First Santa’s Grotto
I knew last year wouldn’t be a good idea to take N to see Father Christmas, and I should have known better this year really. But as our local village nursery was doing a small festive fete, I thought a small grotto might ease his way in.
Boy was I wrong.
He was very good in the queue, quite happy watching everyone else in the hall, and looking at the decorations. Got to the front of the queue, didn’t even get to hand in our ticket before he cried. Ooops. Poor Father Christmas must get quite traumatised by lots of little children crying when they see him year after year.
He knew his name, so I thought that might have helped, and tried to show him all the decorations round the grotto, but in the end it was merely grab him a present and off we went. Great for the kids after us in the queue as they didn’t have to wait for the long answers to Father Christmas’ questions that children were giving. Of course, as soon as we turned away from Father Christmas, N said ‘bye’, gave a wave and there were no tears. All ok again.
Hopefully I’ve not traumatised him too much for future visits to grottos (although it would be cheap for me if he never wanted to see Santa again). He was a bit clingy wanting cuddles when we got home, but was quite keen on seeing what was in his present.
Oh well, we’ll leave it – guess there’s no need to have a photo of him with Father Christmas in the photo albums. Maybe it’s a good job I’ve managed to arrange a dentist appointment for us at the same time as his nursery Christmas party!
He did enjoy ‘decorating eating the reindeer cookie’ craft table and watching his youngest cousin singing in the nursery display.
We even knew Father Christmas. Guess the OH will be taking the mick out of his friend for traumatising his son!