Wasgij Mystery 20 Mountain Mayhem solution
This Mountain Mayhem Wasgij Mystery 20 puzzle was one of the recent releases. With Wasgij puzzles I do them for the challenge, rather than what they look like. Some people like pretty jigsaws or Disney. Some will glue puzzles and frame their favourites. I’m like a conveyor belt. Start one, finish it, break it up and move on to the next. Sometimes with a break in the middle, but usually I’m just onto the next.

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Wasgij puzzles are good for the challenge, although there are also some fun things to spot in the finished images. I have a favourite character who appears in most of the puzzles, and it’s great to spot characters from one puzzle to the next.
Wasgij Mystery 20 Mountain Mayhem shows holiday makers going to the mountains on holiday. You need to work out what happens next to complete the puzzle. Of course there’s some comedy moments as usual with these puzzles. This was a fun puzzle to do. Not a really hard puzzle, it has plenty going on so is fine to put together the different items and areas. With the Wasgij mystery range, the context surroundings of the image remain the same, so it’s easy enough to get most of the outside done to work out the location of the more detailed different parts inside.
If you need more guidance on how to do a Wasgij puzzle without the solution, check out my step by step guide. This also shares my other Wasgij solutions. Otherwise you can find the solution further down the page.
I also share my helpful puzzle accessories and you can buy Wasgij puzzles* from Amazon as well as other online jigsaw outlets, and high street stores.

Let me know how you get on with Wasgij Mountain Mayhem.