Project 52 2021 week 46
This week’s brought a bit of a change – a stint back in the office, some more tennis, and largely dry weather. Here’s what’s been going on in our week 46 of project 52.
Sunday was a quiet morning but getting everything prepped for tea as we’d be out all afternoon. N had a tournament in the afternoon. The club had some really nice clay courts he enjoyed playing on, but the hard courts were a bit mossy and uncared for. Weird to have a tournament playing across different surfaces. He had a couple of good matches – should really have won one, and should have been capable of winning a second. The other opponents were much better than him, but he enjoyed the tournament, helped by all the kids being nice and sporting. No dodgy line calls, no arguing about scores, just playing tennis. The tournament referee was nice and friendly too. He wants a break from tournaments for a bit now, so just a couple of league matches left before Christmas.
On Monday it was just another day of work and back to school. I roasted some bought pumpkin seeds. The shop bought ones aren’t as good as the ones from the pumpkin I’d roasted, but they’ll do.
Tuesday it was just work and school. N took in his Father Christmas costume so it’s in school ready for the play next month. They had a rehearsal which as per usual he found really boring. Too much hanging around doing nothing waiting until it was their scene’s turn to practice. I did a lateral flow test ahead of the next day.
On Wednesday I went into the office. First time back in since March 2020 lockdown. It was a bit weird – the desk I’d booked ended up being next to my old desk. There were about 30 people in, all socially distanced desks, one way system. They have air monitors to remind you about increasing ventilation if needed, and people do lateral flow tests before going in. It was nice to see people face to face especially those new to the team since lockdown.
Thursday was a busy one at work. N had football club after school. After all those years of not being keen on the sport, he’s really enjoying football club. He comes home filthy though. I got quite a few sales on Vinted which was good. I’ve pretty much cleared out my wardrobe now. Even if I go down to the next size, I think most items I’ll probably keep hold of apart from trousers. But I’ve still got 3 piles of clothes to sell on – of mine and N’s. I also have a bag to go to recycling when I get round to it.
On Friday it was a quieter day at work which I was relieved about. I needed to get some time without spending my day answering questions or being in meetings. It was a satisfying week though because I’d covered for someone on leave, and it’s approaching a publication date, so it’s always frantic ticking off everything that needs doing. But we’re getting there, and it’s nice to actually ‘do’ project work rather than just overseeing or doing more general work than specific projects with precise end outputs.
They had to wear some yellow for Children in Need at school (the only yellow he has is school uniform tops – or sports socks with a tiny yellow stripe on). He went in with donations from us, and added a fiver of his own money in without prompting, which I thought was nice. It wouldn’t have occurred to me to donate for things at his age (although I suppose he’s got more of his own money than I had as a child). They did their usual ramble around the village – comedic moment when they walked near fields we rent and he asked if he could pick a turnip because he was hungry. I can just imagine the TA he asked, wondering what he was on about!. N also got star of the week at school (but couldn’t remember what for),
Then tennis in the evening x2 sessions. His private went well, he worked hard, and it was good to see them all rallying decently in their group session after.
On Saturday we got a lot done. In the morning we went into town for the bakery stall, then headed out to Dunelm and Homebase to check out Christmas trees. I really want a 7ft tree, but a slimmer one as the diameter is always huge for those. Otherwise I might try getting a fuller 6ft one, even though I’d like a bit taller than my current one. N reckons a wider one would be fine to get to the light switch, but I think we’d have to put it some way out of the corner, so would be a bit of a squash. I wonder if a smart plug might do the trick – although the OH would want it turned off at the wall, so that wouldn’t help getting being the tree to do that. I’ll probably end up sticking with what we’ve got again. I’ve been saying for years I’d upgrade the tree, but each year I look at the prices and effort in deciding and think we’ll just stick with what we have.
I then had my booster jab, so N went out shooting with my brother. We had fish and chips for tea as I was too late back to be cooking (I had halloumi and salad – I much prefer that to fish and chips, and I can get away with the batter on occasion on my diet!).
This week’s Project 52 photo was taken when I was trying to get my steps up during N’s tennis session.

New posts this week:
Glad to hear that tennis is going well. Charlie loves football too although I am not a fan of the washing it creates. I hope you manage to find a tree you like and that fits. I had my booster this weekend and felt awful, hope you weren’t affected.
My booster was fine – just painful armpit for 5 days. But the OH had moderna and felt terrible, day 2 wasn’t hungry and still felt off. Hope yours didn’t last too long
I am impressed that they are still doing a show, we are back in class bubbles so no chance of any shows here. I had my booster this week too, hope you felt ok with it
I am impressed that they are doing a play. Our school is back in bubbles so no chance of anything like that happening here
Ours are in mini bubbles inside, for 2 days went to class bubbles outside. But the play is all being practised outside and will likely be performed outside too. N would love if it was cancelled. He hates drama!
I am glad your son enjoyed the tournament and everyone was nice and friendly. How nice to have a bit more face to face contact at work now. Sounds like they are being very careful too with tests and a one way system. How incredibly generous of your son to add an extra £5, that is such a lovely gesture, what a good lad you have! Hope you feel okay after your booster jab.
Sounds like the tournament went well!
How lovely of N to take his own money in, that is really caring of him.
Love the autumn photo.
Glad N had a couple of good matches in his tournament. Nice to be able to see people in the office again. Well done to N for getting star of the week at school. #project365
Glad back to work is going well, must be strange being in the office with others after so long away. I’ve upgraded our tree this year to 7ft
I’ve gone for the 7 ft after seeing that 5.5ft trees were somewhat smaller than me and 6ft seemed short. Hoping we don’t have to move it too far out of our usual corner though. Only in the office the odd day. Probably once a month.
Glad you finally got back into the office, will you be on a rota system now then? I’d love to downsize our tree as it’s too big for our room but it was the OH’s parents so I’ve no chance. But with two kittens I’ve decided the tree isn’t going up this year. #365
No, all hybrid working, working from home unless there’s a team day in the office or a need for collaborative working.
The tennis tournament sounds a good one.
What a big moment going back into the office. It sounds like it went well.
Aww! Good on N for taking his own money to school for Children in Need. What a sweetheart.
That is a really autumnal photo. I love this time of year with all of the leaves on the ground x