Wasgij puzzle Christmas 13 Turkey’s Delight review and solution
I go through phases with jigsaw puzzles, and this autumn has seen me get back into them again. It started with the lovely and relaxing Falcon de Luxe Christmas 2 in 1 puzzle, but has now moved onto a first for me. A Wasgij puzzle Christmas 13, a 2 in 1 jigsaw, named Turkey’s Delight.
If you’ve never come across Wasgij before, they’re like a mystery in themselves. The picture on the box isn’t what the jigsaw image ends up like. Instead, you’re given clues to solve the puzzle and build it in the right places.
This to me blew my mind. I like a picture to follow and I’ve really struggled to get my head around how it should look. My brother took one look at the box and hasn’t been back since to help out.

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With bright colours and a comedy image, I thought it would be one for N to help with, but Wasgij puzzles aren’t for the kids unless you’ve a teen with a particularly warped mind who can see alternative perspectives easily. I imagine the more of these puzzles you do, you get used to the way of thinking and seeing what the picture really is.
Wasgij puzzles are made by Jumbo, a puzzle specialist, and it’s certainly a good quality puzzle. The colours are clear and bright, and are easy to put together. What’s great about this Christmas edition puzzle is that you don’t just get one 1000 piece puzzle, you get an extra one thrown In for free. Always good value, especially if you’re gifting the puzzle.
What you don’t get is obviously a paper image to follow. The picture on the box gives you an idea, plus of course the clues. But for the bonus puzzle you don’t get anything. I have to admit, to get started on the puzzle, I had to cheat and search online for the solution. I’m just too impatient to work it out and keep trying to do it. But then, I chose the wrong bag of puzzle pieces to open and got confused. I started and found that my puzzle wasn’t a total mystery and was the image on the box. I discovered the paper that said the image it was.
Oops. Bag switched and I got making the mystery wasgij puzzle image. It was definitely hard work not having a box image to follow. It’s really satisfying once it’s completed though.
Check out my step by step guide on how to complete a Wasgij puzzle.

If you’re want to be puzzled, move on your jigsaw puzzle skills and savour a real challenge, then you really need to try out one of the wasgij puzzles. Completing them as a family could be a fun way to do it, although without the answer it might cause a few arguments.
The 2 in 1 Turkey Delights Christmas version is available from Amazon and other stores.
Will you be up for the Wasgij puzzle challenge?
Other Wasgij solutions below
Catching Wedding Fever – Original 29
Strictly Can’t Dance – Original 30
The Sands of Time – Destiny 3
Old Time Rockers – Destiny 16
Fast Food Frenzy – Destiny 18
The Toy Shop – Destiny 20
Hound of the Wasgij Ville – Mystery 4
Birthday Surprise – Mystery 16
Catching a Break – Mystery 17
Grabbing a quick bite – Mystery 18
Turkeys Delight – Christmas 13
Santa’s unexpected delivery – Christmas 15
Disclosure: I was sent the Turkeys Delight puzzle to review. All words and opinions are my own.
the whole family working together to achieve something
i love the challenge of them
I love how relaxing fitting the pieces together is.
It makes me use my brain
i enjoy completing one without ‘cheating’ and looking at the picture.
Brings all the family together
Unwinding at the end of the day
Sounds interesting. Have spent all of twixmas doing puzzles.
I love how any age can get involved, to my young son to my mum and dad x
I love the peace and calmness I get while doing them. If I am stressed I sit at the table to do one which calms me down
They allow me to switch off and relax
I find jigsaws relaxing.
Being able to leave it on a board & keep going back to it
I think they are relaxing and challenging so a good hobby to have.
wasgij is family hygge
Love puzzles
so entertaining and relaxing
It’s difficult to think about anything else whilst engaged with a jigsaw so they are great ways for relaxing
The satisfaction of finishing them
I love the way that you focus so much without realising and also seeing the picture coming together is great too
Puzzles keep my brain active and are very relaxing after a long day at work.
Jigsaws are are a great improve concentration
They keep my brain in gear, enjoy doing them and give me a sense of accomplishment when completed.
I think they are a great activity you can do with your kids no matter what their age!
I love doing puzzles…it helps me relax xx
Jigsaws get the old grey matter working
They’ve very therapeutic – it helps me relax 🙂
I like the sense of achievement when it’s finished
The feeling of satisfaction when it’s complete
Always fun for the whole family x
i like them as they are a good way to relax but are challenging too
I love how relaxing but also how infuriating jigsaws can be lol
Always have a family jigsaw going over the Christmas period. Trying our second Wasgij puzzle this year, definitely challenging
Jigsaw puzzles are a great activity to calm down and everyone can get involved!
they keep hubby away from the tv so we can watch something other than football 😉
We love doing the puzzles as a family…with the usual argument about who will put in the last piece!!
they great for taking you away from the stresses of life and relax you
They keep my brain active
Love them because it gets the family together, you just can’t walk past with trying to find a few pieces
I find them very relaxing and completion is very rewarding
They help me with my concentration, attention, patience and memory ,they keep my brain working and I enjoy doing them .
