Project 52 2018 week 26 – barley fields
It’s been another hot week. N doesn’t mind it, but I’m not a fan. I’m largely staying inside, or just pottering at home rather than going out. Ideally I’d like it to go down to 24C, that would be more pleasant but still hot enough. I’m just hoping that the first week in the school holidays is dry because we’re camping that week.
The weather isn’t helped with our tv viewing habits. We have no freeview signal in the mornings (of benefit because it means N’s tv viewing is severely limited), and nothing after 9-10pm. It seems others around the country are also impacted, although bizarrely the in laws who only live 30 metres or so from us, haven’t had an issue with theirs. We’ve been told it’s the unusually stable high pressure. So we could be having more interruptions until the hot weather is over. Joy.
Work’s been busy, but this week has seen a few successes for N. He had a great school report – saying he’s kind natured, focused and keen to do well. He’s also shown good progress over the year. You can’t ask much more than that,
Then he topped it off by finally doing his 25 metres on his front. He did the same distance on his back months ago, but that 25 metres has eluded him. It looked painful but he kept going. He added 50 metres on his back which we knew he’d have no problem with. Then at the end of the lesson he was asked if he wanted to try for 50 metres on his front. He nodded and off he went, pulling that out of the bag as well. So I had to buy him 2 badges in one go. Big achievement for him, and just shows how much his swimming has improved from that first struggle to get 10 metres unaided.
This week’s Project 52 / My Sunday Photo picture was of some barley fields I stopped to take photos of. The poppy field I was heading for has no poppies left.

Well done to N on the swimming. I’d not heard that high pressure could cause freeview problems – must be a bit frustrating.
Yes it’s definitely the high pressure but annoying when the in laws isn’t impacted at all. Most is better but still a couple of channels that are still screwed in the early mornings when I’ve recorded catch up stuff
Well done to N on his swimming and school successes. I have no idea what our school report will bring up yet. Love that shot #365
He’s done so well. Although parents evening tomorrow, we might still get told he’s behind and needs to focus more on his reading! Not that he takes any notice of that
well done to N with his school report and excellent news with the swimming. How weird you’re having TV signal issues yet your parents aren’t.
It is really strange. They can’t really explain it. Retuning has finally worked, but it’s still a little dubious at some times of the day
Our office is lovely as here’s aircon (when it’s working). Unfortunately we’ve not made it to the outdoor pool yet which is bliss
It is far too hot….I was glad on Friday when it felt a bit cooler but it’s warmed back up again….Well done to N with his report & his swimming!
That is a fab photo! It looks so summery!
Thanks Kim. It’s one of my favourite photos I think
Gorgeous photo! and well done to N!
Very summery photo of golden barley fields! Big well done to N for conquering all the swimming challenges! I hate the heat, it makes me dizzy and incapacitated to do anything really. I just want to open the fridge and stand there. 🙂
I’m just the same. I go out to the shops, then sit in the house in the shade for most of the day!
This has turned out beautifully, it really speaks of a warm summers day. My head has had enough of this weather but my toes love being warm! #MySundayPhoto
I feel the same about the heat. It’s really not me, and it stops me going out and about as much.
What a wonderful golden field of corn. So well captured. Musty say, I’m loving the heat so I’m getting out as much as I can!
Everyone deals with the heat so differently. Thankfully N doesn’t mind it, he’s off out on the farm all day with his dad given the chance. Me, I stay in the cooler house as much as possible which is a tad boring. Just hate getting sweaty walking around
The waves of the field are almost surreal
Stunning photo, I agree it is VERY hot isn’t it – maybe just a touch cooler would be better – but then we really shouldn’t moan as it seems no matter what the weather somone is unhappy
Lol, that’s true. We’re never happy although the fields and garden could do with a touch of rain.
Hi Emma, well done to N! Confidence in the water is a good thing… I think you’ve been having our weather as we’ve been having some pretty terrible weather, although saying that a heat wave is predicted for next week, which I’d rather not have. Your photo looks like a lovely sea of barley, proper summery.
This heatwave’s been going on for so long, and due another week of hot weather, although there might be showers to break it up. We could certainly do with it. Hopefully doesn’t get too madly hot.
Well done to N for his swimming and his school report. The twins got theirs this week, Dinky’s was good but Minky’s reading between the lines says he is a holy terror who never sits down or shuts up or does a thing he is asked.
Love the look of your nice ripe field
Lol, that made me laugh with your paraphrasing. Oh dear. I did say to N, I’d love to read 2 of the boys in his class’ reports as they’ve always in trouble. I’d love to know how much they actually tell the truth what children can be like
Great photo. It actually looks so much like Darren’s photo this week!
Great to hear about N’s school report and his swimming. You must be very proud of him.
That must be annoying about the TV.
I’ve managed to get good enough signal to retune the tv, so I’m hoping that’s helped it.
Such a beautiful shot, the wheat actually looks quite fluid. Hope the weather keeps dry for your holiday x
Beautiful barley field, I want to romp around and have a nap in it. But it’s been way too hot here and I would sing, “Hallelujah” if it got down to 24 ËšC too. We’ve been dealing with heat indexes in the 90s, topping out at 37 ËšC today, blech. I don’t even want to swim in an outdoor pool.
Congrats on the 50 meters, I see so many kids in the apt pool that can’t swim a length or even at all, so scary.
Phew, I certainly couldn’t cope with that heat..
It’s surprised me how many adults I know who are now learning to swim as adults (to help encourage their children). To me, swimming lessons was non-negotiable. He has to learn. Once he’s got to strong level 5, he can give up lessons. Thankfully in the UK, it’s expected that all children leave primary school able to swim 25 metres. N will swim in school from year 2 to year 4, so he’s a couple of years left as things are currently.
Congrats on N’s swimming achievements! I know we shouldn’t complain about good weather but I have to admit I’ve spent much of this week wishing it was just a couple of degrees cooler.