Music to my ears – independent boutiques brought together by Streethub
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As I’ve often said, I’m trying to build up a collection of instruments for N, and engage him to have an interest or at least understanding of different types of music. So when I had the opportunity to review something from Streethub, I was pleased to see they stocked a few instruments.
Streethub is a lovely idea. It’s a website bringing together independent sellers of home and fashion items, in and near London. As a customer you can discover more about independent boutiques and support your small local businesses. And because the sellers are local, you can click or collect the same day from the shop for free, or have your purchases delivered to you (even on the same day if in London!). Now, I’m obviously not near London, but I was still able to have my item delivered.
There were a couple of instruments I thought N would love, but decided on an accordion in the end. I wasn’t sure if N knew what one was, but decided that it looked substantial enough to sound like a proper instrument rather than a screechy kiddy toy.

When the box arrived, N was straight into it. I was right in that he didn’t know what an accordion was. But he had soon worked out how to slip his hands into the straps and was pressing the buttons.

I had to show him how to pull out and push in the box to get the air to flow which is quite stiff for him. Over time I’m sure it’ll loosen up a bit, but in the meantime he’s doing pretty well playing it.
The accordian looks and feels like good quality. It’s a good weight without being too heavy for a young child, and it has straps to hold it closed up when not in use. Perfect when you’ve got a child who leaves toys around all over the place, it means I don’t need to worry about it being damaged.

In terms of sound, I always want to try and find N musical instruments that he can play with and enjoy, but don’t drive me round the bend with their sound. While I wouldn’t choose to listen to an accordian, this one has relatively mellow sound, even with a 4 year old playing it. Even the OH has had a go and hasn’t moaned about another new musical instrument turning up in the house (I will bombard him with music until he realises it’s normal to have a piano in the house and let me bring mine in!).
What instruments do you have at home? Did or do you play an instrument?

Ah we have that accordion! Haha, its lots of fun. Streethub is a wonderful idea, love that you can do click and collect 🙂 x x
Such a cool looking accordian i would have loved something like this as a child x #TriedTested
It’s great. I think I had a friend with one similar when I was a child. They’re great fun, although take a bit of mastering. Thanks for stopping by
This is great. I really need to get more musical things for my kids #triedtested
Streethub sounds like a great idea – and how cool is that accordion?! Grace would love it, although I think I will make her stick to her piano lessons for now. Thank you for linking to #PoCoLo x
I’m hoping N is able to learn piano, he likes playing on mine which is still at my mum’s house. The OH’s always refused to let me bring it to our house, so I’ve got until my mum’s house is sold to persuade him. Hope Grace is enjoying the piano and working hard at it (that was always my downfall!)
Adore this, my sons love playing with instruments too-Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts
It’s great when they enjoy music. I’m just hoping it continues.
Thanks for stopping by
My 19 year old son bought himself one of these last year and mastered it enough to play tunes quite quickly – lots of fun!
Might have to get on Youtube to have a look myself. Thanks for commenting
Looks like he loves it! Streethub sounds great. We just have toy instruments at the moment though I’d love my girls to learn the real thing one day!
I’m building up the excitement until he’s old enough to choose what instrument he’d like to play. I’m hoping he will be musical because I think it’s such a great skill to have, a way to meet friends and a chance to travel if you reach county orchestras etc.