwise use your imagination, the solution below, or my step by step guide on how to do a Wasgij.
The scene is typically Christmassy, it’s Christmas eve, and the family have been woken in the night.
It’s a fun image to complete, and for one of the earlier puzzles, it was easier than many. I think probably because there’s plenty going on with lots of easy colours to match up.
You can find the Wasgij Christmas 1 Special Delivery solution below.
If you’re after a puzzle board, the Portapuzzle* is the one I use – great for moving puzzles on and off the table if needed.
You can find all my Wasgij puzzle solutions if you’re stuck.

Let me know how you get on with this puzzle.