I find they are great for relieving stress as relaxing
I find the challenge fun and enjoy doing them in them in my spare time
I like how at the beginning they seem near impossible but then as you work at it piece by piece you can literally see it all coming together! Great feeling putting in that final piece!
I love the challenge of doing a jigsaw puzzle.
I enjoy the challenge and the sense of reward when you complete one.
I find them quite relaxing
I find them calming. Me and my son who’s 12 love jigsaws we are doing one at the minute
I find them de-stressing, love the fact that my mind cant wander when im doing them
I find them a good way to relax and my little boy has just started to really enjoy them too.
I love that they are a great way to spend time together as a family
There’s something about it that I can’t stop until I finish the puzzle 🙂
We love doing the wasgij puzzles in our house they are such fun. I was calling them wasjig for a long time until my husband pointed out it was jigsaw backwards haha x
I find them really relaxing and good to get some head space as you have to totally focus on one thing to complete it.
Love that they are relaxing and you can see the progress to the end result.
the time we all spend as a family completing them, then if they are pretty scenes, having something to gloss, frame and hang on the wall
1000 piece puzzles are my optimum – great for clearing my head and relaxing me. I do one every holiday and at least 3 over Christmas!
relaxing something you can keep coming back too
I find them quite relaxing
My husband and I love a jigsaw, we often have one on the dining table and put a few pieces in every time we pass or have a minute.
It makes me think and relaxes me
It helps you to concentrate and i find it a distraction in a positive way
totally relaxing
I love getting immersed in a jigsaw and the challenge it takes to complete it
Ithink they are relaxing,until the kids or dog knocks it everywhere
A challenge, especially if I set a time limit, yet still relaxing as it takes my mind off work stresses and household chores
It’s relax for me.
That it’s fun for the whole family
i love how relaxing they are.
It’s something the whole family can join in with 🙂
It’s a great way for me to concentrate and get focused on something that isn’t house related.
I just love becoming completely absorbed in them and the sense of accomplishment when I finish one
I shut myself in the sun lounge every evening with my jigsaw as I find it a great way to unwind before going to bed. They are also very satisfying to watch the puzzle progress. Wasgij are my favourite as you don’t know what the picture is. I have a large collection of Wasgij 🙂
They keep me occupied and I find them relaxing
I love the challenge of trying to get one done in a short space of time!
How relaxing and calm they are.
I love the sense of achievement when you complete it.
i like them as its something i can start and leave if i have things to do and go back to it later using my jigsaw board ,i find they are relaxing yet make me think too
I find them very calming to do and love sense of achievement when they are completed ,x
I find them a great way to relax and also keeps the brain cells working!
They keep my daughter busy and stop her using technology so much . She also has a hair pulling condition so this helps keep her hands busy 🙂
It’s a great thing to do if you want to unwind.
I like that you can enjoy a jigsaw with the family x
Its the only time your mind can go completely blank and just concentrate on the task in hand
Jigsaws are perfect for winter days. And something all the family can do together x
I find them very relaxing and something to occupy myself that doesn’t involved technology!
I love the challenge of creating a picture from lots of pieces, the harder the jigsaw the better
great fun for wet days in my motorhome.
Just enjoy doing them they are relaxing
I find Jigsaws quite relaxing and they also help me remember my Grandfather as we used to do them together
Doing them with my family
I love them, not sure why, but I really enjoy putting them together
They are a way of forgetting about other things
doing them at the dinner table with both my children in the winter months
I love the challenge, I’ve got my grandson loving jigsaws now
memories of holidays with my (late) gran who always had a jigsaw on her desk
I like a good jigsaw helps to take my mind off my anxiety disorder I think they’re very therapeutic
Great fun for all the fam8ly and for interaction too- much better yhan staring at screens
I love doing them as a family
I love being able to pick them up as and when and do as much or as little as I like 🙂 and I love anything logical so puzzles fit the bill there!
Its relaxing & my daughter tends to help me with them
I find them relaxing, they look different every time you go back to them and you can enjoy them with others and even visitors.
find that they can be quite relaxing, but they are something that can be enjoyed as a family too
Relaxing and the satisfaction of completing with that last piece
I have always found them quite relaxing. Nice to have something to help pass the time that isn’t electronic.
Jigsaws are a great way to de-stress and something we can do as a family
I find it helps take my mind off of the things that I stress about
they are great for a relaxing time
Great boredom buster especially a difficult one
I love when they are done and you can see what you have achieved
it could be a lovely family game and winter holiday boredom breaker
relaxing, thinking past time
They are stress free!
Focusing on a puzzles helps you to switch off and relax for a while!
Jigsaws bring the family together and you use your brain !
such a nice way to relax with the fam
You’re using your brain, but in a relaxing way.
