
A visit to Birdland Bourton on the Water

As it’s harvest at the moment (plus the OH’s a workaholic), it means N & I are left to our own devices. So on recommendation we decided to go to Bourton-on-the-Water Birdland.  It was great weather obviously, so we slapped on the sun lotion, grabbed his hat and off we went to arrive early.

There were plenty of parking spaces at 10 on a Sunday morning in Bourton (by 1 as we were leaving it was manic), and Birdland was pretty empty. It left us plenty of time and space to get round without loads of crowds, and meaning N was getting in everyone’s way.  He loves birds (well, is obsessed with the turkeys on the farm, likes the chickens and enjoys watching pigeons) so it was great for him.

He does struggle with looking where I’m pointing – just looks where he wants to or things I’m pointing (I think the hat brim doesn’t always help), but he had a good old look at the macaws who came over especially to see us and fight in front of us, the penguins (I wanted to see them swim but they just wanted to stand in the sun, the boring things!), and the mallards (nothing like being interested in the ones you see on the nursery pond and around the farm sometimes).

He wasn’t that fussed by the flamingos, but loved watching the water flowing over the ‘waterfall’ into another pool.  And the owls got the obligatory ‘wooo’.

They have a cafe there, but we took a picnic and sat at one of the many picnic benches.  A quick play (while killing some time before lunch) in the small softplay area in the Discovery Zone, a mosy through the playground (with some cool rope play things – all too big for N really), followed by a quick ice cream cone as we left.

I’m gutted though as N’s now decided that he likes ice cream cones – previously he wouldn’t even try them (he likes ice cream in a bowl), but today he tried a bit, then decided he wanted to steal mine after I’d got it down to a more N sized cone!  He takes after me in that he wanted to chew off the bottom tip (although he needs to get a bit quicker at eating them as the melting ice cream was dropping out of the bottom!), so I guess that means no more mummy-only ice creams in future.

We had a bit of time afterwards, so went for a wander up through Bourton over the various bridges alongside the river.  As it so often is, it was packed out with visitors and locals making the most of the glorious weather and taking a few dips in the shallow water.  N was enthralled watching the dogs and children playing.  Thank god for reins – means I can keep him under control when we’re alongside the water.

It was a lovely day, and a great little place to have found. Perfect for toddlers as it’s not too large, but big enough for them to explore.

Birdland Bourton on the Water is another place we can tick off having visited…I want to make the most of all these places which have the bonus of being free to under 3s!

Try these other days out ideas in Gloucestershire including the model village Bourton on the Water and Cotswold motor museum.

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  1. That looks like a lovely day out 🙂 I think hubby and I went to Bourton on the water once….is there a miniature village there? The name sounds familiar and I remember a shallow river where people were having a paddle.
    I loved the idea of living somewhere like that!

    1. Yes, the model village of Bourton is there. I loved it when we went there when younger (was intrigued by the model village in the model village etc!). All the kids were out paddling (along with the dogs) because the weather was so warm. Great, until you realise how busy it gets (not that brilliant if you’re a local, unless you’re involved with the tourist industry, of course!

  2. Z discovered ice cream this weekend. He didn’t want it until I’d eaten most of it then wanted the cone bit all to himself (the best bit!). Looks like a really lovely day out.

    1. Exactly the same as N with the cone. Didn’t even want to try it, then decided he wanted it and grabbed it. And there was me thinking that ice creams would be cheap as he didn’t like them!

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