10 ways to be a savvy student while still having fun
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I loved being a student.
In fact, I just loved studying and school in general, so it didn’t occur to me not to go to uni. I was the first in our family to go to uni to study for a degree.
I think going away was certainly helped by boarding at 6th form (ok, I was weird though because I went to 6th form at the private school in the village, and was a boarder in my upper 6th). It meant I was used to being away from home, could make (within the rules) my own decisions about activities I did, and it also got me into the habit of having set times for prep/homework.
But the financial side of going to uni was really scary. Bear in mind this was a fair old time ago (cough, 20 years!), so pre-widespread internet. And certainly no PSE lessons at school which included discussions around student and personal finance that are more prevalent nowadays.
Instead, I was reliant on what my mum taught me. She was a bit of a stickler for saving, spending within your means and keeping money safe and accounted for. I didn’t go quite to those extremes, but with her having been really careful with money as she brought my brother and I up on her own after being widowed, I was definitely not the type to go off to uni and splurge my student grant straight away…I left that to my brother who went to uni, stayed less than 2 terms, and ended up having to pay back a year’s worth of money he’d spent!
I did enjoy spending…I properly discovered clothes (because of course I needed clubbing outfits) and bought A LOT of cds from a record shop which always seemed to be on 4 or 5 for £20. But on the whole I was lucky to be at uni during the times when there were grants. I had a full grant so I knew I could be careful with money without having to leave uni with lots of debt.
But I’ve certainly got some tips for those starting out at uni now.

1, Find a good bank account that works for you, for example like the TSB student accounts. Banks always have lots of offers to try and entice students to bank with them, but as well as looking at the freebies, check out the overdraft costs, access to money – is there a machine or even a branch on your campus or in town, is there an app or online banking offer. You don’t want to have to permanently be borrowing money off friends when you return to campus after a night out and want to buy food from the late night pizza place…essential to round off the night at my old uni.
2, Do your money planning before you go. Yes it might be boring, but you can get advice from parents and friends, and it’s much easier to follow a plan when it’s in place than trying to decide how to manage your money during freshers’ week.
3, Look out for grants and charities which give money to needy causes. Those needy causes might include students.
In our area, we heard about a small local charity which handed out money each year. I applied for it for book money for uni, and was lucky enough to get a grant each year for £300 to spend on text books. I don’t think many people knew about it, which is why I got something each year, but they’re definitely worth keeping an ear out for. Using the second hand book shop at uni also meant I got even more for my money.
4, Get contents insurance. It might seem like you don’t really need it, but for students it’s usually dirt cheap, and you don’t want to have your electronics stolen. When I was at uni we were lucky to own a BT phone card and a word processor. But in halls, when we were all in the kitchen in our flat, someone came in and stole half of my CD collection and my purse. Luckily I was covered with contents insurance, so it’s always worth getting even if you’re in halls.
5, Meal plan. You might think you can live off takeaway every day but it’s not a great idea for your budget.
I’d never really cooked before going to university…having a mum who worked mostly during school hours only, and then going to boarding school for 6th form, meant I didn’t need to. But I could get by on stir fries, pasta, bolognaise and jacket potatoes, while trying a few new meals each year. Eating pretty much the same thing each day means less food waste, buying to your needs, and making it quick and easy to cook, but is boring. If you’ve got freezer space, buy and cook in bulk which is also cheaper.
An alternative is getting together with friends and housemates to share the cooking. In our 3rd year, our flat decided to cook Christmas lunch one day, with everyone doing a bit. We had great fun cooking and eating it, plus you get to share the washing up load afterwards.
6, Use public transport, walk or cycle. I didn’t learn to drive until after uni anyway, but it’s much more sociable, it’s usually cheap to use the buses, and it’s good for the planet as well as your health. Being at Lancaster Uni meant most people were keen on being outdoors and there were some lovely walks from uni back into town, so you’ll discover a lot more around you as well as saving money. Oh, and there’s often limited parking at unis anyway, so even if you buy a parking permit, you might never find a parking space anyway!
7, Make sure you take your student card everywhere. Lots of places don’t advertise the offers, but so many shops do have student discounts, so It’s worth asking.
