300 Picture Book Challenge – week 1
So this is the first week of the 300 picture book challenge, and although I’m already back at work, it’s going pretty well.
We tend to read in the morning after the OH’s gone out to work, and when N comes into bed with me, or in the evening after nursery. We’ve not had bedtime stories for a while, but given he’s quite happy to pick up a book at any time, it’s not been a struggle so far.
N has got a lot of books. So far this year, we’ve bought 3 books with a gift token he was given for Christmas, bought another 3 (2 were on a buy 1 get 1 half price) as I had a £5 off £15 spend on books), and then had a trip to the library to choose some books.
I was astonished as I said to N choose some books, and he just grabbed 9 out straight away. No fussing, just grab books and count them out, and he was ready to go. I did put a couple back and get him to choose a couple more as they looked a tad boring or too advanced/basic, but otherwise it looks like his random selection is going to work quite well. The plan is to try and get into town every couple of Saturdays to choose some more books, although as I don’t work far from the library, if we’re running short of books I can just pop in whenever required.
Only 5 days in and we’re on 16 picture books.

Tally: 5/365 = 1.1%, 16/300 = 5%
Thank-you for linking up and yay for the library trip. We still haven’t made one this year oops!
We’re trying to go every week, although it does mean visits to town which we wouldn’t usually do. I can always go in my work lunchtimes as only round the corner, but defeats the object of getting N interested in picking his own books.
love this idea, may have to join in and backdate (will also help me clear out at the end of the year as I’ll be able to see which they don’t like!)
Using it as a clear out tool’s a good idea. Mind you, 300 books is a hell of a lot of children’s books to have around the place! I’m hoping to use the library more, although getting there on a Sat morning with N is highly unlikely each week so I’ll have to go in my work lunchtimes and pick books for him. Definitely join in – I love seeing what other people are choosing.
Looks like you are off to a great start. We have some of those in our collection too.
It started well. Because I’m at work during the day, I’m frantically trying to get them in while I was off. It does mean in the 10 minutes before we leave for nursery that’s spare, I try and get him to look at books instead of having tv on. If we can do 2 or 3 a day we should be well away to reaching the target.
I’m really enjoying seeing what everybody is reading for the 300 picture book challenge. Stick Man is a favourite of ours and my daughter loved Dig, Dig, Digging when she was younger.
Dig Dig Digging’s fallen by the wayside a bit now, but we love Julia Donaldson books. The rhyming just works so well. Stickman was a new one, but I want to take N to our nearby woods where they’re doing find the stickman events.