Project 365 photo a day – week 10
It looks like Spring is well and truly on its way (touch wood), so we’ve started getting outdoors more, plus of course there’s been pancake day, so some obvious choices for this week’s Project 365.

Sunday – Sundays always used to be N’s nap catch up day, getting ready for the week ahead. Recently in dropping his naps, he’s not really needed the Sunday ones either, but last week he’d had a late night at the Red Tractor Recruit event so was desperately in need of one. I turned round and next thing I saw was N face down on the sofa asleep, tangled in the blanket.
Monday – First of 2 days in London this week. I love visiting London, but prefer it for leisure. It always seems so much more stressful when it’s for work.
Tuesday – Pancake day, we ate a few pancakes, although next year I must remember to double the batter in case N decides to eat more than the half he did this year. But I was pleased to see his certificate from nursery saying he’d come 3rd in his pancake race. Cute
Wednesday – we got to try out the new Plan Toys wooden bath toys. N loves them and his baths. He’s made, he tries to swim in the bath even when there’s little water in it.
Thursday – I’ve invested in a tablet, and while N was never really that fussed about playing on my phone, he’s really liking playing on the bigger screen. He comes in bed with me in the mornings before I get up, saying ‘mummy, I want to play on that’. Next job is to download all the educational apps.
Friday – this was the day that the weather turned more Springlike. N had a great time playing out in the garden on his cosy coupe and ride on tractor. We also had the kite out so lots of great outdoor time. He didn’t want to wear his wellies, so they got left stranded while he pedalled round.
Saturday – another lovely day. My brother came over for tea, so he and N spent some time with the kite again. No lovely kite photos because my father in law had a bonfire going so it was all somewhat smoky. Instead I loved seeing the crocuses out. They’re also coming out next to the rows of daffodils on the farm. Beautiful signs of Spring.
Love the bath shot.
Thanks. Got some classic shots of him playing. Reminds me of the old photos my mum took of me in the bath when I was little
Hey Emma,
What a cool thing and I’m sure that looking back on these will bring plenty of smiles. I love photos and I love seeing photos of me when I was just a kid.
What fun times and adventures you guys have had. Glad Spring is almost here and more outdoor activities for us all.
Enjoy and great shots.
Thanks for popping by Adrienne.
I’m the same, really love looking back at old family photos. It’s why I started blogging as well, so hopefully we’ll have some great memories of the year recorded. It’s definitely great to see the weather improving here and getting outside. I always find we’re so much more positive about life and the outlook when it’s sunnier. Hope you’re getting some good weather where you are too.
Wahay, well done on the third place in the pancake race. Lovely to see crocuses back again.
Thanks for linking up to Project 365.
Thanks for popping by. I love crocuses, and however lovely daffs are, it’s also nice to see the additional splash of colour
Sounds like an enjoyable week, loving all the pictures of spring flowers this week 🙂 x
I am too. Feels like spring’s really here with all the daffs and crocuses. Soon the leaves will be back on the trees as well which will be nice.
Your crocuses are beautiful – in an old metal bath? Also good so see some competition at nursery 🙂 well done on 3rd 🙂
think it’s an old plastic drum. Father in law’s pride and joy, his flowers.
Sounds like you’ve had a good week. How great to come third in the pancake race that’s brilliant. Love that first photo bless 🙂
Definitely a fun week, topped off by great weather which always makes it seem better as well. Thanks for popping by Charly
awww bless him dropping off like that!! my little man has a tendency to do the same every once in a while x
He usually refuses, but it’s more that he doesn’t want to be upstairs. If he drops off on the sofa he doesn’t mind so much.
Well done to N for his pancake race! Love the glow from the tablet in the photo – and the ditched wellies are quite symbolic 🙂
he he, of course I have no idea how many kids were in the race, but I’m all for competition.
Wellies do tend to get dumped places, usually outside the doors, so definitely a sign of childhood
Gorgeous 🙂