Trendy toddler tuesday: rugby boy
I’ve been sorting out N’s wardrobe recently as he’s been growing out of his 18-24m tops, so I’ve been getting out all the age 2-3 items I’ve been stocking up on over the last 6 months or so. Trousers will take a little while to transfer as he’s got short legs relative to his body – he’s still in turn ups on some of his 18-24m trousers.
He’s got some great winter clothes, and I love the move to this next age group for clothes, as most shops have this as the switch from baby sizing into young boys.
Today he was in navy trousers – am wondering whether there’s just too much navy in his wardrobe as although I buy colours, I find there’s a lot of navy on the bottom half to contrast the top half with! And a scrummy (hmm, apologies) rugby top. I love him in stripes and anything collared seems to suit him well, although his dribble bibs don’t work so well with those.

Trousers – Next sale
Rugby Shirt – Sainsbury’s (love their ranges)
Dribble bib – Funky Giraffe
Doh.. I tried to comment on your post on Tuesday but I think my stupid phone ate the comment. I’m sorry I’m late getting to you. He looks lovely in his rugby shirt, love the big collar! xx
Thanks. Collars make toddlers look so much older, but I love them.