nandos banbury lights and decor

Project 52 2022 week 51

It’s been a busy week in the run up to Christmas as expected, cleaning, shopping and just getting ready. I don’t feel quite as relaxed as maybe I should having been off work. Here’s our week 51 of Project 52.

Sunday was wet and miserable. We avoided going out and watched how slowly the snow was melting. The local outdoor bar had organised a Christmas special day, some inside, with warm festive drinks and Santa’s grotto. So we headed down for a short time. Shorter than anticipated because most of N’s friends headed off to watch the World Cup final together.

On Monday it was the first day of holidays for us. I had a nice lie in. Then it was a day for hunkering down as it was wet and very windy. All the snow has gone.

Tuesday was a dry day, probably the first and only dry day in the next 2 weeks. We went bowling and for a Nandos lunch to get out and about. Not what I was planning – very little outdoors involved. But that’s the kind of thing my tween likes (until I beat him at bowling).

On Wednesday we had to go back into town to return N’s new phone case. The guy had sold us a case that he said fit perfectly, but it turned out the torch and one camera lens was covered, and the off button was weird rather than cut out so wasn’t really usable. It was also scuffed at 2 corners. Luckily there was no squabble, and he just swapped it for a correct version. I finished off my Christmas food order, so hopefully a) we’ve got room in the fridge, and b) there aren’t too many substitutions or missing items.

Thursday was an early start. We had our mattresses being delivered so had to be up with the old ones ready by 7am, and do a good deep clean of the bedroom – removing all my puzzles that are stacked up to do so. Of course they didn’t arrive until 10.30ish, but it was all very fast and efficient. And the remaining 2 beds now have nice new mattresses. Now I want new bedding – one still needs a new duvet, and I’d like new pillows too as ours are pretty old and grim now. So I’ll be checking out the sales for those.  And trying to sell lots of my puzzles. I was avoiding selling during the postal strikes, but will need to get back to it to clear out in the new year. 

Also had my Tesco Christmas food shop. Only 2 substitutions on non essential items, which was good going.

On Friday, we headed for a quick trip to tornw to pick up extra bedding I’d ordered overnight, and drop off a parcel. God knows when that will arrive – hoping it’s before the 14 day limit is up. We did the cleaning downstairs ahead of Christmas. N’s in negotiation mode for pocket money and chores, as we’ve rewritten the pocket money charter in readiness for next year!

Saturday and Christmas Eve. Out before 8am to pick up our turkey from the farm shop. Usually we end up with quite a bit bigger than we order, but this time the turkey was a touch smaller. Not as many days of leftovers which is a shame. I thought the cost would be massively up on previous years, but it was cheaper than I expected. We spent the day prepping veg, getting all the cutlery, crockery and table linen out, and making a pavlova base. Time for a board game before my brother came over and took N out target shooting. In the evening on we went out for a big family meal at a local pub. Lovely to see everyone, although with a big table, it’s not always easy to catch up with everyone properly.

Hope everyone has a merry Christmas, and we’ll see you on the other side.

nandos banbury lights and decor

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  1. Your Christmas build up sounded lovely, other than the phone case, which was great it was swopped without hassle.Did the turkey provide many leftover meals?

  2. Bowling and Nandos sounds like a nice way to spend the day even if the weather was more favourable for outdoors time. Lovely to have new mattresses. 2 substitutions on non-essential food items for the Christmas food shop is good going – we had a few more than that on ours but it was all ok. Glad your turkey was cheaper than expected even if it was a little smaller than you’d expected. I was quite shocked at the price of ours this year compared to last year. Hope you all had a good Christmas. #project365

  3. It sounds like a good week and well done to Tesco with your food shop. I had 20 subs but they were all sensible replacements. I only sent a few things back.
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. x

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