Project 52 2021 week 28 – limousins
Another week of 2021, and yet again Covid cases are still rising fast here. Other countries are now seeing similar, but we seem to be the only ones opening up (way too much in my opinion) from next week. Thankfully my work are still sticking with rules as they are currently to see how things go. It’s interesting to see how the different cafes, and shops are planning to change. Most seem to still be asking for people to wear masks and err on the side of caution. I’ll certainly be sticking to those rather than going to places that are fully opening up with no masks and no number restrictions.
Here’s our week 28 of Project 52.
Sunday involved tennis. We have junior club morning, but it’s informal with parents helping them with games and hitting. But we’ve missed a few weeks and the family with the parents who usually do the playing weren’t around. Luckily I’d worn my trainers and my racket’s in the car, so I had a hit with N as we were the only ones there (other than 2 littlies – lucky for them we were there and had the clubhouse key so they could borrow racket and balls).
I had a great time (next time should really wear sports gear rather than jeans!), and was actually hitting most of the balls N was feeding. He got in a few rallies, so it’s not taking long to get my eye back in. An hour of hitting, decent exercise, and now I need to play a bit more. Enough that I can turn up to social cub tennis without embarrassing myself.
On Monday it was back to work and school. N’s year are doing joint gifts and cards for the teacher and TAs in the class, so he had to do his card part and get that uploaded. He had multisports after school, and after tea I had to finish more work. That’s one disadvantage of having a desk – I don’t have to pack away my laptop to put dinner on the table, so it means it’s easier to go back in and finish off work and emails.
Tuesday was just another work and school day. Not much going on although I spotted a local matchplay tournament in the first week of the holidays, so N wanted to enter that. I spent quite a bit of time picking up N’s socks. He always leaves several pairs around, and rarely takes them upstairs to the wash basket.
On Wednesday it was a long work day again. N had a tennis private after school, and as well as his normal coach, had the boss coach who he’ll be having some sessions with over the holidays. It was good to see him and chat so he knows where N is and he could see what they’ve been working on.
Thursday was a manic work day. At least that’s one webinar done and out of the way for the launch next week. I had lots of meetings so couldn’t make N’s summer performance. He wasn’t fussed, and there were a few of the parents from his mini play missing. Someone sent me a photo of him in his costume and it looked quite good. Although I wasn’t able to see the whole impact of tail and mane.
On Friday it was a really needed short day at work. I was feeling a bit more relaxed and in control, although next week will be a busy one too. It was the last day in school school N as next week is all trips so he took in his small gifts for the teaching staff in his class, and thank you cards.
He also came home with his final assessment results from this term. He’s worked so hard this year and really progress, with him exceeding expectations and maths, and hitting expectations in reading and writing. His comprehension and spelling during writing still needs a lot of work, and there’s been a reminder tohim to read at home as well as at school. We’ll see whether he takes notice of that. We might need a book buying trip to see if he is inspired.
In the evening he had their class sleepover. As they missed out on their residential due to Covid, the school have tried to put on lots of other activities and fun days for the year 5 and 6 class. The sleep in at school involved takeaway burgers (N proclaimed his chicken burger was one of the best he’d had) and a film showing.
Saturday has been a strange hangover from Friday. I relaxed in the morning before picking N up at half ten. He was exhausted having only gone to sleep about 11.30pm and woke earlier than normal at 4.30am. He was hot too as they’d been playing football and rounders before coming home. I had to go into town though, so treated him to a Costa Frostino to cool him down. He missed lunch to have a 2 hour nap, then perked up enough to go out on the farm.
On a super hot day we had a roast for dinner – we can’t have it on Sunday as we’re out for a picnic, and the OH wouldn’t think salad with chicken was a substantial enough tea. It felt like it was Sunday so it’s nice feeling like we get a bonus day off tomorrow.

New posts this week:
Work sounded really busy. I would love a desk. I have taken over a corner of the front room! A school sleepover sounds amazing. What a great idea. It sounds like N did so well at school this year. We get reminded about reading at home and someone leaves their books at school on purpose! #365
We are still wearing masks everywhere and choosing places still following the old rules. Sounds like you are doing well with getting back into tennis too. Well done N on such a great end of year assessment. Hope he had a great time with the sleepover and that your weeks at work went well and wasn’t too full on.
I’m with you on erring on the side of caution and sticking to shops that are doing the same. Sounds like a busy week with tennis and work. Glad N got to enjoy a class sleepover at the end of term. Well done to him on his final assessment results. #project365
I am trying to wear masks as much as I can still but with the heat and pregnancy it has been hard. Try not to go out much. Well done N, it seems like he is doing well!
The sleepover sounds fun, glad he got to do that as he missed out on the residential
I’ll be still wearing a mask as well. I’m sure we’ll encounter even more people with absolutely no regard for anybody but themselves, but that seems to be a thing we’ll have to live with. I wish my daughter would take up a sport. We live practically next door to a sports college that offer all sorts of classes including tennis, but she’s just not interested!
It’s so hard to find a sport they enjoy if they’re not given the opportunity to try out lots at school. N loves hockey which I’m pleased about but he won’t join the club because it clashes with tennis, and he’ll not get to play it (or tennis) at secondary school as he’s a boy. He’ll be stuck playing rugby that he’s really worried about, and football which he enjoys talking about but not really into playing it. Hopefully your daughter may discover a sport later that interests her.
I will still be wearing a mask and as a family we will not rushing to get back to normal life. It’s worrying how many cases there are at the moment.
Well done to N. It sounds like he is doing great at school and the sleepover sounds like fun.
What cute cows. They do look very friendly x