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School days – illness and playing recorder

This week’s School Days hasn’t been the norm.  Unfortunately it involved illness, a bit of a mystery one, so N ended up having 2 days off.  Usually he has a day a year, and since Christmas he’s now had 3 this year!  Not good.

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Class assembly

N kept asking me questions about class assembly.Why did their class never have long to learn or practice it.

With it falling so soon after half term, they didn’t have long to learn their owl song and only got their lines this week. N did know his line about Barn Owls, and he read the entire song to me (yes, he was actually willing to read it out of choice, and managed it through 4 verses).

Unfortunately being ill meant he was off on Friday and ended up missing it.  He’d said he didn’t want to stand up in front of the school and parents with his rash on his face. We ended up getting another doctor’s appointment in the day hence he wasn’t in on the Friday. I think he was relieved despite being sad he missed the assembly.


N’s rash was the strangest one out. Occasionally he gets a spot of rash when he’s got a bad cold, but with this one he didn’t have any symptoms. The rash was a bit like heat rash, blotchy, but not raised. It started on his back, then on his chest, onto his arms which are the last bit to have it now, and his face. It kept getting worse right up til Friday, then Saturday started easing off.

The doctors said it was obviously something like a throat infections getting ready to immerge.  But even once it started going away, he’s not had any kind of symptoms otherwise.  He still didn’t do all his reading and remaining maths homework although I did drag down some Carol Vorderman english and spelling workbooks, so he did some those.

Playing recorders

I’ve been trying to persuade N for ages to think about signing up to play a musical instrument. So far, he’s turned down the opportunity.  But the time when he learns to play the recorder is upon us. When I picked him up on wednesday he wasn’t impressed because they’d just been handed out ther ‘own’ recorders that they would learn on and have to look after, and he had to leave his behind because he was in a rush to leave to get to the doctors.

It seems to have inspired him a bit. At the weekend he spent sometime playing on the piano, and trying to make it sound good.  I loved being involved with music as a child, and it got me a scholarship for 6th form There’s always so many benefits, I’m just hoping N spots them himself.

painting with chalkola chalk markers

At least it’s back to school on Monday, and hopefully no more sick days for the rest of the day.

How was your children’s school week?

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