Toddler outdoor activity – car washing
I’m a big fan of Pinterest, although it takes me a while to remember to refer back to items I’ve pinned when I’m trying to think of interesting things to try out or make. Needless to say, I also have a couple of boards for activities for N, although we’ve not achieve many (if any!).
Someone had recently blogged about giving their children a bowl of water and letting them wash their toys outside while the weather’s good. Car washing is a great toddler outdoor activity for them to enjoy.
N had obviously read the same blog post as me, as the other day he was out the garden playing quite happily, and riding about in his cosy coupe car. Next thing I see is he’s ‘watering’ his car inside and out with his watering can that was in his half-full water table.
Next thing, he’d wandered into the kitchen, gone and found a tea towel and was then trying to wipe the car dry again.
“My washing my car”.

Finally, it was time to drive the car off. Dry seat originally, until the water he’d poured in the cubby hole part was sloshed all down his back and into the seat.

He wasn’t worried, but needed a dry pair of shorts and a new nappy as they were sopping.
He’s never seen us wash the car (although they do clean the tractor with the pressure washer), so interesting how he came up with the idea. Although anything involving water has to be an essential for toddler play if they’re choosing the activity.
Very cute! Good to get him started young 🙂
Definitely. could save me washing mine in future!
awww how super cute!! i think he did a fab job for his first attempt!! 🙂
So lovely to have you linked up for #MagicMoment 🙂 x
Anything with water appeals to him, and even better, he thought of it himself. Don’t know how, as I only ever wash the car in the car wash!