Matter of fact children
It’s coming up for a year after my mum died. I can’t believe it’s been a year, and yet in some ways it feels like a lot longer. She’d been suffering for the best part of a year with an inoperable brain tumour (secondary breast cancer), which then spread to the lung as well. In a way, my brother and I felt like we’d grieved earlier, although it was still hard when she died.
N was always very matter of fact about it. I was surprised by how he took it on. When my dad died I was 3 (a bit older than N at the time), but I’d not want to talk about it and would walk out of the room for years if anyone tried to talk to me about him. So I wasn’t sure what N would be like.
Luckily I think being just that little bit younger helped as although he asked after Grandma (especially as we’d seen even more than normal of her over the year), it became the new norm that he only had Granny and Gramp left and that Grandma was gone.
Even now he’ll suddenly come out with something about her, being prompted by something he’s seen, or we’ve driven past her old road and he points out the way that she lived.
Last week at nursery they had soldiers visit on Remembrance Day to talk about the significance of poppies, look at the poppy artwork the children had done and talk about what Remembrance Day is about. Quite deep and meaningful for under 5s, but by all accounts the visit seemed to go well, and there weren’t any sad children. Afterwards I asked N what the soldiers talked about, and he told me that ‘Grandma didn’t have a poppy, like the soldiers did, because she just died’. He’d obviously understood that soldiers died hence the poppies and linked that with others he knew had died.
Another day he asked me where Grandma was.
‘She died, so her soul went up and is all around us, checking we’re ok’.
‘Yes, but where did she go?’ Hmm. When she initially died, he came out with her having gone to heaven. I’m not sure where he got that from as I’d not said it, and the OH isn’t religious so I’d been surprised if it had come from him.
‘She was cremated, so her soul went up and the rest was cremated, and then her ashes were sprinkled in a nice garden so they could fly away’.
‘Oh. She went up to the stars’, and that was the end of the conversation, although the OH wasn’t impressed as he thinks cremation is too confusing for children and so burial’s better. Not sure personally whether he’d want to be told someone had been buried, I’m sure N would want to get his spade out and start digging. Obviously N has no idea what cremation is, but I’d rather have told him exactly what happened, and it satisfied his curiousity for the moment.
The classic comment about Grandma was in the Doctor’s waiting room. We were in for his flu spray vaccination and my INR test, and bumped into a farming family friend. N usually chatters away to her, so she came and sat with us and started trying to get N to converse.
‘Have you been to see Grandma today before coming here?’
‘No, Grandma’s dead’…silence fell in the waiting room. I think she was mortified at getting the wrong terminology and not wanting to upset me.
‘N, we’re talking about Granny, not Grandma sweetheart’ I clarified, for the friend (and the rest of the waiting room).
That’s the great thing about children this age, they seem to take everything in their stride, but are still old enough to remember and have good memories of the person who’s died.
How have your children coped with the loss of Grandparents or others? Have you been surprised at the resilience of children?

It is amazing how children understand life better than us… So sorry for the loss of your mom, I can imagine how hard it is for you.
Thanks Carolina. You’re right. Kids really do let things pass them by, often easier than adults.
Aww he sounds so lovely bless you both. You sound like you are supporting your little one so well in a subject that is so hard to grasp even for most adults. Hugs
Thanks Mama Blueberry. I do like that he’s still talking about my mum, I did wonder if he’d forget her quickly given how young he is. But it’s lovely how he still talks about her.
Ahh bless you hunny it must be so hard. I think you are handling it with your little one great though. He seems to be taking it in his stride. I remember I was very little when my gramma passed and I kept asking all sorts of questions about her but I was the same young enough to take it in my stride too. I think it helps when we don’t understand things fully as older kids do. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme
Thanks for commenting Jenny. I agree, younger might be harder for adults to be matter of fact about in return, but definitely easier for the children themselves.
You are right they take it in their stride. Big man was a little upset when my Grandad died. My mother in law is terminally ill with cancer at the moment and they are very good at accepting that she can’t play with them and gets very tired. Sorry for your loss xx
Sorry to hear about your MIL. Hope she and the rest of the family are coping as well as possible.
Children definitely bring a bit of brightness with their take on things.
Thanks for your comment
When my mother-in-law died the boys were 3 and 4 and very much took it in their stride, although there were moments of sadness too. We explained that Grandma had died and had now gone up into the sky. At the wake after he funeral we were sat round, all very quiet not really knowing what to say when B’s little voice piped up “Grandma’s on the roof!” There was much smiling and the ice had been broken.
So sorry your Mum lost her fight against the tumour.
Aw, that’s cute, and probably makes a lot of sense for B. It’s great how children can provide lightness at a hard time.
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