A toddler’s dream: Tractor Ted Farm Show at Bowood
N’s been a fan of Tractor Ted for a while now, and when I noticed there was a competition over Easter, I was on the website trying to win. We didn’t, but we did get sent some tickets for their Tractor Ted Farm Show at Bowood House as a thanks for entering.
Tractor Ted has its own farm at Bowood House, and throughout the year they have various events. We’ve never been to one as I’ve always thought it was a bit of a trek, but on this occasion decided that we’d go. We’d hoped to meet one of my birth board online friends, but they couldn’t make it in the end. Instead we met up with Mary, Monkey and Mr P from Over40andamumtoone, as well as fleetingly bumping into one of our swimming friends.

The show really was a toddler dream. Especially one who’s got farming in his blood.
The great thing about Tractor Ted is that the dvds aren’t cartoony (well, apart from the occasional pop up Tractor Ted); they’re actually Early Years learning documentaries. And that obviously means a farm show, is like a proper agricultural show, but a mini version…oh and minus lots of animals. It did entail a dog show, and an animal tent, but mostly it was about machinery.
We had a few arguments about wristbands first of all – N really isn’t keen. Somewhere recently he managed to wriggle his hand out, and this time, although I’d stuck it tighter, he managed to rip it off. But once we got in, N was in his element.
First up was the amazing Tractor Ted bouncy slide. The queuing system was a bit of a muddle and kids were just standing waiting to be let on, so N joined the queue. The Tractor Ted team member had stickers, but didn’t seem to be doing much with them, and it seemed to be free as everyone was just heading for it as they walked into the field. N only had the one go as it was just too busy

On the way out to head back home, I noticed a sign at the other side saying £1 for 3 minutes. Oops, turns out we should have paid. Not that anyone was telling the kids or parents that. Maybe they put it up when it was busier later on in the day?!
Everything seemed really well set up and thought out. There was a membership tent, where you could sign up to the Tractorland club, and enter to win a prize. Not to mention play at diggers and scooping balls.

There were catering areas, a fire engine (which N headed straight for from miles away, running away to reach it so he could sit in it – I didn’t even think he was that fussed about emergency vehicles!), and stalls. Something for everyone, even though just chaperoning. This amazing stall had gorgeous baskets and trugs. Just wish I’d already decluttered our house so I could have some of these to decorate the house use.

We met up with Mary and Monkey early on so we knew where our base would be. They kindly grabbed a straw bale, and we stopped to watch Digger Dave and Digger Tim do their stuff building a tower of logs.

Every half hour there were different shows in the main ring – a main act, followed by a smaller one, so we watched one, then headed off, and back again so we saw lots going on. The first stop for N was the JCB diggers. It was lovely the way he just spotted something he wanted to see and that was it, he was off.

He had to work his way round the 2 diggers and work out which one was going to be free to get in first. Didn’t take long to wait and walk round, and then he was up in it.
Nothing like ‘driving’ a huge vehicle to make his day. After a gaze over at the baler and wrapper, he spotted the vintage tractors. I think these are a bit of a novelty for him, as he doesn’t see many tractors without computers and air conditioning in the cab!

We had a wander round the fairground…N wanted to go on the bungee trampolines, which I told him he could go on once he’d been for a wee. He really dislikes chemical toilets – well, he’ll go in them, sit on the loo, but would not pee. So I was on tenterhooks all day as he didn’t pee from about 8.15 to around 3 when we got home. He fell asleep on the way home so we didn’t even get the chance to stop.
He did go on the ferris wheel and loved that. A boy after my own heart enjoying rides, definitely unlike his father who goes green thinking about them.

Then we spotted the donkey rides. I’d wanted him to go on them when we were at Cleethorpes, but he didn’t want to and was a bit small, but after the zipwire, I knew he’d be fine at holding on tightly. He couldn’t wait to choose his donkey and mount him. They did a couple of laps round their ‘paddock’ area, and he was grinning all the way round.
While we had our picnic, we watched a few other shows. A bit of an odd Spanish stallion show which involved one horse practicing dressage style steps, and another plus a woman wafting her scarf around.

Then it was time for the new Claas mighty mower. Now, we’re used to seeing mowers, but these were 3 times the size. Plus the excitement that the tractor cab itself could lift up and turn round so the back became the front.
The children were then told they could go into the ring. N would usually say no, but I was amazed that this time he wanted to. I lifted him over, checked he was ok that I was staying where I was and off he went. It was really busy with all the children wanting to look at the 3 in 1 giant mower, but N didn’t seem worried. He came running back out, I think to check we were still there. Then ran back to have another look. Finally I saw him running for a detour out to touch the logs that had been left by the diggers. I called him over, so proud he’d done that on his own. Well, astonished really.

