pizza muffins

Project 366 2016 week 27 – ice creams and more

It’s onto week 27 of Project 366, and crikey, we’re past halfway in 2016. This week’s shown a glimmer of warmer weather here, and I’m doing sun dances to hope it continues for our camping trip in a few weeks.  Here’s our week in photos.

On Sunday we went to a christening. I say we, but it was just N and me because the OH was working as usual. The weather was amazing, it was lovely to catch up with people and N loved pottering around the garden with the other children.  I always find it interesting to see how he gets on with strangers especially as his friends will be moving up in school next year while he stays in the same class until he’s more confident in his writing, leaving him with other year 1 children he doesn’t really seem to get on with.  In school he doesn’t seem that bothered about making friends, but at nursery he gets on so well with the older children.  At the chri

stening he pottered on his own for a bit, then found another child of similar age came over and they started playing football together. Then he ended up on the trampoline, rolling around and playing with some of the older boys.  It just takes him a bit of time to get stuck in, so hopefully that’s what he’s like at school.  Oh, and he was happy pudding was ice creams.

relaxing with an ice cream

On Monday I was a bit short of photos.  But I’m loving my new Asus laptop, and it still feels shiny and new.

new laptop keyboard

On Tuesday, we didn’t make it through N’s reading book. He decided half way through that we were going to do alphabets, capitals and attempt (limited) spellings. Annoyingly he’s getting his confidence and remembering things better, and it’s nearly the summer holidays.

alphabet magnet play

On Wednesday, it was parents evening and I snapped N looking pensive after getting home.  I’d had to take him with me because the OH was working, but he was lucky because the teacher let him play on the class ipad while we talked.

daydreaming in the car

On Thursday, I needed a quick tea for myself, grabbed some muffins that needed using and made muffin pizzas.

pizza muffins

On Friday I bought some mini ‘magnums’.  They’re smaller than I remembered they’d be – fine for N, maybe not so much for the OH. Look at this face – bliss is ice cream.

ice cream bliss

On Saturday N had swimming, then we headed over to a friends with most of us who’re going camping to discuss and plan. All the kids just headed out to the field opposite their house where they have a den, and did god knows what down there.  They ranged from age 5 to 11/12, and N loved it.  The OH wasn’t impressed when we got home and told him – he couldn’t believe I’d just let him go where we couldn’t see them. The most dangerous bit was them crossing the road and we checked them doing that. The older children were keeping an eye on them. It’s a good job the OH isn’t come camping because poor N would never be allowed to roam like he did last year with the other children.

In the afternoon we had planned to go to the village fete but we got back later than expected, and ended up mooching on the farm.  We’ve not seen the kittens for a while but spotted this cat skulking away from the car port.  This one always makes me smile.  It always looks too well fed and fluffy for a scrappy farm cat.

cat on the roam
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    1. It did thanks. The muffin pizzas are great (although I think a thinner naan is better.

      These were the Tesco ones – the mini magnums never seem to be on offer when I want to buy them!

  1. Sometimes it’s hard to let them go out of sight but it’s how they learn – and have fun! Love the mini muffin pizzas and mini Magnums are definitely too small 😉

    1. They’re so easy aren’t they. Great for using up whatever bready type you’ve got leftover! You have a great week too Kirsty

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