Trendy Thursday: Stars and stripe jumper
As N’s not really grown much lately, we’ve not had many interesting new clothes to show off for Trendy Thursday. He has just about moved into age 3-4 trousers, as all his 2-3 ones were too tight round the tummy. It does mean he’s got huge turn ups again, but I suppose that adds to the cuteness and charm (not that he’s got much of that lately!)
I don’t usually shop in River Island, and wouldn’t have thought about it for children’s clothes, but spotted this great stars and stripe jumper in the window during the sale. They didn’t have it in store, so thought nothing of it.
Then last week, we were going past again and it was still there, so thought I’d ask, and then order it if it wasn’t available in store. The guy behind the counter was really helpful, looked up the jumper on the system, saw they had some out the back, and wandered off to get a couple of sizes for me to check.
The size 4 was quite oversized, so I decided on that one so N could have it for a good period of time (I’m sure the slouchy look has to be in!).

We teamed it with some rather bright blue chino trousers. They were a bit of a contrast, but nice to get some bright colours in. Shame that the blue was a bit too much with his coat!

Still, it’s great to see some slightly different jumpers other than the usual stripes we have.
Jumper – River Island
Trousers – Tu at Sainsbury’s (I think)
Coat – Next
Shoes – Startrite
Cool outfit! I never knew River Island did children’s clothes! Isn’t it funny how all these brands have branched out into children’s clothes these days. Mind you, all the kids clothing brands are so cool, it’s about time they started offering adult clothing!!
I know. It’s like Monsoon – they have limited, but really nice smart boys trousers that aren’t over smart and still ok for day to day, and I’m sure I saw something about New Look as well. Might be mistaken there. It’s good with River Island though, as it’s quite a small range, and I doubt it’s a shop that many of my friends would go into, so hopefully there won’t be too many duplicate toddlers around wearing the same thing.
That jumpers lovely & I didn’t even realise river island did children’s clothes! Love the bright blue trousers, nice and bright to cheer up rainy days 🙂
They seem to have kept it really quiet – although I guess once you tend to hit a certain age/have kids, it’s unlikely to be a shop you go in unless you’re a really trendy sort. I’ve never bought anything in there apart from a bag since I was about 14!
I love the Jumper. Looks really trendy but not over the top!!
That’s what I thought too. And it’s really chunky but quite a loose knit so not too hot either.
What a brilliant jumper! I only looked in River Island at the kids’ clothes once and I wasn’t keen at that time, so I never looked again. Maybe I should check them out again.
Some of the basic tees looked ok, but yes, can be a bit ‘trendy’ for such young children. Jumpers were quite nice though, and couple of nice shirts (although we don’t tend to go for shirts for day to day wear).