We had a lovely day. the weather was beautiful, and because we got there early as it opened, we weren’t parked miles away either. Handily, you don’t have to pay to get into Bowood House to do the events as they’re held further away from the house. But it would be nice if we’re visiting down that way to check out the house and the Tractor Ted farm on a normal day.
So much fun. Thanks for sharing this. I loved seeing all of the photos.
I take so many photos, it’s hard to decide which to share.
wow this looks like an amazing day, its great to see things like this have things for kids to do , to learn, what a great day to spend the day with the family.
This looks like so much fun! My boys would flip right out over this kind of event.
I’ve got one of those baskets sitting in my livingroom right now 😛
x from the Dish
That kid really had a great day on the event and I saw some nice baskets that are really perfect for kitchen and for buying vegetables because we are using same kind of basket here to save money from paying plastic bags and also help reduce plastic waste.
Looks like he had a great time 🙂 so adorable 🙂
Wow! Your son definitely enjoyed the farm show. My son also loves to go on this kind of adventure and I hope we have this kind of theme park here in our country.
Looks like you all had fun, especially your little one lol. I love taking my kids to the festivals we have in the area.
Wow looks like you guys had a blast. Thanks for sharing.
This sounds like a wonderful day out at the park! I’ve never heard of the Tractor Ted Farm Show but I’m sure my boys would be into it too. What little boy doesn’t love farm equipment?
N indeed enjoyed the show. It is clearly shown from his eyes.
This looks like so much fun. Reminds me of a thing we have here called touch a truck. the kids love it
Looks Like A Fun Place To Visit My Kids Would Love This Love The Beautiful Pictures Of Your Family Thank You For Sharing!!
The farm looks wonderful and I can only guess how much fun a toddler would have there, but I bet my 14 years old would love it
This looks like a great place to go with kids.
He looks like he’s having a blast on the tractors.. my boys would be totally jealous, my oldest loves all kinds of cars and tractors.. what a blast
Kids and vehicles = lots of smiles all round!
Sounds like a lot of fun, lots to do and a great place to go and spend the day as a family!
It really was – lots of different things to do for all ages.
It was so nice that they have sent tickets for you!
I Think your son had a great day, he had so much fun, i hope my son wouldn’t be scared on riding a horse.
N’s around animals all the time on the farm, although not horses. But his cousins ride, so he’s not too worried about being near them.
Looks like he had an awesome time. I don’t know how I would of felt about the one ride with him being so small. I guess I am over protective. Glad you all had great time.
After he went on a zip wire the other week, I reckon he’s big enough for most rides nowadays.
It looks like your little one had a wonderful time. We have a farm that has tons of great things to do down the street from our house and my son loves it.
Your son is adorable and he looks like he had so much fun!
That looks like fantastic fun Emma! I’ve never even heard of Tractor Ted #theshame. Looks so cool though. x
I don’t think many have. Not on tv, just dvd, so unless you go to Countrywide stores, or agriculture/county shows or know someone who had them for their children, you’d be none the wiser. They’re great fun.
Love his little face, he looks like he absolutely adores tractors. We went to a ploughing match last year and the kids loved it #countrykids
Ooh now a ploughing competition sounds good. Might have to track down one of those near us.
Awe looks like you all had fun. Nothing says summer like a county fair, I miss ours so much
Such a shame when they stop. We used to have the Royal Agricultural show near us. We used to go as kids, but it stopped a few years ago. It’s really missed
It was lovely to see you both (the link isn’t working – have you missed an a out?) and N is far braver than Monkey. No Donkey or fairground rides for him. Bowood House, gardens and the Tractor Ted Farm are well worth a visit, although our two are way too young for the amazing climbing frame, the pirate ship is excellent though.
Ah, maybe that’s why the strikethrough on the post. I see that quite often on other blogs, but first time I’ve seen it on mine. Hopefully that amend’ll solve it. Definitely worth waiting til he’s older then to see the rest. Salcey Forest was disappointing because the rope climbing frame was way too high and old, but that was all there was.
So many activities! My son loves anything with wheels, especially tractors. We live in the country so he sees them all the time and is just mesmerized. He would definitely love this.
lol, I think it’s obligatory to like tractors when you’re in the countryside!
Looks like he had a really fun filled full day. These are the kinds of days that mommies must love. Because we know as long as the gas is used up, there will be a time for relaxing while the little guy rests.
Wow, so many activities. You could keep going back and never get bored. I really like the digger where you are trying to capture the plastic eggs. I would have loved that as a kid!
We’ve seen quite a few of those ‘diggers’ when you can work them yourselves. We never had those type of toys when we were kids
They have nice facilities at Tractor Ted and I’m sure kids would enjoy playing with the tractors and attractions here.
That looks like he had a great time. The pictures are wonderful, your really captured everything. Brilliant! Thank you for sharing:)
That is WAY cool! I wish they had something like that 18 years ago when my son was little. He loved tractors and construction equipment and would have had a ball!!!
Nowadays they’re quite spoilt, what with this, and also Diggerland. I think that’ll be on our agenda when N’s a bit older.
Ooh, someone looks like he had a great time!
he looks like he had a blast! i have some friends whose boys are into tractors, it’s so cute
Tractors seem to be loved by lots of children. N isn’t keen on cars really, but tractors are essential for him
What a fantastic place for the children and particularly for little N with all the tractors and other machinery to look at! How lovely that you met up with a fellow blogger friend for the day as well – a great day out with plenty to keep the children entertained. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.
Definitely a great day, and a good introduction to country fairs. Great how all the arena displays were largely based around Tractor Ted, and it’s wasn’t over commercialised like some brands are.
Looks like a fabulous day and sounds perfect for him!
Was a great day out. He was in his element.
You’ve got some really lovely photos of your day Emma, N was clearly having a great time! Love the one of him on the big tractor 🙂 have to admit I haven’t heard of Tractor Ted, but it sounds great x #CountryKids
Tractor Ted’s one of those brands that you never really hear about unless from friends or in farming as they’re often at farm shows. Great for preschoolers as all educational, and fun.
It looks like you had a great day out. What a fab idea for fun with the toddler – he looks so happy doing everything. We have not heard of tractor ted but I can imagine that my 3 year old would love it .x #CountryKids
Beware, Tractor Ted is addictive – kids seem to love it. We used the dvds as toilet training rewards!
Lots of firsts. I can imagine most little boys would love an event like this. N looks so focused. #CountryKids
Oh yes, focus is everything where there’s farm vehicles involved. He loved it