8, Look out for coupons for meals out, entertainment, and food shopping. It’s savvy not skin-flinty! And it means you’ve got more money to spend on what you want. We used to go to a lovely little Italian restaurant in town who did happy hour between 5-7pm, so got some great offers on pizza.
9, If you like going out clubbing or to music events, sign up for venue newsletters. Often you’ll get sent offers. At one of the clubs which did a student night, if you signed up and then went on your birthday, you got a free t shirt and bottle of wine plonk.
10, During freshers’ week and afterwards, read the bumpf you’re given. There’s usually lots of information like in TSB’s Savvy Student guide, all of it targeted at students.
Reading my tips, it sounds like I did a lot of clubbing! I swear I was quite swotty really, and played a lot of sport and music while I was there. In the end I did leave with one year of a student loan, realising that it was worth taking one out purely for the purpose of driving lessons once I left.
Did you go to uni? How did you manage your finances and what tips would you add?
I graduated in July and I can honestly tell you that buying in bulk and meal plans really do help save money in the long run. Sadly I am not as good as saving money as you are but I did manage to learn some money saving skills while at uni.
It’s hard when you’re just out of uni to save, but just the little bits add up in the end.
I loved my student card and rail card. I worked in a pub whilst a student and it was a great way to meet other students so ended up having so much fun. Summer I worked 3 jobs to repay my overdraft and followed the philosophy of work hard, play hard!
That’s impressive. I struggled to find work over the summer holidays – just a low unemployment area, and noone wanted students.
Definitely agree about the contents insurance – I had my stereo stolen from halls when I was a student too, and the relatively small policy cost was definitely worth while. Evidently they didn’t share my taste in music and left all of my CDs though!
Lol. Funnily enough the only way I knew which CDs were nicked was because they were stacked in 2 piles alphabetically. Shame the pile the person stole included Nat King Cole, opera and a few random others amongst the more pop/indie options. Bet they were disappointed!
Great tips, although uni seems like a lifetime away now! I also discovered clothes properly for the first time and loved getting new outfits but only when I could get a student discount or on sale. I went to Brighton uni so there were loads of retro shops selling second hand which you could fashions some really cool outfits out of! We use to sell our textbooks back to the shop on site after we had used them with helped fund the next terms worth. Still came out with debt but not too much that it was a mill stone thankfully xx
We used to try and sell our books too, but in the first year there was always too many of the same books (first years always bought all the books before knowing about the 2nd hand shop) so you never used to manage to sell them!
You’ve included some great tips Emma! I was a terrible student in my first year. I was really lucky as my Dad gave me a very generous allowance on top of my loan, which I promptly spent on clothes, eating out, and flights back to Australia!!! In second year I learnt my lesson though and worked 3 days a week and did a charity challenge where I lived off just £10 a week for the 9 months of Uni. It took a lot of getting used to and was a total shock to the system, but taught me some very valuable budgeting lessons!
Wow, that’s some challenge. I guess it was a lot of value baked beans on a slice of toast?
These are great tips! It’s so hard to stay within budget at uni – there are a lot of unexpected expenses along the way. I was shocked at the cost of books. I think definitely budget but then try to under spend whenever possible. x
I agree with that. Nice bonus if you go under budget
My student days are long behind me now, but it was such an important experience in terms of learning to balance my finances, budgeting to last all term and to look for the discounts etc. I still miss my NUS discount card and National Rail student card! x
Oh yes, definitely miss the days of student discounts, although apart from the railcard I can’t really remember using my card for that much.
Really great tips for the students out there – sadly my student days seem like an age ago now, I’m becoming old! I always used my student card for discounts when shopping and buying rail tickets, it saved me so much.
Mine seem so far away too. Not helped by the fact that our eldest nephew is only a year off uni age.
I learned how to take a book out the library and renew it for the entire year. Saved me a lot of money in my second and third year of uni. I bought everything the first year. I wasn’t savvy at all that year 🙂
That’s impressive. Yes, you always learn the tricks once you’ve been there a while. Guess that’s the same in all life