Project 365 2017 week 6 – raindrops and blankets
It’s week 6 of Project 365, and things are looking up for photography taking. Yes, leaving work at 5 now sees it still light. Added to that, N actually let me take some photos so I’ve had quite a lot of him to choose from this week.
On Sunday it was a wet day, and I spent a bit of time taking water droplets photos on weeds and the car. I love the car’s reflection in these ones.

On Monday it was time to snuggle up. Our Aga has been playing up and it wasn’t properly fixed until mid week. Mondays, N always comes home just in PE shorts and t shirt after tennis club at school. Instead of putting on joggers and a sweatshirt he decided to find my blankets, a crocheted and my fleecy ones to snuggle under.

On Tuesday we were back to playing with the Chalkola pens again. I was going to sell on N’s chalkboard table and stool, but they’re perfect for old school games. We’ve been playing a lot after school and work. Noughts and crosses, boxes (with lots of dots and each person draws a line each go, to try and make full boxes with their initials in to beat the other person’s boxes), and now snakes and ladders. It was a bit rubbish because I refused to spend time drawing lots of snakes and the squares were a little skewed, but N enjoyed it. Playing the first two games is great though, it’s really helping N with thinking ahead. He’s still got some way to go to plan to stop his opponent but he can easily see where he needs to go to get a run of boxes.

On Wednesday I found N had been playing Lego before going downstairs. I never know what time he actually wakes in the morning, but rearranging his bedroom a couple of weeks ago, and putting his Lego into a new storage system means he’s got it near his bed. Perfect for early wakes ups. He gets to be creative, I get more sleep and he’s doing that rather than watching tv.

On Thursday the last of the scones got eaten. I’d usually make them, but I spotted these from the best range in Morrisons and they were delicious and sticky.

On Friday N had tennis lessons after school. It’s always pretty tight for making tea afterwards – I tend to rotate round pizza, pasta and chicken fajitas. This week N requested fish and chips so we headed into town to our favourite chippy. We had to wait a while so they added in extra halloumi for me while the OH and N had cod.

On Saturday we woke to a bit of snow, and it continued to sleet all morning. We spent the morning (largely unsuccessfully) shoe shopping for N, jean and fleece shopping for me before an afternoon at home. After lunch the OH was going out to chop wood in one of our fields, so N went too. They and the oldest nephew turned up in the telehandler with logs in the bucket to stack in front of the house. N was happy helping out.

I miss chip-shop-chips! That scone looks very tasty too 🙂 The water droplets photo is lovely x
I used to love the boxes game – must play that with the kids! Lego for boys first thing is great – I love the sound of the bricks as they rummage through looking for a piece, definitely beats TV!
i feel hungry now, i really miss fish and chips and they are the first thing i have when i get back to the uk
It’s very traditional isn’t it. I can’t see it really being the same anywhere else.
Ooh I love their custard donuts.
The chalkboard is quite addictive with the chalk pens we have
Those water droplets are beautiful….
hehehe Good on your boy for snuggling under a blanket. I’ve been under one nearly all week.
Ohh fish & chips is always such a treat 🙂 x
Love the picture of the water droplets. Your chalkboard table is a great idea. I need to buy school shoes for my son this week too, I’m not looking forward to it!