Both relaxing and a challenge
They are relaxing to do
i love that the whole family can get involved
They are therapeutic , until you find a missing piece then they are infuriating
I love the feeling of achievment when you put the very last piece in it’s place
seeing how the end picture looks
Memories – old ones and making new ones
We always have a puzzle out over Christmas which all the family young and old dip in and out of. Team effort and gets very competitive towards the end. Last year we had the Christmas Wasgij which provided hours of entertainment
my brother collects these jigsaws x
I love the challenge and the concentration!
help you relax
How relax they are
they are a good way to relax and unwind
I love that its something my and son enjoy together
They’re so relaxing. Not sure this one would be but it looks so much fun!
I think they’re such fun and it’s just satisfying to complete a jigsaw 🙂
I love the challenge, the fact that the whole family can get involved and the enjoyment of the picture afterwards.
They are far more educational than first meets the eye.
I like that it is something the whole family have a go at
It’s a great way to relax and unwind
I love that you can a leave a jigsaw puzzle and then come to back to it in your spare time.
it really relaxes me
They keep your mind active, keep you finger nimble . Provid good hand eye co-ordination. Plus you also have a sense of achievement when you have completed it
Puzzles help me to relax!
It is so satisfying to complete a very large puzzle and it also relaxes me and my partner so much…It is a welcome break from the television and computer as well..
I love that sense of satisfaction when they’re completed!
takes your mind off other things
I like that they can take your mind off of things – they are so absorbing x
I love having to walk away in frustration,only to return minutes to have another go.But upon returning I often notice Santa’s little helpers have added one or two pieces of their own.
they are so amusing, all the little bits you dont notice initially that makes you laugh, my mum does them all the time so i always look at the finished jigsaw
The logic of them. All the pieces have a definite place. Aside from that I love seeing the picture emerge.
that feeling of accomplishment when you’ve finished it 🙂
I love the distraction from everything, and the Nostalgia, I used to spend hours helping my mum and nan doing there’s, thank you very much for the chance to win xxx
Seeing the picture grow
Love a challenge and enjoy taking my time. Great way to relax and look at the masterpiece when finish
the sense of achievement when finished
I love the fact that we can do jigsaws as a family and they require some kind of thinking to get them done
i find doing puzzle relaxes me and love seeing the completed puzzle.
It is nice to get away from just watching TV sometimes and do something that uses your brain 🙂
Love how the whole family can fit a piece!
First I LOVE sorting out all the straight edges and the corners then putting similar colours together
I love looking at the picture and this Christmas one is especially nice, all warm and tingly and Christmasy Yum.
Sometimes I don’t find them relaxing, some are blooming hard, but much better than being easy peasy RIGHT?
And I HATE IT when it’s nearly finished as the fun is all gone, and do it again in a year and somehow you remember where all the bits go.
But then I take my puzzles to my local hospice shop for others to “enjoy”.
I sometimes buy puzzles from the hospice shop too, but HATE it when bits are missing and you bet it is always the last few bits.
So I have a LOVE HATE relationship with puzzles and John Spilsbury has a lot to answer for in my house.
They are relaxing. Defo something to do on Christmas Day afternoon while watching tv and stuffing chocolates!
i find them relaxing
I love when you finally work out the picture! Done 4 wasgij puzzles so far!
they challenge the mind xx
I find them really relaxing
i like finding all the edges x
I find jigsaw puzzles very therapeutic.
I love that everyone likes to get involved, they are addictive
I love finishing a puzzle as a team effort.
Because you are concentrating on them,they take your mind off other things.
I love that everyone can chip in and help
I love how relaxing I find jigsaws
The challenge of completing it.
This sounds like my kind of puzzle!! I love the fact that with jigsaws you create order out of chaos 🙂 I find that deeply satisfying! I also love the fact that because it takes a certain amount of concentration, it stops my mind from fretting when I’m really stressed about something!
I love how they relax me & take my mind off the pain that comes with chronic illnesses.
I like that you switch off and don’t think about anything but the puzzle!
They are relaxing and satisfying
I like how relaxing and fun they are
I find jigsaws really relaxing.
Doing jigsaws are so relaxing and rewarding when you slot the last piece in. x
Its a challenge 🙂 But also a way to switch of from the kids once they’re all in bed and relax x
I love the satisfaction of slotting in the last piece!
I love doing jigsaws as a nice way to switch off from technology – Archie and I have got in to doing 1000 piece jigsaws together and he actually loves the wasjig ones!!
It is the challenge to do it in the quickest time for me
I love having a jigsaw out on the table so that the whole family can dip into it when they want to. It’s so relaxing!
I can chill out and relax with the
I love that they help me to relax and switch off from tech
They present a challenge and they’re fun as well as being good for the brain and memory.
They are relaxing and rewarding!
Seeing the picture evolve gradually, as jigsaw puzzle gradually completed. As well as the sense / feeling of success on completing the jigsaw puzzle.
I love the quiet concentration that jigsaws require x
I enjoy seeing the picture developing and just how much it helps me to relax after a hectic day.
its just something you can concentrate on and take you away from your worries for a bit x