Sunny days – tips on getting outside with babies
We’ve had the most glorious weather here the past week and now into Easter weekend it’s continuing. It’s so important for everyone to get sun and spend time outside. But sunny days with a baby aren’t always easy.
As N’s been ill we’ve not really been out and about making the most of the sunny days preferring to stay in the cool indoors. But today he seemed better (touch wood), and I really wanted to catch some rays, so began the attempt to make a shady place for the little man to be able to sit out.

N likes to be outside and walked around so he can see things, providing it’s not too bright. But it turns out he’s not keen just lying on a blanket. I’d got picnic blanket out, put on the sun tan lotion, got a big golf umbrella out and creating the right shade, put his hat on…nope, not keen. He has to be doing something, and as he can’t sit up on his own yet that meant I had to be under the umbrella as well helping him sit up and look at his feet!
Tips on getting babies outdoors on sunny days:
- Make sure there’s shade – a tent cover, gazebo, tree shade
- Make them comfortable – tummy time on a blanket, in a bouncer or baby seat, or buggy
- Keep them hydrated – either through breast feeding or if advised/on formula, water as a top up to milk
- Keep an eye on them getting too hot – strip them off down to a vest/nappy
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The alternative is waiting til the midday sun’s gone, and putting him outside in his buggy with the uv sun shade* over to get him to nap while I get to sit outside. Otherwise I may need to create a den with the 2 clothes horses, and put his playgym underneath. The things we do for children to keep them interested and entertained when they can’t do it for themselves.
Note to self – predict you’re going to have children and do something with the paddock/garden in plenty of time, like planting trees and shrubs in the right places! Rather than just having a huge patch of grass with no shade, hedges or trees in.
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