Project 52 2021 week 15 – dog walk
Week 15 of project 52 this year has been a real mixed back of weather. We’ve had sun, cold, warmth, hail, snow, pretty much all on one day. Thankfully it looks like we’re due warmer dry weather for a bit. Covid wise, non essential retail has now opened up, and outdoor hospitality. We’ve no plans to go to a restaurant or pub, and the places I need to shop from in town, are no longer open. So I’ll still be shopping online when needed. Hopefully people still stay sensible with social distancing and masks, although I’m not sure that’s the case everywhere.
Here’s our week for Project 52.
Sunday was a tennis day. Early club coaching had a bit of snow, and was so cold standing and watching. Break for lunch, then N was back in the afternoon for his team matchplay practice session. We wished these sessions were continuing because they just get on and play rather than be interrupted by children who like to just muck around.
On Monday we woke to a scattering of snow on the ground. By 9am it was all melted, but stayed cold. I was back working while N mostly played on the xbox and watched youtube, and interspersed it with going out on the farm with his dad.
Tuesday was more work for me. Nice and quiet as so many people were still on leave, so I got lots of jobs ticked off. We had one cow put out in the field behind us because she’d been knocked about a bit after giving birth, and then wouldn’t stand up because she was too weak. Her calf died too, not helped by her not getting up. So she was put outside to stop her getting bashed and giving her more space to get up and walk around.
On Wednesday more of the same. We took the dog out for a walk in the afternoon, just up to one of our fields as she’s in season. I tried to make friends with some of the cows still in the barn. They’ll all be heading outside soon.

I had a flexi day off work on Thursday. I started the day cutting fabric ready to make notebook covers, but I need more interfacing and thread. So it might be a job for Sunday to finish. N decided he wanted to make tea and decided on a tomato and ricotta puff pastry tart from his children’s recipe book. We added bacon too because the OH won’t eat meals without meat. It looked really good and both of them liked it. I had omelette and salad because of my diet not allowing me the pastry. I’d also made carrot cake for them, which N has been eating even more than the OH!
Friday back working but a short day. I’d finally found a shelving system that would work under our sink so decluttered and sorted that out, so it’s looking really tidy. Then tennis in the evening, the last of the cancelled/postponed catch up sessions.
Saturday started ringing 111 because N’s spot/bite on the back of his calf had got a bit violent. He had it initially 3 weeks ago, but didn’t get a reaction and it just stayed small. I think it was because he was on tonsillitis antibiotics at the time. Now it’s looking violent – was white tipped yesterday and has dark inside now, plus it is red around it and got bigger since Friday. Plus his leg’s now feeling stiff and it was a bit hot to touch. Got a call back from local out of hours doctors quickly, sent a photo over, and they decided antibiotics specific to skin. Hopefully they don’t irritate him, and do the job of getting rid. If it was me, I’d just burst it and keep whacking TCP on it, but N said it was hurting too much. He now has a biro line round his leg which is quite funny. It’s always a worry because sometimes he does go out to walk the dog in wellies and shorts, so ticks are always a concern.
It meant going to Boots in town for the prescription, so we nipped along the retail park to get a Costa takeaway drink. First time using the app to order a collection. I’ll try and use that in future – so fast rather than waiting in the queue.
We then spent the afternoon at the park and tennis courts because N wanted to meet his friend for a hit around. They never play tennis for long when it’s informal, but I was surprised that on such a lovely day the courts were empty, and only a couple of others at the playground. But it was the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral at the same time, so maybe everyone was indoors watching that. We popped for a chat in his friend’s garden. It was lovely to have a relaxing chatty afternoon.
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Even though you had to work it sounds like it was quite a relaxed week overall. N’s bite sounds nasty I’m glad you were able to get it looked at. I hope the cow is OK too it should like she has been through it too #365
tomato and ricotta puff pastry tart sounds delicious. Hope N’s bite is better now, Sebby is a nightmare for scratching his and has ended up on antibiotics a few times
You will have to wrap up warm to watch the tennis! I was tempted to bring out the winter coats again, its been quite cold. Fingers crossed warmer weather will be here to stay soon. I love the sunshine to feel happy. Am sorry to hear about the calf, hope the mum is on the mend now.
Sorry to hear about the cow whose calf died – hope she gets better soon. Tomato and ricotta puff pastry tart sounds yummy particularly with bacon added. Hope that the antibiotics have helped make N’s leg better. #project365
N’s leg does sound painful, I do hope the antibiotics have worked now. Hope it didn’t interfere with his tennis. The poor cow and calf, hope that experience is relatively low for you on the farm. The coffee shop click and collect service has been great, especially for saving you having to spend too much time in the store
Hope that Ns bite is okay? We have skin antibiotics reasonably frequently as Charlie has bad skin. Also hope the cow is doing better and your interface arrived so you could finish your book covers.
Hope his calf is better now and that antibiotics worked.
Aww poor cow…hope she is doing better now too.
I need to go to the shops as need some shoes but avoiding it…have to go as my feet tend to swell in pregnancy and have to try them on.. so can’t just order online.
Hope the antibiotics have sorted the bite out now, sounds nasty #365
I’ve just signed Lily up for tennis lessons, what ones have you been doing? We are doing the 6 week LTA course. Will hope to book onto something more permanent after that once we get a feel for the club… Hope Ns bite gets better soon x
The 6 weeks is a good one to start with. N started in reception at after school club, then the coach recommended he join the normal out of school coaching, so he’s been doing it since then. He loves it a lot. Hope Lily enjoys it.
Everyone seems to have a had a little snow but us. I’m fine about missing out this time, it’s April and it’s supposed to be getting warmer.
Aww! I hope the cow in the field behind you is doing better. It looks like a lovely walk up the field.
I hope N’s leg is getting better now. What a worry. x