Project 52 2022 week 30
It’s been a mixed week. Considering I had the week off work, we’ve done very little. The weather’s been a bit cooler, but still not much more than a little rain. Our garden’s still green, but showing cracks. The field and paddock is yellow, it’s basically just hay now. The fields really need some rain.
Here’s our week 30 of Project 52.
On Sunday we didn’t do much. Well, N went out on the farm with his dad, then bumped into his friend as they were setting up their Sunday morning pastries and coffee morning at their bar. So he stopped to have a hot chocolate there. He’s growing up! I discovered my kerbside food caddy has a crack and broken side with a chunk of it disappeared. It usually sits right up in a sheltered corner of the house so it doesn’t get blown around. So I’ve no idea what’s had it. N reckons someone’s driven into it, but you couldn’t get a car close enough. It’s a mystery, and the council are going to despair hearing from me about caddies again.
N had his second covid jab, so he’s all completed now too.
Monday was a faff. On Friday we got 2 letters saying N had a face to face appointment about his tonsillitis. A bit pointless given that the last times he had it was September, November and January. We arrived very early to get a parking space which was easier than expected (apart from the fact that most people can’t park within the – admittedly – lines). Then had to sit there for ages as there were no coffee shops anywhere near. Of course the doctor we were due to see was running very late. But he’s now signed off, so fingers crossed he’s grown out of it, and 2020-21 was just a weird year where tonsillitis got him.
We had lunch out in town at Costa before heading home. Then an afternoon of making plans for the rest of this week.
On Tuesday we didn’t do much again. I’ve pretty much finished my book which I’ve been hooked on. I had some drop offs for return purchases to do, and stopped off at the milk vending machine to get some milkshake for N. He broke with tradition choosing cookies and cream flavour rather than his usual strawberry.
We didn’t manage to get the extra school socks we wanted in M&S. Our large out of town one never seems to have stock in his size of anything – pants, socks, school trousers, now school socks. I’d already bought most of his uniform online a couple of months ago, including a pack of socks, but we could do with an extra pack. So I’ll have to see if I can get them elsewhere or order them to be collected in store.
Wednesday was a lovely free day. N had tennis camp which is 6 hours. That gave me time to get to Stratford. I did manage to get a couple of things I wanted – school socks (from a tiny kids section!) being the main one. There was a food and crafts market by the riverside, so I treated myself to a bubble waffle. Delicious.
Afterwards it was back to Banbury to see Prima Facie with Jodie Comer, one of the National Theatre Live streamed performances at the cinema. If you’ve not seen it, I recommend it. She’s excellent, and while it’s an uncomfortable watch, it’s an interesting view of criminal law, and legal truth vs actual truth.
N had a couple of hours to relax after tennis, before he was back to football pre-season training this time. 2 new players (one was an interesting one, from the team we beat in the tournament final, who studded our goalie!). Will be interesting to see how he fits in, but we need extra players, especially good ones. The other boy’s mum seemed nice – he’s newer to football like N rather than the others who’ve been playing since young. I had to tell 3 kids to stop skateboarding and get their bikes off the tennis courts. The teen got lippy when I returned a second time after spotting him skateboarding again. I hate children doing wrong who have no respect for places or other people.
I then had my informal ‘rusty rackets’ group. An hour of playing whizzes by. I’m not sure how many people will be around the rest of the summer, but hopefully there’ll be enough.
On Thursday N and I had a lovely day out at the new cinema complex. We did crazy golf and played air hockey and whack-a-mole in the arcade. It was a shame the basketball and clown ball games weren’t working as they’re our favourites. Then 40 minutes of bowling. My 3rd game score wasn’t quite finalised as the time cut out just as I’d got in my frame 9 and 10 strikes (5 in one game!). I worked it out as 140, so the best score I’ve had for a long time…made easier by the slightly shorter bowling lanes!
We had lunch in the newly moved Pizza Express – we got free dough balls and a free soft drink thanks to finally getting round to downloading the app (if you don’t have it and are planning to eat there, you can use my referral code NN5C7V when you download it). There was a bit of time after lunch so we decided to head elsewhere to get some cinema snacks. While we think The Light cinema tickets are great value, their cinema snacks and drinks are extortionate. £5.50 for popcorn is just too much and £3.80 for a drink. So we bought our own popcorn to share, and took in our normal water bottles in to keep hydrated. The film was very funny, and it was the end to a great day.
Friday was one at home. We stopped at the pharmacy to check on my painful shoulder (I couldn’t understand how tennis would have done it, but it was either carrying the heavy ball hopper awkwardly, or more likely trying to get out of my racer back sports bra!), and have 3 vicious spots on the back of N’s knee that antiseptic spray and aloe vera wasn’t doing much with. I got ibuleve gel for my shoulder, and told that as the spots seemed to be a chronic thing which has flared up and now being painful, that the GP would be better for N. So waited for a call back from the doctor, before heading into town to pick up his antibiotics and hopefully that will sort it out.
On Saturday we didn’t do much. N’s leg was hurting still so didn’t want to go out on the farm. We did a brief nip to the farm shop and bakers then back home to watch some of the Commonwealth Games. A lazy end to the week.

New posts this week:
I hope this is the end for N with the tonsillitis. Hope the anti biotic clear up his problem and you are getting respite now from your injury
The appointments always arrive once things seem better!
I went to M&S and I couldn’t find tights and socks in Bee’s size. Ended up ordering online
How frustrating to finally get an appointment about N’s tonsilitis now that he seems to have grown out of it. Fingers crossed that he won’t have any more problems with them though. Sounds like you had a lovely day out at the cinema complex. Hope that the spots on N’s leg and your painful shoulder are now much better. #project365
It sounds like you had a good week overall. Too bad about the lack of proper rain. We have hardly had any over the past weeks either and really need it.
It’s not looking too good for any rain over the next 10 days either. Maybe a touch, but not enough. When it does rain, it’s going to be a shock isn’t it.
Injuries can happen with the amount of sports he is doing. Hopefully they will pass.
I think skateboarding is a fun sport, I’ve tried it twice and loved it, even though I am much older than the teenagers in the park. But it needs a proper skateboarding park, with well thought of ramps and bumps and so on. It can be dangerous if they are playing with it in other places, as they can hit someone pretty hard with that.
The Commonwealth Games are really nice, I like watching a few. Which one are you watching?
I watch any of the sports. Lots of netball, squash, hockey, bit of volleyball, swimming, gymnastics. Now I’m back at work I’ll struggle to keep up with it all, so will watch on catch up.
I was wishing for rain a few days ago and now it’s done nothing but rain. At least it’s helping the garden.
Fingers crossed N has grown out of tonsillitis. I used to get it a lot when I was about his age and then I just stopped getting it.
It sounds like you have had a good week. I hope you shoulder feels better soon and N’s leg too.
Fab photo. What a lovely lake. x
It’s been raining here today but on and off. No decent amount. We really need a couple of days of steady rain. Although not Wednesday because N has tennis camp!