Microscooter Sprite review – one boy and his scooter
Scooters have always gone down well in our house. N had a My First Scooter when he was 2, and hasn’t looked back, more frequently using my adult one if we’re out because he’d grown out of his own. But I’ve been looking longingly at the Microscooters for a while now, and decided that his 5th birthday he could have one for his main present.

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Because we can’t walk or scoot to school, I was initially loathed to spend what I consider a lot of money on a scooter for him. We also have a gravel driveway on the farm, so there’s nowhere at home (apart from in the house) where he can scoot. But we go to the park regularly, and because they fold up, they’re more likely to be taken on shopping trips into town without needing to be left in the car. Plus the micro sprite scooter will last him until he’s around 12, so it’s certainly worth the price I paid. Add a special offer to it, and a free carry strap and I was happy.
It was N’s birthday last week, and I’d wrapped up the Microscooter* box. I decided against taking it out of the box and trying to wrap the actual scooter because they’re so easy to just click the handlebars into place. Everything else is already built, so there’s no need to find allen keys or struggle with instructions.
N was beside himself when he unwrapped the box, and once we’d put the handlebars into position and easily adjusted it, he was straight off round the house to try it out.

At every opportunity N’s wanted to take it out with us. 2 days after his birthday he wanted to go to the park but we needed to check out tents at a couple of outdoors shops. So off to Bicester we went with the scooter in tow. It was no problem for him to scoot around outside before I could carry the scooter while we shopped (unsuccessfully – since when did Millets and Cotswold Outdoor no longer have a couple of tents in store to look at!?).

Moving vehicles have always been N’s strong point. The first time he got on a (too big) scooter at 18 months old, he grasped the concept even if he couldn’t actually control and move it much. And he moved quickly from the 4 to 3 to 2 wheels within about 6 months of having his own scooter. Similarly with bikes and rides ons, he just automatically seems to know how to deal with them. Shame we can’t transfer that to reading and writing where he’ll definitely need to work at those).
So the Microscooter has been taken to really quickly. He was zooming around, across different surfaces. He used the back brake for the first time with no problem, without me telling him it was there.

But the best thing about the scooter – apart from being able to adjust the handlebar height up and down, and folding it up himself – is the stand. I never thought he’d be that excited, but hopefully having the stand will prevent it being dropped on the ground too much.

It was definitely his favourite present, even eclipsing the new Britains cattle trailer and cattle from his uncle, and new John Deere overalls his dad had picked up.

Now I’m quite jealous though, because much as I like my scooter, the wheels on the Microscooters feel nicer, and it’s a touch lighter as well as being foldable. It’ll be handy to take on holidays with us.
Best bits about the Microscooter Sprite
- Really easy for children to use (personally I don’t like the 3 wheel leaning ones, I think it’s too hard for kids to then transition).
- Adjustable height
- Kick stand
- Strap and foldability is so handy for when going into shops rather than having to leave it outside where it could be stolen
- Multiple options in the range of Microscooters for every age,
- Long lasting solid quality.
Does your family have scooters? Are you a Microscooter fan?
Oh we are also big Micro Scooter fans in my house! My eldest who is 5 has the Micro Scooter but to be honest I think he has nearly out grown it, so he is ready for the same one your son now has. I’m going to invest in one for me when I get my youngest scootering as I think I will struggle to keep up with them both otherwise!
Yes, I didn’t want a micro one for him because he’s been used to 2 wheels since he was a lot younger although they are probably a lot lighter. Thankfully he could make do with his old first one and mine until he could have this one.
It is nice to have your own to scoot along as well, although mine’s quite heavy (it’s a Zinc stunt one I reviewed a while back) and doesn’t fold, so I’m debating selling that and getting a micro scooter for me too.
The scooter looks fantastic. Really well made & sturdy. He’s got the hang of it so quickly. I too would love a stand for a scooter, he’s a wise man. We don’t have this kind of scooter, but my kids love the ones they have. They make for great exercise when they can get outside. x
Ah, he’s had a scooter since he was 2 – one that started with 4 wheels, but went to 2 wheels pretty quickly. He’s just a bit of a whizz when it comes to bikes and scooters…plus using them in the house all the time as well, helps!
What a great investment and great scooter indeed, if it can last him until he’s 12 I think its well worth the money
They look so cool! I remember when my son was around 5 or 6, he got John Deere overalls and absolutely loved them so if the micro scooter is more popular than them then it must be good!
Monkey loves his Micro Scooter too, do like the strap on N’s, that’s a great idea.
thanks for sharing. my son is only 3 and at the moment is not interested in this scooter (he will hit all the buttons but doesn’t scoot) I am hoping he gets into it when he is a bit older because they are great exercise and so much fun
Looks awesome! I loved having a scooter when I was little, they’re so much fun and much easier to transport than bikes x
His micro scooter is pretty sweet. I used to have one when I was younger that I loved zooming around on and it was so much fun!
Oh how fantastic is this scooter! I have a six year old little boy who would absolutely love if I bought him something like this. Superb! Handy that it’s foldable too.
Yes the foldable part is the best. Easy for carrying round town or back from school if you can’t leave it there.