Project 52 2019 week 14 – bouquet
Week 14 was the final week before Easter holidays for N. I’ve still got an extra week of work left before I’m on leave, but it already feels like time is whizzing by towards Easter.
Here’s this week’s Project 52.
Sunday was Mother’s day. The OH gave N some money so he could buy me some flowers, and I had a beautiful yellow and orange bouquet. N chose the gerberas himself and the stall owner walked him round and helped him choose some others. We didn’t do much else.
Monday was the start of the new financial year at work. Trying to get things organised for the new year’s projects, forecasting and trying to get things set up for organisation when others aren’t quite ready for how far ahead our team are.
Tuesday N had swimming at school. They would usually have fun swim for the last lesson of term but because the last couple of weeks have had lots of children told off for not listening and mucking about on the coach and in lessons, they just had normal lessons. N was gutted, and even in the evening was miserable and moody about it. Most unlike him.
Wednesday was more school and work. N has drama on Wednesday afternoons at school and they were told which play they’re doing for their key stage 2 performance. It sounds cool, although N seems to be mixing up the names of characters from different Shakespeare plays so I’m not sure he’s exactly accurate.
Thursday was wet all day. In the evening I went to the local arts centre to watch Yorke Dance Company’s 20th anniversary show. When I was younger I didn’t like watching contemporary dance, but I’ve definitely grown into it as I’ve got older. It was quite a ballet based programme in places, but was a great show.
It was nice to get to Friday after a long week. N had their annual egg roll at school where they take in a decorated hard boiled egg to roll down the playground. They also had target assembly where N’s class all got their next target certificate (silver). I was able to nip into Open Morning as well where we get to look at our child’s books. N had tennis in the evening as usual, with lots of Easter based tennis games to win chocolates.
On Saturday, it was fun swim at N’s lesson. He had nearly 45 minutes playing in the pool before wanting to get out. It was an expensive morning because he needed new trainers, and I got some proper sports trainers for me. My last pair were from pre-N days, and now are too small as I’m a half foot size bigger. I just need to get some non-skin tight sports wear so when we play tennis I don’t just turn up in jeans and my walking trainers.

The annual egg roll sounds so fun! I bet my boys would love if their schools did that. Your flowers were beautiful I had chocolate for Mother’s day, mainly so everyone can share I think lol! x
It is fun, and no hassles about having to make easter bonnets or big decorating egg competitions.
O the egg roll sounds so much fun! Might have to suggest it to Bee’s school!
Loving the flowers! So pretty.
I always find it a bit harsh when everyone is punished due to a few children misbehaving.
I bet you can’t wait to get to the end of the week and have some time off? I love the sound of the egg roll what a great idea and lovely tradition. My feet grew with pregnancy too! Enjoy your week off x
Those flowers are really lovely, he’s got good taste. Sorry he missed the fun swim at school, a shame if others have ruined it for those who do behave #365
Such pretty flowers – we mother’s have been blessed #365
Your flowers are beautiful. How lovely that N chose them himself. I hope the fun swim at the end of the week made up for missing out on it earlier in the week.
Good luck with finding some sportswear! My feet grew a bit after kids too. I used to wear a 7, but I wear an 8 now.
Aww those flowers are beautiful, what a lovely treat. That isn’t fair that the kids are punished when it’s other kids misbehaving. xx
Great choice of flowers from N.
Maybe they will think twice about messing around in swimming next time but shame it annoyed and upset N, horrible when one persons expected fun is ruined by others.
My feet have spread and I know take a size bigger than I did 5 yrs back.
lovely flowers from N well chosen. i used to hate the whole class getting punished for the bad behaviour of 1 or 2 kids, really annoyed me, glad N had his fun swim at the end of the week though.
Oh no, that’s not fair at swimming where the well behaved children are punished for others misbehaving! Poor N!
Those flowers are so pretty x