Project 52 2020 week 10 – karting
This week hasn’t been the best healthwise. Colds and tonsillitis, the OH is the only one free of anything so far. It’s screwed up N’s tennis and swimming this week and he’s still suffering a week later.
Onto this week’s Project 52, week 10 of the year.
On Sunday we had a lazy day because N wasn’t feeling too good. I finished my latest Wasgij puzzle, and started the next. N spent a lot of time on his laptop.
Monday he was still not great. His tonsils were up – his left gland was like a little bullet under his chin, and it was an interesting look at the back of his mouth. I kept him off school, and worked from home myself. It also looked like he had spots on his tonsils so managed to get him a doctor’s appointment within 2 hours of calling! Doctor said antibiotics and to keep them posted how often he gets tonsillitis. It seems 6 times a season is the trigger for having them out, but he’s a long way from that, usually only getting it twice. This time knocked him more than usual. With me also having a cold and sore throat, it’s not been a healthy week.
N went back to school on Tuesday – with hindsight, by the end of the day he was struggling and despite him seeming ok at the start of the day, he shouldn’t really have been in. If I’d not had an all day off site meeting I’d have worked from home again. This is when it would be helpful if the OH helped out when N is ill. But of course, it falls to me as he has to work unless he’s really ill.
On Wednesday he was much better in himself and his tonsillitis was coming out as a cold with sniffles. We cancelled his tennis lesson.
Thursday was World Book Day. N had decided ages ago he was going as Rafe from Middle School – Dog’s Best Friend. Just ordinary clothes, and we added his dog soft toy on a lead. Nice and simple. My INR test showed I was back in range finally. I spent the evening making a cheesecake for the PTA event on Friday.
On Friday N had a headache still, so we decided he should stay off tennis again. I still had his friend after school and took him to the lesson. It did mean I could sort out dinner nearer normal time at home, and then had plenty of time to get to the school race night. It was good fun and hopefully made a decent amount of money. It did go on a bit too long, so people had started leaving which meant the last race didn’t make as much money as we would have hoped.
My cheesecake went down very well, being the first dessert to be demolished. I’d worried that there wouldn’t be any left by the time it got to our table. Poor N had asked if there would be some left to bring home. Er, no.
Saturday N had a party to go to. One of his tennis friends does karting and had a karting party. N and none of the other boys had done it before, but they all enjoyed it. They had food afterwards, but it ended up being a long day and N still wasn’t quite right. I mean, for a child who likes salad and veg, he chose to have chips AND mash with his burger! I hadn’t realised until it had already been ordered. At least he’s eating well now but he was still not quite right – he slept in the car on the way home for the first time in ages. I’m pleased it’s some way away, otherwise I’m sure he’d be pestering to go again.
We’re just hoping a good sleep this evening will help him as he’s got his first county training session on Sunday. I think we’ll go and see how he gets on – if only to meet everyone and find out how it all works. The first session isn’t really a good one to miss, but it’s over 3 hours long, so he’s probably going to struggle. It’s a pity he doesn’t have an extra day afterwards to recover before school is back again.

I hope he gets better. Tonsillitis is tough. OoOOo cheesecake.
Oh, your poor boy, hope he’s been much better this week. Glad to hear your cheesecake was such a big success.
The karting looks like great fun.
He loved the karting. He’s not a big risk taker but likes driving anything
Hope N is back to normal soon. Sounds like a nasty bug. The karting does look a lot of fun.
Hope N has a better week this week and he’s better soon, the karting sounds fun, not something I’ve ever tried or my kids did much of
Poor N, hope that he’s back to normal soon. Tonsillitis is horrible. Glad he enjoyed the karting though and that your cheesecake was enjoyed! #project366
Sorry to hear N has been so ill this week. Hope he is better now!
Sounds like the cheesecake was delicious!
Karting looks fun…I wonder if the girls would enjoy it!
Sounds like a hard week, big hugs. Fingers crossed everyone will be on the mend soon. Big hugs x
Sorry N has been poorly, my son’s best friend was the same too. Well done on the karting, I wish I could persuade my son to try it – not a chance! #366
Sounds like a tough week. I’ve just got the end of a cold left , just a very slight cough, but I get loads of worried looks on the bus if I cough and I can tell everyone is trying to figure out if I have coronavirus ! lol. Fingers crossed everyone will be fighting fit again next week 🙂
Poor N! It does sound like a hard week for him. I’m glad he enjoyed his karting, though – and so many people enjoyed your cheesecake! I hope the county tennis session goes well today. It definitely doesn’t sound like one to miss.
It sounds like N has really been through it this week. I hope he’s feeling better now. The karting does look like fun.